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L# Freshwater Species
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SubscribeMy Baby
Fish Guru
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Just thought I would share some pictures of one of my favorites he is still quite small, me, he will be a giant!

He is all black, except for his bottom whiskers and his tummy, which are white..

Finally holding still

Crummy belly shot, but hes soo quick lol

On the move again lol

oh, and this cute little guy doesnt live on the bottom, and eats from the surface at feeding time! he is NEVER boring!

oh, and did I mention he has blue eyes
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 06:02Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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male usa
What kind of cat fish is this? I have one that came in with our feeder shrimp last winter. Never got a good ID on it. Looks much like yours.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 14:10Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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He is a yellow bullhead, they grow to 6.5-9 inches, are scaleless and when older will prefer eating meat, in the form of feeders, slabs, crawfish, small amphibians, worms, insects, and pretty much anything it can get its mouth on..

They like vedgetation, and space, my little guy is always all over the place, and if I do decide to keep him, he will get a 75 gallon I hope but I would think a 55 would be alright..The chin barbels can be cream or white..i presonaly think the wite is soo much better though

If you can get a pic of yours, i would be happy to help identify it, the different bullhead species do tend to look rather different
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 17:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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My baby cat

Sorry not the greatest picture but it is all I have. It is starting to look a bit different now days though. Much bigger gut and more of a grayish color.

I was kind of guessing that it was a bullhead of some sort but wan't 100% sure.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 15:29Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
My ex-boyfriend caught a catfish that looks very much like those two in his creek. Crazy idiot kept it in a 10g tank for about a year. I think it was some kind of looked exactly like the ones you two have. He was really dark in color and was about 8 inches long when he released him into his lake. He said he still sees him in the lake because he feeds the catfish every once in awhile. The poor thing was probably stunted because he was kept in the 10g. He was really shy and hid all the time.

I'm glad you are going to put him in a big tank Fishyhelper!

Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 16:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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hmm, it actually looks like a flat head..It too me a few hours to get my newest pics of him lol I just have to put them on the you think you could try and maybe net him and hold it against the glass, so you can get a beter pic?
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 17:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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Next time I get my hands on a digital cammera I will try it. This picture is from this past winter.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 20:27Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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i caught a bullhead or something catfish in my upstate ponds, and it kinda looked like that, but this catfish was about 15 inches.

it is very possible that it was a different type of catfish, but like u know, it will probably grow massive.
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 20:32Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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you probly caught a brown or black, or even a baby catfish itself I have caught catfish that were some 30ish inches long...
Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 01:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Honestly, I don't see how you're able to distinguish Wing's fish just by that blurry picture. What you want a shot of is the soft dorsal fin. That is the most accurate manner in which one can determine the species of catfish he or she holds, at least in regards to NAs. Also, I've personally seen yellow bullheads almost twice the quoted size, just for the record. Any NA that is over 15" is, chances are, a bully. Otherwise, depending on where you live, you could be looking at a channel cat or a blue or something similar--take a look at the auxillary barbels.
Post InfoPosted 12-Aug-2006 21:19Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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I decided to look up the Channel Catfish - Ictalurus punctatus.

That is a BEAST.

Apparently the record angling catch for one is fifty-eight pounds in weight ...

A 58 lb catfish is going to be a poop machine on the scale of a multinational corporation ... not to mention the feeding bills for that beast ...

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 13-Aug-2006 00:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, at least we here in the states can swim rest assured there's not a 13 foot wels possibly lurking somewhere beneath .
Post InfoPosted 13-Aug-2006 09:36Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Barring anyone letting one go in Florida of course ...

Mind you, you have to go to large rivers such as the Danube to find those. They're mostly a central and southern European fish, with the exception of a population from the River Dneipr in Russia. Which, incidentally, is where a specimen was landed that was purported to be 15 feet long ...

You know you have hooked a BIG fish when one of these takes your bait - big adults can tip the scales at - wait for it - a whopping 1,200 pounds. That's over half a ton.

You'd better hope no-one introduces one of those babies to an American watercouse, because big ones can eat swans.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 13-Aug-2006 15:13Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Can eat swans, but rarely do. Generally when swans are reported of having being eaten by wells it is the baby swans that are taken.

Wells generally prefer to dine on fish and large worms etc, would love to go fishing for some of those beasts but even the "small" ones that we get over here would require some serious tackle.
Post InfoPosted 14-Aug-2006 13:24Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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well, very nice little cat you got there. I'd be he'd love to be in a 55 or 75 gallon tank.....i hope to get some sort of catfish that would grow to a good size in my future corner aquarium.

also, for catfish, right in the canal within a mile of my house, some guy caught a 40 some pound channel cat, now that was a monster to see in person. you should see some of the blue cats people catch in the mississippi or misouri rivers. record is around 120lbs i think.

also, there are some moster "giant" cats that can reach 500lbs, lets see if i can find a picture....nope i can't
Post InfoPosted 14-Aug-2006 17:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
would love to go fishing for some of those beasts but even the "small" ones that we get over here would require some serious tackle.

Like half a pig on an anchor chain and a jib crane to haul it ashore!

I saw an angling site devoted to this fish. Some of the specimens landed on that site were monsters. go take a look here and see some of the beasties that anglers have wrestled with ... you know you've landed a big fish when it takes four people to hold it up for the camera!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 14-Aug-2006 19:36Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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"Barring anyone letting one go in Florida of course ... "

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.
Post InfoPosted 14-Aug-2006 20:52Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by sirbooks
you'd be suprised what they catch some giant fish with. most of it isn't huge 500lb test line or something of the type you think.

check out this sturgeon -

EDIT: Fixed link for ya.
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 02:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
I live in Florida. We do have some HUGE catfish here, especially in my area. (North Central, lots of rivers, streams, lakes and springs.) Actually there is a sport that they call "noodling" which involves making a fist, sticking your arm down into the water and moving it around to encourage a catfish to take it as bait. When it grabs hold, you are supposed to yank it up on shore.

I have never attempted this...but I have seen some home video and some of the catfish people catch this way are freaking massive! 3-5 feet easy It can take quite a few people to get these fish out of the water!

An insane sport at any rate.

I like your catfish. I have always really loved catfish. They have very interesting personalities.

- Meow -
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 04:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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ya i've seen that done before. i actually know people that do that too. they don't always get a cat though, and sometimes they get a snapping turtle
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 04:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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