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SubscribeCory question
Big Fish
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I am planning to get a few corys, but I have never kept them before any advice?

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 19:58Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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depending on what kind they almost always need a school of 6 minimum. They love sinking foods such as shrimp pellets.
They will spend most of there time scavenging throught the substrate so you have to make sure that you do regular water changes, to avoid bacterial infections.

My personal favorite is the panda cory because of their playful personalities.

Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 20:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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My favorite are Pandas!!!

They seem to like bloodworms very much!!

Also be careful of small cracks and crevices in decor. When my panda herd was in a smaller tank I had a peice of decor and I had two get stuck in it. Curiosity killed the cat!

If you have pandas they really like large groups...I have a group of 11. Usually 6-9 or more is the best like Budzilla said. They are very playful and fun to watch.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 20:28Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Corydoras are quite beautiful & i really like to keep them alot. I suggest that you keep them in a school of at least of the same species. They are great bottom feeders & nearly always on the go, scavenging the substrate & zooming around.

Keep them with non aggressive fish & feed them sinking pellets & also frozen Bloodworms & Brine Shrimp.

Here is a link to some of my Corydoras:-
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 23:27Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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One other thing with cory's to remember is because they do feed from the bottom and dig around a bit it is best to have a substrate that is smooth and rounded. A sharp or rough substrate can cause them some damage.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 23:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Great little fish.
Schools of 5-6 or more of all one kind,
can be mixed in many appropriately sized schools
together, so like 5 of this 5 of that, all seem to
be quite personable with each other.
They range is size quite a bit, from the diminutive
pygmy cory at 1 inch to 1.25 inch, and hasbrosus at
1.5 inches, up to 3.5 inches for the Bronze, Albino, Pepper, and Bandit/metae corys.
All are peaceful scavengers, that need rounded substrate.
They eat pretty much everything.
Also, avoid use of aquarium salt, copper, dyes (like malachite green, gentian violet etc),
and similar medicines with them, they are very sensitive
to those.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 00:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Cool thanks for all the help, here is what I am planning tell me what you think.

Tank 10 gallon standard
a couple of airstones, and a sunken box filter (The old school plastic kind) I am considering a UGF but I have never used one before. so am not sure.
A few live plants, Java Fern mostly
One or two small pieces of drift wood
The Corys and 8 or so Zebra Danios

As for Gravel I hate the sharp kind so only use the rounded kind.

Thanks again.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 02:07Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male canada
I would not keep 8 ZD in a 10G tank. They are very active fish. The tank will be too busy. Also 8 ZD with a school of 6 corys, you may be pushing the 10G a bit too far. I'm not familiar with the "sunken box" filtration system - so don't know how effective they are.
Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 04:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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To assure that your corydoras maintain the long barbels nature ordained them to ave, I'd keep particulate matter too far beneath the gravel to a minimum, thus UGFs are out of the question, as, IMO, are box filters. A good HOB or powerhead-pre should be fine. Also, choose a smaller species for a ten gallon.
Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 21:37Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi there,
myself, I wouldnt put zebra danios in a 10g period.
These guys use every inch of space available in my 75g tank, and I always think they could use more.
Perhaps choosing a smaller, less active schooler would be better?
For example, in my 10g, its heavily planted,
and I have a group of 6 cory hasbrosus and
7 lambchop rasbora, and that looks great.
Id definitely suggest one of the smaller species of cory - such as pygmaeus, hasbrosus, hastatus, nanus, or panda.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 21:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
K thanks for your help everybody I really do appreciate it. The Danios are currently in my established tank with a CAE, 3 rainbows a betta and a dwarf frog, I want to get them moved out.

So with what you guys are saying, heres what I think I'm going to do,

The CAE and the Danios in one ten gallon, with an UGF, The Corys and the Rainbows in a second Ten, HOB filter, and the Betta and the Frog in thier own setup.

does this seem like a doable thing? OH BTW Anybody know a good place where I can get the Pandas and not break my wallet? I was looking around last night and the Prices I saw are around $10 US. Any help please.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 23:22Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
I got my pandas for two at my LFS ten dollars seems outrageous for pandas.
Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 23:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
A CAE in a 10 gallon will not work at all.
CAE grow to be 8 to 11 inches long.
Not only that, but they usually cease to eat algae
and instead turn their interests on other fish in the tank.
I would simply get rid of it.

Panda corys here are 8.99-14.99 canadian each,
Id be surprised to find them for less.
You may have better luck getting Hasbrosus for
cheaper - I paid on 3.99 each for them.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 23-Jan-2007 00:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Wow!! that is really expensive. Like I said my pandas here are only 2-3 dollars. I guess i would find something less expensive. I have owned bronze cories and pepper cories. I liked them although they do get slightly larger.
Post InfoPosted 23-Jan-2007 03:09Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
I have found some for 4 dollars at, have any of you ever dealt with them?

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Post InfoPosted 23-Jan-2007 04:18Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Yes read the second and third posts on this thread. Pandas are what we are referring to.
Post InfoPosted 23-Jan-2007 06:13Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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sorry I meant the company.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Jan-2007 04:24Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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that is a little expensive, mine wer $5-$6 a piece.

Post InfoPosted 24-Jan-2007 04:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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I don't mean to change the subject here.......... but I am so happy with my bronze cories, that I have to give a testimony about them as to their hardiness. I'm not saying this to recommend them for a smaller tank. It's just that I saw this thread & decided it was a good opportunity to brag about bronze cories.

I had 5 bronze & 4 Emerald cories in a 55 gal. tank. We were hit with an ice storm & lost all electric. for about a week. Then for days later we had elec. for about half the time. It would come on & off for about a half a day at a time, raising the temp. in the tank, & then loosing it all later. The temp. stayed below freezing outside.

Anyway, I expected to come home to all dead fish, as I know they are sensitive to water temp. changes, especially cold. I was shocked to see live fish! 4 of my 5 bronze cories survived, when all the 4 Emeralds did not. I personally will stick to bronze cories from now on as I live in freezing weather sometimes & am e to power outages, with no backup system.

I should also brag on the other fish that survived as a testimony to their hardiness. A common pleco survived, as well as all 7 zebra danios & my 3 red eyed tetras. I just thought somebody might find that interesting. I sure do!
Post InfoPosted 24-Jan-2007 16:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Pandas will survive cold as well Fish Patty. It's heatwaves that hit them hard, especially juveniles.

I've had Pandas live for extended periods at temperatures as low as 16°C. For short periods juveniles will survive 12°C. They become a problem if you're hit by a heatwave and your tank temp climbs much above 28°C for any length of time - and over 32°C you're looking at horrendous attrition unless you can fit some kind of emergency chiller.

Remember that Pandas in the wild come from rivers and streams that are fed pretty directly by Andean meltwaters, and so are naturally adapted to live at the cooler end of the tropical temperature range. They'll spawn at 21°C for crying out loud!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 24-Jan-2007 19:32Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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