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  L# Several questions about yoyo loaches
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SubscribeSeveral questions about yoyo loaches
Mega Fish
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Registered: 30-Sep-2002
female usa
I was considering putting three yoyo loaches in my 58G, which will hold 3 discus but currently only has a bunch of tetras in it. Due to the discus's preference for warmer waters, I plan to keep the temperature around 80-82 degrees fahrenheit. Will yoyo loaches be ok with these temperatures?

Also, this is a planted aquarium. Will they disturb the plants?

Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they show up a lot during the day?

Would owners of yoyos consider them active or a little more passive? Would the discus tolerate them?

Thanks everyone.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 29-Apr-2004
YoYo's are nocturnal, but can be trained to be dinural.

With only 3, they wolnt be as active, but, yes they are active, and they tend to play alot.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 08-May-2004
female usa
I have 3 yoyos so I know a temp of around 80 doesn't bother them. Mine don't disturb my plants, but they do dig around in the substrate a bit. They are fairly active, and will come out in the day once they get used to the new tank. I don't know much about discus, but yoyos are usually very peaceful- though mine have occasionally pushed my cories out of the way to get to an algae wafer.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1037
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Registered: 30-Sep-2002
female usa
Thanks very much for your answers, they were very helpful.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
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