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  L# Just call me the official lonely cory rescuer...
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SubscribeJust call me the official lonely cory rescuer...
Fish Guru
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female usa
Well, I was all excited to go to my LFS's midnight madness sale yesterday ([announcer voice]9-midnight, lowest prices of the year![/announder voice]), but wasn't really intending on buying anything. Yay for being broke.

However, as usual when looking through the tanks, I was looking for any lonely cories that might need a home. I figure the lonely cories I find (especially the ones that are rarer to see in my LFS and I know won't be easy to find more of) would be happier with my motley gang of cories rather than alone in the LFS or with someone who doesn't appreciate their schooling nature.

My tank is a mishmash of four trilines, one agassizii (another rescue), and two pandas. Now add what just MIGHT be a San Juan cory... though it was marked as pygmy, which it is SO not. I'm not arguing with the pygmy cory price, though... a mere $2.39 which is the least I've EVER paid for a cory. Not that I paid ... my friend bought him for me.

Anyway, here's a few pics, thought I'd share and ask opinions as to what I have, exactly. The LFS guy looked at him and said, "oh, looks like a San Juan" then looked at the tag... "but I guess we're going to call him a pygmy." Any expert opinions on what I have?

In the bag:


Oh, hello there!

For whatever reason, my friend (not a fish person) thought I got a panda cory. I think he was confused because my sister mentioned my existing pandas. In any case, he insisted on naming the cory Ling Ling... I pointed out that he was likely a San Juan cory, shouldn't he have a hispanic name? ...I should never give Andrew ideas... the lil cory is now el Ling Ling. Here's el Ling Ling with one of my pandas, Eeyore. As you can (maybe) tell, they're about the same size. As soon as el Ling Ling was in the tank, he started hanging out with Pooh Bear, the other panda... was SO cute!

Last edited by Kitten at 24-Apr-2005 10:05[/font][/font][/font][/font]

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
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Cool I like san juan corys they're very cool, good job rescuing him !
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Not an expert but looks like a san juan to me. I also have a motley cory bunch.

2 albinos
2 bronze
and I think 2 pepper corys. There all pretty happy.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I don't buy lone cories. I just point them out to Heidi, then she rescues them and puts them in her 125g. Cory's happy, Heidi's happy, and I didn't have to spend any money. ]
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
You want what when?
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and not spending the money makes leslie happy

I too have discovered a love for the lone corry. Though if I remember correctly I want 2-3 schools of corries, with 6-10 corries in each schoolwell I seem to have one HERD of corries that don't know they shouldn't be playing all togetherand leslie is as bad about spending my money on the lone corry as I am, though she wouldn't let me get onehe was not only a lone corry, but a corry with a bo-bo, who was in with some other rough and tumble foolsbut kitten I can sympathesize, there is something about the lone corry that just tugs at your heart, and screams, "PLEASE BUY ME!!!" For now my metaes are still be harassed by my fishnapped Adult Albinos, my "arched, we think" is hanging out with the metaes, and the Agazzis, the Hasbrosus have abandoned the Harlequin Rasboras (for the most part) and pretend to be baby Agazzis, the juvenile albinos think they are Hasbrosus, and the Agazzis are everywhere in the really is a bit wild and crazy, but hey that describes me best... congratulations...heidi

"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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female usa
he was not only a lone corry, but a corry with a bo-bo, who was in with some other rough and tumble fools

Awww... poor thing. Why weren't you allowed to bring him home and apply Melafix? Assuming you had a QT tank for him.

I like the sounds of your "herd!" I always had plans for large schools of cories too, but, well, there's only so much one can do! I intended to go with trilines, but wouldn't you know? My LFS rarely carries them anymore! Took me months to get the second pair!

I almost wound up with a palateus a while back, but I left him and came back a few days later and he was gone. Must be another sucker for lonely cories out there.

I actually really like having the various cories... they're so much fun! The pandas follow the Agassazii around so much that he's now been dubbed "Daddy." I'd love to get a big tank with a bunch of different cories... I could like, dub them my motley crew or something.

Last edited by Kitten at 24-Apr-2005 15:43

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male uk
San Juan Cory? Got a scientific name for this fellow?

Only from the pics, he looks a little as if he might be a Corydoras elegans. Mind you, this is a variable species, and one that can be confused with several others, including most notably Corydoras nanus, Corydoras napoensis and some specimens of Corydoras undulatus.

Sorting out the ID from those can be a bit of a challenge, to put it mildly

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
You want what when?
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Leslie wouldn't let me bring him home afraid he would break my heart immediately by dying:#(...

Cali, you can borrow the Corydoras Aqualog to figure out which one he is...I love the book, great pictures, but really wish the beginning had something that would say:

[professional voice]Figure out what cory you have, just follow these easy instructions. For Short nose Corries go to #2. For Long nose Corries go to #3. For spotted corries go to #x, for striped go to #y. For combination go to #x[/professional voice]

and so on and so would make things easy...hmmmm, wonder if I could make money by creating something like thatit wouldn't be terribly hard if you havea list of corries and how each differs, *goes to play in "The Land of Make Believe"

"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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female usa
Trying to figure that out, Cali... one suggestion given was Corydoras napoensis.

That site says there's three cories known as San Juan. FP denotes bilineatus as San Juan. Another site refers San Juan cory to Corydoras latus and then to Corydoras bolivianus. Still other sites just refer to a Corydoras san juan. I'm so confused!

Last edited by Kitten at 24-Apr-2005 23:13

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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