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SubscribeCatfish Fun & Frolics ...
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk

I have another little survivor to report!

The baby Panda catfish I reported being present in my main community aquarium some weeks back has now appeared again. And he's grown quite a bit too!

So now, I have nine Pandas in the main aquarium, and they are still frolicking like mad alongside the Otocinclus and the assorted Characins. In fact, Houdini Junior as I'm taking to calling him, has discovered that he can:

[1] Surf the powerhead bubbles (and a lot of fun it seems to be for him too!);

[2] Bury himself in Java Moss thickets, apparently again for the fun of it, and suddenly pop out apparently from nowhere when I put food in the aquarium;

[3] Play tag with the Lemon Tetras (who seem more than a little puzzled about this);

[4] Stick his snout and barbels into all manner of nooks and crannies to hunt for tasty titbits.

I keep referring to this one as 'he', until maturity arrives and I see this little fellow in a 'T' position, I can't be sure, but he's got the sort of perkiness of disposition you'd expect from a three-year-old boy. So until I see him with a set of pursed pelvic fins some time in the future, Houdini Junior it is. Plus, he has the most intensely black dorsal fin I've ever seen on a Panda. Proper little flag of a dorsal fin it is, and really solid with colour.

Oh, and after a water change, gravel vac and new Otocinclus Pet Rock™, the Otocinclus are happy and full, having discovered the new algae covered rock about 45 seconds after I put it in. They took about 15 minutes to hoover it clean, but then, there were 7 of them all on the go at once

Furthermore, the Otocinclus have discovered that my floating Hornwort sprigs are good places to go algae foraging. Consequently, I now have surface dwelling Otocinclus

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Queen of Zoom
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Registered: 04-Jan-2004
female usa us-maryland
Congrats on the latest survivor, very exciting

I'm quite fond of bottom feeders, they have such great, unique personalities. It's always interesting to see what new things they'll do or discover and I also enjoy reading posts like yours about their antics.



There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 24-Nov-2003
male uk
Cool!!! Hope he has a long and pleasent life

How long for pictures? Well that is if you can get some first lol
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk
Only problem with pics Perky, is that if I break out the camera, I have to wait for the film to be developed. Old fashioned technology, don't you just love it?

However, if I have the opportunity to borrow a friend's digi cam, I'll give it a whirl and see if I can't photograph little Houdini Junior

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Bury himself in Java Moss thickets
I thought it rather odd when one of my albino corys would burry herself in a plastic plant, never heard of them doing this before but everyone assured me it was fine....I think mine just liked the gentle sway, just like a hammock ....and please borrow a cam !

H2g2 2005 Don't Leave Home Without it

Last edited by Babelfish at 09-Nov-2004 10:49

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
Posts: 5496
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk
Posted this in the wrong thread but a repeat will be welcome among the Panda fans I'm sure!

Houdini Junior has eaten his first live Bloodworm. It took him three minutes, but wow, you should have seen the gusto with which he attacked it ... that guy is going to go far!

* Proud parent fuzzy feelings ... *

Won't be long before he's in there, snout in trough, pushing Mata Hari and Shy Di out of the way when the live food rains down!

And if I get access to a digi cam, I *will* take pics. This guy is possibly THE handsomest little Panda I've ever seen, and he was born in my aquarium too ... * more warm fuzzy feelings ... *

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1064
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Registered: 24-Nov-2003
male uk
If you say is tru (which I believe is) then I really want pics, might wanna enter him into a fish contest or something
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
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