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  L# Panda breeding?
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SubscribePanda breeding?
Posts: 190
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Registered: 11-Nov-2004
female usa
Hey guys,
Weird things happened today, I was staring at my 20 gallon, and realized something strange. I added 8 pandas about a month ago, and one of them died. But today after doing some aquascaping i found 8 pandas, one of which appears to rather small. My question is how quickly the fry grow? I know there was only 8 wheni brought them home, unless there was one really tiny one....I dont think a month is long enough for one of the fry to grow that much, but ??? Any ideas, suggestions, etc?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk
How big is the new one?

In about a month, Panda fry can grow to be up to 16 mm long.

Does the 'newcomer' have proper adult Panda colouration? Only juveniles have black 'pepper dots' over the body that disappear when adult. Thing is , if you've only had your Pandas a month, then a juvenile Panda appearing in the aquarium should not yet be showing full adult colours. These tend to appear after 10-12 weeks.

This link shows you what they look like when they're about 6-7 weeks old ...

They don't look like adult Pandas until 10-12 weeks. Oh, and if you scroll through the pics in my album, you can find the shots of the parents spawning, and more fry pics (but the other fry pics show the fry when they were about 4-5mm long, and nearly invisible against the gravel - you'll have to look HARD to see them!)

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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