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  L# My first Corydoras!!!!! Names needed!
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SubscribeMy first Corydoras!!!!! Names needed!
Fish Addict
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Registered: 08-Feb-2005
female canada
Well today I went to my Wal-Mart and seen CORYS!!!!
As far as I seen this morning there were only Albinos, but when I went back they had Peppered and High fin corydoras.

So I caved in!!!

I have been wanting these fish for years!!! Money, time, and space was keeping me from this until TODAY!!

I got 3 Albino Corydoras
3 Peppered Corydoras

They are the sweetest things!!!
They are one inch long right now, and so cute.

I will keep updates on my new found sweeties.

I also need names for my new friends as they sit in there hospital tank, so if you have any that I could use that would be great.

Had to share,
Angel EEl

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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female australia
Names, names, names...barbles, pepper, pinky, jackaline, jacinta,
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Hoa dude_dude
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Last edited by dude_dude at 08-Apr-2005 03:34
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-virginia
I'm not a good name person, but I can provide you with scientific names for your cories in case you need them for research or identification later. The albino cories are albino Corydoras aeneus, and the peppered cories are C. paleatus. These are the two largest and probably the two hardiest (having been bred in captivity for quite a long time) cories, and will eventually reach three inches or so in length. Just remember that.

The quarantine tank is a good idea, fish from Wal-Mart are probably teeming with diseases. I've never seen a Wal-Mart that I'd be willing to buy fish from. They don't even have a substrate in those tanks, which makes everything even more unappealing.

Good luck with the cories!

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Since Sirbooks has covered the scientific names before I got here, next question is, do you want pet names for your Corys?

Only mine tend to be 'themed'.

The female Pandas tend to be named (with one exception) after famous courtesans and what might be termed 'loose women' because of the frenetic rate at which they're willing to spawn. The males tend to be named after assorted famous male groupings from diverse parts of the spectrum that seem to reflect the personalities of the fishes in question.

So, in the Panda Fun Palace™, I have as my females: Mata Hari and Shy Di. Males are Scooter, Rudolf Valentino, and the Marx Brothers (Groucho, Chico, Harpo and Zeppo). In the other aquarium, the female is Lady Emma Hamilton, while the males are the Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan, Porthos and Athos.

Mata Hari has taken part in 76 spawnings to date. And does so acrobatically. Hence the choice of name

Last edited by Calilasseia at 08-Apr-2005 11:47

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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female canada
Hello and thanks for the extra little info. I know these are one of the larger corys, I dont mind I have the space.

Our Wal-Mart is quite nice in the fish area, the have planted tanks, with gravel.

The only fish that ever looks bad is the goldfish. They do hospital tank them to when they first get there.

The water is always clean, and sometimes they are cleaner then our Petland.

Not our new petsmart though they are spotless!!!!!

Thanks for the names, keep going if youd like, I got a little time to tell witch are female and which are male first. =p

These things are sooo cute I spent 4 hours watching them last night.

Well thanks again,
Angel Eel

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia
All of my albino cories are named Zoidberg, like the doctor in Futurama
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I normally wait a bit to name my fish, and try to name them according to their personalities. Somehow, I've got half the "Little Rascals" clan in cichlids... how fitting. Other than that, colors tend to have a big role in how I name them... my albino is named "Milky" for instance. I find that if you wait long enough, the names will just come to you.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pst Cali!!!another addict in our grouphehehehe

As far as names go, I had to wait for the personalities to come out

"I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom." Thomas Carlyle
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
All of the fish that have names have theme names, usually.

My male bettas all have "american ideal" names (Life, Liberty, Justice, Pursuit (of happiness), Honor, Purity, Equity) besides Feather, who was named for markings on his dorsil fin. My female bettas all have the names of Greek goddesses (The nine Muses, Iris, Eos, Selene, Hylia, Hecate).

My panda cories were named after Winnie the Pooh characters, which began when I was left with one lone panda who got dubbed Eeyore. My other cories consist of trilines which are all dubbed Joe Cat (I originally had two, Joe Cat and Little Joe, but when I got the other two, I couldn't tell them all apart ). I have a rescued Agassizii dubbed Daddy, because the pandas are miniscule compared to him (he's the biggest cory I have) and they love to hang around with him. It's cute.

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 12-Nov-2004
female australia
My fish all have names:
Platypeckles (speckled platy)
Platy: Saphire (blueish platy)
Platy: Blackberry (mother was raspberry and sister was strawberry)
Sparkling gourami:glimmer
BN catfish: Hortensia and Whiskers
Lace gouramis: Priscella and Penelope
Pristella tetras: Marie, Pierre, Annabell and Isabell
Schwartzi corys: Winston, Barbles and Patch
Panda corys: Rosemary, Lavender, Blossom, Ivory and Ebony.
They all have perfect names to suite them!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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