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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L# Territorial Yo Yo Loach
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SubscribeTerritorial Yo Yo Loach
Big Fish
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Registered: 31-Dec-2005
male usa
EditedEdited by zachf92
About a month ago i saw a yo yo loach a my LFS, but there was only one. stupidly bought it not knowing how long it would take to find another one (altough they're regularly available at my LFS). So two days ago, i found another and so i bought, but its slightly larger than my original (by about 1/2 in). So far its been aggressive towards my original yo yo loach, although it doesnt go out of its way to attack it, only when it comes too close. Will the new loach's territorial behavior eventually settle out, or should i return him?

Thanks in advance
Post InfoPosted 08-Apr-2006 17:33Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
That's a tough there any chance you could add another 1 or 2, that might even things out a bit towards the new fish

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 13:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
The larger loach i got was the smallest one in the LFS, so if i got another i think it would only make matters worse.
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 03:54Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
I don't know if it's a matter of size but the number in the group. If this new loach just happens to be somewhat agressive, having a larger group would spread out the agression.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 05:09Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
Yoyos tend to do better in groups because they can be aggressive at times. Having about 4 of them should spread out the aggression enough. Try to get new ones that are as close to the size of the ones you have now.

Are they actually hurting each other? My yoyos chase each other all the time (I have 4). They chase each other from one end of my 55g to another.

Make sure they have a place to hide. I have a big piece of DW in my tank that is their "playground". They go under it, around it, and sit on it. Gives them something to do besides chase each other.

Try getting a couple more if you can find them. Make sure they are about the same size as the ones you have now. And give them some "toys" to play with.

What size is your tank by the way?

Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 16:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 31-Dec-2005
male usa
They have seemed to calm down a bit, so im guessing the territorial acts i saw were just mock fights to see which is the dominant loach, as my clown loaches do this all the time. Even so, i think ill get one more.

Here are the answers to your questions:

Are they actually hurting each other?

The larger loach didnt actually hurt the smaller one from what i saw, nor did he actively persue the smaller one. He only chased the loach away if it got too close.

What size is your tank by the way?

Its is a 35g with plenty of large rocks and crevices.

Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 18:13Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
Well I'm glad they aren't hurting each other. I had 3 originally and added one more to have an even number. The new one was about half the size of the original ones and they chased him for awhile. Wouldn't let him play with them...but now they are all buddies. It's probably a dominance you said.

35g is good. I was hoping it wasn't like a 20g or something where they wouldn't have room to play.. Yoyos need alot of space. Mine are really active.

Good luck with them!

Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 00:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-Jul-2004
male portugal
My yoyo uses to hang out with the tiger barbs so I think I have a very pacific one But I've heard about that agressive behavior, It happens wen the thank is two small.
I don't think I'll have problems, my other fishes are tiger barbs, gouramis they know how to defend thensemves ( I guess!)

I whould like to add 2 or 3 more yoyo's to my thank they are the very very nice
Post InfoPosted 17-Apr-2006 11:27Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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