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  L# The big hypancistrus zebra FAQ. HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT L-46? READ THIS.
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SubscribeThe big hypancistrus zebra FAQ. HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT L-46? READ THIS.
Fish Guru
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Registered: 09-Sep-2004
male usa
Though I cannot claim to be an expert on this fish (breed, damnit!), I have had my fair share of experience with this and other hypancistri, among other acistrinids. With new topics appearing almost daily regarding this subject, well, why not make a zebra pleco guide? Without further ado...

Hypancistrus zebra--few other fish has captivated aquarists around the world as much as these fish; and with good reason, as these fish are truly one of the most beautiful tropicals available. Even those not normally drawn to the unique build of members hailing from the loricariid family find these black and white markings striking. Described by icthyologists over two decades ago, the fish were oficially named in 1991 by the famed duo, Isbrucker & Nijssen. Appearing in substantial quantities in the trade only recently (to be noted as the last decade or so), they have, from day one, been labelled with a two digit price tag---a HIGH two digit price tag. Here are some specifics of the species:

Family: Loricariidae; sucker catfish

Genus: Hypancistrus; a collective group of ancistrinid loricariids noted for highly forked caudual fin, with odontodal growth limited to the operculous (pre and post) region. Distinguished from peckoltia sp. by heavily set primary caudual rays and little to no noticeable scuting.

Location: Rio Xingu, primarily in the mid-upper neck of the river, though populations are said to occur throughout.

They are generally solitary fish, though, at any given time, an indivdual is within swimming distance of conspecifics.

Setting up the aquarium
Tank size: One fish occupies roughly 5 gallons, and 3 gallons for each fish following the first:

1-3 indivduals: ten gallon
4-6 individuals: twenty gallon (long)
7-9 individuals: thirty gallon (long)

and so on...

Plants will not be eaten, and help stabilize tank conditions by removing unwanted nitrogenous wastes.

Rounded stones or sand is ideal for a substrate.

Cover, by artificial structures, driftwood, or rockwork is necessary.

The tank should be overfiltered by at least 20 gallons.

Airstone connected to an overated (also by at least 20 gallons) powerhead is recommended.

Water parameters
Temperature: 80-86 degrees F

Hardness: Non specific. A 50/50 RO solution is recommended in areas with hard water.

Nitrates should stay below 20 ppm. NO2/NH3 should be nonexistant.

A species tank is ideal; gender ratios do not aid much in this species.

Tankmates are not to be overly boisterous, and should not be agressive feeders, as zebras often have trouble finding food.

Other hypancistri make good tankmates as well. In fact, most xingu loricariids coexists fine with zebras. Baryancistri should be, however, avoided, as they are fairly territorial.

Zebras are not to be housed with fish capable of consuming them (frankly, this should go without saying, but I've seen interesting combinations of fish that don't work).

Tankmates growing over, say, 7" tend to incompatible with zebras.

Feed with meaty foods

A high quality pellet staple should make up the bulk of the diet.

Live/frozen foods are fine twice a week.

Avoid food with a high oil/fat content.

Vegetables may or may not be accepted. Fruit is also a nice dietary supplement.

Last edited by Cup_of_Lifenoodles at 26-Apr-2005 02:13
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
Posts: 2755
Kudos: 1957
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Registered: 09-Sep-2004
male usa
Not easy, as this is a small spined loricariid.

The first ray of the pectoral fin of a mature male will have more bristles than that of the mature female, however, the odontodal length test is highly inaccurate due to their small size.

From atop, males can be distinguished by protruding buldges on either side of the head, giving them a mushroom-esque appearence.

Again, gender ratios do not play a great role here. An ideal colony would consist of (no more and no less): two males and two females.

Current is necessary. Soft water is always a plus.

Wet/Dry Season cycle to stimulate spawning:

Step one: Power feeding. Referring to the heavy feeding of live and/or rich foods, this is akin to the period of intense gorging prior to the commencement of the spring rains in which both sexes feed heartily on protein abundant foods (aufwuchs and benthic arthropods). Meaty cuisine such as bloodworm, shrimp, and squid should be administered during this two week period. Allow water levels to drop.

Step two: Conditioning. To simulate the onset of these perennial storms, a large water change is called for. Depending on the hardness of the tap water in one’s area, between 50-75 percent of the tank volume is to be displaced (the harder the water, the large the water change) by reverse osmosis/rain water. Decrease the temperature about ten degrees over the course of three days, allowing the tank to idle here for approximately two more days. Finally, raise the water temperature 2 degrees per day for the next five days until

Step three: Power feeding revisited. Resume the power feeding regime, and keep a lookout for those eggs.

The Current Ban on the Exportation of L-46 and Related Species

"...Zebra is temporarily prohibited for trading, pending a study and evaluation. Brazilian ichthyologists are currently revising a new list of permitted species with IBAMA. The new list probably will include 600-700 freshwater fishes that can be exported. It is an impossible task to inspect fishes. "

The fish will NOT be going extinct due to the construction of the dam.

The fish ARE legal in Australia, although they are prohibited from being imported.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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