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SubscribePandas Moving Home!
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk

Panda Breeding Aquarium - First Occupants!

Well, the tests all say that the water conditions are OK. My fishless cycling has completed in record time according to these tests: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, and thanks to the Hornwort, Nitrates are hovering steadily at a lowly 2 ppm. So, time to move the second generation Pandas from their somewhat cramped quarters to the new aquarium to complete the 'bedding in' process.

There's a lovely piece of bogwood in there for them to play with too. It's a bit on the big side, bigger than I would have normally put into an aquarium this size, but most of that bulk is made up of twisty gnarled bits. It looks like a piece of conceptual art sculpture that might be found in the Tate Gallery. And, it has lots of nooks and crannies for the fish to explore, plus plenty of places to drape Java Moss and Java Ferns about. And now that the furnishings are complete, that piece of bogwood really makes that aquarium look something special.

So, time to introduce the second generation Pandas to their new home.

* Pause in typing while I do this ... *

Back again.

Well, they're settling in beautifully. "Wow, we've got space ..."

They're beetling about all over the gravel, exploring their new home. It's such a joy to watch.

"Hey look at this big piece of bogwood with caves! And all these plants! And he's left some food on the bottom for us too!"

"Come over here and look at this other bit of bogwood ... I've never seen so much Java Moss before!"

"Hey, any of you noticed the undulating gravel? Play pens!"

"This big piece of bogwood is a great climbing frame ... and it's got little tunnels for us to dart through too ... wow, lavish or what?"

"Guess daddy came into some money then ... "

It is an absolute joy to watch them - they're nosing around, sometimes finding some interesting titbits to munch on, sometimes deciding to go off and play with the bogwood tunnels, they're scooting about all over the new aquarium, and I for one am very happy with the outcome so far. Fingers crossed, once the novelty of their new home has worn off, and they become accustomed to it, they'll start finding places to hang out, and who knows, they might even like it enough to begin engaging in some spawning activity. If I see them spawn in that aquarium, I'll know it's ready!

Let's face it, if Pandas spawn in an aquarium, that's a sure-fire seal of approval ...

Aw, it's so sweet to watch ... happy little Pandas exploring a new home ... brings a tear of joy to the eyes, it does ...

Right, they've now been in about 3 hours. And they're showing signs of getting frisky. They're doing the glass cleaning bit I've documented in the past as being a sign that Pandas are gearing up for the patter of tiny fins. And they're doing this at a rate of knots. Funnily enough, the Pandas in the main aquarium seem to be doing the same ... I wonder if atmospheric pressure changes act as a spawning stimulus? Only the Pandas in the main aquarium haven't had a water change yet, but they're behaving in the same manner. Which tells me that there must be some other form of stimulus at play here. Of course, being fed those algae wafers as treats might be affecting them too!

Let's see what some Tetra Pro does for these guys in their new home ... oh, look at that. Chow time. They've settled in all right- look at the way they're shovelling that into their little faces! Aw, a joy to watch. When you see Pandas doing the pig snout in the trough act like that, you know they're settling in. Won't be long before they're starting to explore nooks and crannies around the bogwood ... at the moment, they seem to be revelling in having space to stretch the fins, not to mention having lots of nice clean new water to play in. Right, chow time over, it's back to some serious swimming up and down the glass again.

Cory_Di and Cory_Addict would love to see this. If I win the Lottery, I'll set up a web cam so that they can watch my Pandas frolicking about ... on condition that they don't sue me if the resultant antics cause the pair of them to laugh so hard they rupture something

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
puddle cat
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Hi Calilasseia, I would love to see it as well. Congrats on getting the new tank set up for them. What size tank did you go with?

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
Any way you could post some pictures? I would love to see what you have done with the tank to make it such a good panda home.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk
Hopefully, if I can remember to put the film in the developers, Panda aquarium pics should follow.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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