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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# My Baby
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SubscribeMy Baby
Posts: 80
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Registered: 24-Feb-2006
female usa

Honestly, having lived here for a while, I would not second guess the native wildlife. We have some doozies.

I've heard of the noodling thing in more states than just Florida. I think that it has a few different names.

- Meow -
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 05:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 29-Feb-2004
Well, hes growing pretty fast already, and the 55 gallon set up..well, theres water in it lol, I am going down to a local brook to get the gravel, its multicolored, and is perfect for the tank..I already have some plants for the tank, but i'm going to need more, oh well I catch my plants on rod and reel lol *the lake has parts that are very dencely planted, and its very easy to pull in loads of plants* I have 3 species i want, but have only caught good ammounts of 2 of them, one of them is a VERY tall grass like plant, its gets a few feet tall, the talest I have seen is 4 ft, but I'm sure there is some that is taller, anothr is hard to explain, so i will get pictures of it later, but it can get VERY long, I have pulled some out over 5ft long, but it obviously broke..and the other kind of reminds me of kelp...

But so far the 55 gallon has 2 log perch, *there were 6, but 2 died before I could get them home, one died a few days later, and another died yesterday, I stressed it out too much..* and it has another fish, but so far this native tank is working out perfect, with native substrait, fish, plants..and a large drift wood stump with roots...that i fear will be EXTREMELY hard to sink..darn..

But the cat cant go into the 55 untill its a little bigger..

and I have pics of some of the small cats we have brought in..

One if the first cats of the year tied up

Same cat with a lampray wound

my friend and my dad holding up her first fish! *sad i know*

Keep in mind these are small 15-20 pounders.

I dont have any pics of adult versions of mine, but i'm sure I can get some next weekend
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 19:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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