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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# Heater Boy
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SubscribeHeater Boy
Small Fry
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Registered: 25-Nov-2004
female usa
Our new algae eater won't get away from the heater! The temp is 76-78. Is it too cold for him?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 1600
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Registered: 03-Apr-2003
male usa
What kind of algae eater?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 27-Apr-2004
male usa
i recently added two leporinus to my 55usg and they did the same thing. once i added some new caves they went into them after getting acclimated for a week. now they are out all the time.

i live in the stl too!

Last edited by BeastKeeper at 28-Nov-2004 22:49
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 09-Sep-2004
male usa
I doubt it has anything to do with temperature. "Algae eaters" as you put it, usually like some sort of crevice to wedge themselves into. I have noticed this heater fetish with my BNs especially, even in a heavily aquascaped 20 gallon, so it could just be the fish assessing his surroundings/curiousity.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 25-Nov-2004
female usa
Yeah, some one else in St. Louis!
I don't know what kind of bottom dweller we have. I was not with my Hubby when he got him/her and I can't seem to find that type on the web. I can tell you that he/she will not get bigger then 5" or so and he/she is a dark grey color with darker colored spots. Anybody have a clue. It does not look like a catfish.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Report 
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