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L# Freshwater Species
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  L# Paleatus,Albinos,and the Pandas of doom!!!
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SubscribePaleatus,Albinos,and the Pandas of doom!!!
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
How about a little word called-cories?

I now have 2 paleatus,2 albinos and 3 pandas in the 75 for now.The pandas[salt and pepper,not little Tag,who only has 1 eye. ]Everyone else is acting great tho.

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 07-Sep-2007 02:18Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Jan-2004
female usa
If you want a simple answer because there will be others who will love to give you long winded ones..... up your schools to AT LEAST 6 of each species. They all love company, so get as many as you can and they will all be happy.

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
~ Mae West
Post InfoPosted 07-Sep-2007 05:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
I am aware.They do school together.They will each have atleatst 6 of each,probaly more.

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 07-Sep-2007 13:24Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
Gradually get some more of the same species & also get some moss on driftwood for them. They just like searching for food in it.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 08-Sep-2007 21:18Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
In the case of your Pandas, I'd make it 8 minimum, and preferably 12. I have 14 of them in my aquarium, and life is a riot with their non stop comedy antics as a result!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 18-Sep-2007 22:26Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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