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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# My BNs spawned!
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SubscribeMy BNs spawned!
Posts: 182
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Registered: 26-Sep-2006
male australia
i looked under a big rock in my 55g mbuna tank, which i noticed my male BN has been hanging around lately. I turned over the rock and found eggs! at least 15 orange eggs in a little mass:
Will these survive to adulthood or will the mbuna chow down first chance they get?
Would it be better to remove the eggs to my 16g planted with neons and a Dwarf Gourami?
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2007 13:51Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 25-Jan-2003
female usa
First of all, Grats!!! I couldn't open the picture though, as it said it is a private album. I'm not 100% on this, but I believe any fry are in danger of other fish. Do you have another tank without other fish that you could try to raise them in?

The pottery that growls!
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2007 22:21Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 182
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Registered: 26-Sep-2006
male australia
I do have an empty 2.5g which i will get a heater for, would this be OK?
Post InfoPosted 05-Aug-2007 02:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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