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  L# Bye-bye to my babies
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SubscribeBye-bye to my babies
Fish Addict
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female usa
I knew it was coming. I know it is for the better. I purchased six very small BNs right after Christmas. They have all grown nicely, and I had promised Heidi some, but it seems like something is missing since Heidi took two of them last night to add to her 125g tank. :#(

Do you get less attached if you have a whole lot of fry to find homes for? Maybe it is because they are my first. Sure feels like I have sold them down the river to the cane fields.

Of course, in return Heidi has promised me dainty cories if any of hers have fry.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
I can definitely see where you're coming from. I've never raised young fish to be sold, but that time will soon come. I can certainly imagine how hard it would be to give away prized fish. Just reassure yourself, at least they are not going to a cruel owner or a faceless chain pet store. You did a good job raising and loving them, now someone else gets to enjoy them. You can take pride in these BNs whenever you see Heidi's tank, and know that you helped them to grow strong and healthy.

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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male usa
This will probably come across wrong, but I dont really feel the least attached to my fry. I've sold, by my best estimate, several thousand angels and a good number of ancistrus as well. I feel bad for the parents when I'm selling the fry, but I haven't really had enough time with the little guys to feel much of a loss. On the other hand, for fish like my clown panaqolus, my original breeding pair of angels, and my last two convicts, which I bred and raised to adulthood, parting was indeed sweet sorrow.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
You want what when?
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female usa
Now Leslie, you knew the day was coming, and you know they will get the best care I can possibly give them...and fishnapping isn't a crime is it

What Leslie isn't saying is that I attacked 2 of her tanks last nightor maybe she hasn't noticed yetyeh, right catching the two bn's were the easiest things I've ever caught...I simply picked up the ceramic clay pot that 2 were in and dumped them into the about nice What I stole from the other tank was her 3 albino corries...Again she had told me to take them and knew they would be leaving soon, mainly because she was having trouble getting more albinos, and found that they had grown too large for her tank...So yes if fishnapping is a crime I have performed this act...but, let me tell you what is now happening in the 125 gallon with it's newest 5 occupants

My metaes have been in hiding since I placed them in the 125 with plants, and I very seldome see them unless I am perposely looking for them. This morning well afternoon as it was; I sat and was enjoying the tank, then suddenly I noticed this shape literally flying across the tank followed by another...Well, apparently the albinos feel totally at home and have started chasing the metaes, and a game of chase or tag, or something has erupted in the tank, and bang I can now see my metaes out and about acting like corries are supposed to The bristlenoses that I stoleare also enjoying themselves, and enjoying being able to move about the tank and have been chasing the clown loaches a bit:%)so my tank is more than active at this point...I have also found the albino corries playing in the air stones with everyone I guess what I should be saying is this...

Leslie don't worry you haven't sold your babies down have my permission to break into the house at any time and sit and laugh at the babies acting like fools. And if I walk in and find you uncoscious on the floor I'll know instantly that you fell from the chair laughing and hit your head...and folks if for some reason I don't show up for sometime, have leslie come check on meI'd hate to be found dead by the landlady after the cat eats my face off heidi

EDIT: and leslie, at least you know where your babies are, this is exactly how I feel each time I sell back babies to the lfs...hml

Last edited by heidi at 06-Apr-2005 20:44

"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female australia
I feel bad nearly everytime I sell our fry
So now I try not to get attached to begin with which makes it much easier
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile ICQ Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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