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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# Ok, so I am getting the Sterbas!!!
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SubscribeOk, so I am getting the Sterbas!!!
Big Fish
Cory Fanatic
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Registered: 12-Nov-2006
male usa
Well I have had my eye on them for a long time and within the next week, I am ordering 6! I will probably order another 6 later on but they are so darn much. I just really want to expand my cory keeping beyond just the pandas ( I still love them!). I am sure my shoal of 11 pandas will like the new friends (just more guys to play with!). I am ordering them from a quality place where I have ordered plants and equptment and what not so I am not worried about not getting quality fish. Just thought I would share. Anyone else have them?
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2007 04:04Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Registered: 24-Feb-2003
male malta
I would like to, but they are quite expencive in Malta. They are in my plans, after i'll get some C.adolfoi & C.reticulatus. Maybe later on this year or next year.

Well, Good Luck with the C.sterbai & hope you'll post some pics.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2007 10:46Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-Jan-2006
male uk
I've got 7 of them are they really are lovely Cory's. I was lucky enough to get hold of 4 about a year ago when prices seemed reasonable (only a little more than your average cory price), I then added another 3 a couple of months ago when I came across some in a 'sale'.

They were having a bit of a hard time in my tank due to some aggressive Botia Sidthimunki, but now that I've relocated the Botia (except for the last 1 who I can't catch!!) and possibly due to the addition of the extra 3, they are becoming more gregarious and lively

They're a real pleasure and worth the money in my opinion. Enjoy them when you get them!
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2007 23:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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