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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# PIcked up some new bottom feeders
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SubscribePIcked up some new bottom feeders
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Registered: 18-Apr-2001
male usa us-indiana
EditedEdited by Jason_R_S
went to a couple of fish meetings this past weekend and picked up 2 new plecs and some cool new catfish.

one of the new plecs was a ~3-3.5" L142 big white spot pleco. this guy has only been in the tank a day so isn't quite settled in. the color isn't as dark as the pics in the link. it does seem to be acting perfectly fine though.

the other plec I got was a smaller ~2" L259 Pseudancistrus sp.. this guy is gonna be really cool when he gets bigger with the red trim on the dorsal and caudal fins. I was actually a little worried about this guy at first but he seems do be doing fine now.

the catfish I got were all Synodontis. one of them was a decent sized ~3-3.5" Synodontis soloni][/link]. planetcatfish doesn't have much info on this species, but another site (not exactly one I'd trust so I won't mention the url ) compared it to the upside down cat Syno. nigrita. I guess time will tell if that's a fair comparison. I also got 6 smaller ~2" [link=Synodontis schoutedeni. these guys were probably what I was most excited about. I was supposed to have already had one from an online order I placed a couple years ago with, but I was sent a Syno. eupterus instead. Don't get me wrong I really like the eupterus, which is why I already had a couple of them. oh well, I got these little guys now and they're already eating like pigs after less than 24 hrs in the tank.

I know that several species of Synodontis have spawned in captivity, but does anyone know of such an instance with S. schoutedeni? planetcatfish said they've been spawned with hormone induction.

*all sizes listed are standard length
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 03:37Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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male newzealand
Yay for your new catfish , it's always good to see someone with catfish other than corys, which everyone here seems to have. I have an 3'' S.schoutedeni, he is really colourful and fearless of my huge featherfin lol, they are a great syno and I know you will like them and enjoy their antics. As for them breeding; I too have only heard of hormones being used.

Billy was a scientist, Billy is no more. For what he thought was H20, was H2SO4
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 12:00Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
Goodluck with your new fish.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 19:23Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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