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L# Freshwater Species
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  L# Would ottos eat in a little cave?
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SubscribeWould ottos eat in a little cave?
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Aug-2003
female usa
I just bought 12 Ottos for my 125 gal. It's planted on one side (although not heavily yet because I'm just started with live plants) with 4 large driftwood pieces..and has large rock formations on the other side. Before I put the Ottos in, I had just started getting some traces of algae on the rock (after fertilizing). The rock in a glass trick sounds good. Will do that. I also bought some good frozen algae/mix for them..but I noticed my Pearlgouramies hog they do everything. Now they aren't aggressive feeders..the cories eat with them..but I'm doubting the ottos will just do to their size? I have a little rock cave that the Pearls can't fit in..thought about putting this algae frozen stuff in their..think the ottos would figure it out?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 320
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Registered: 25-Apr-2004
female usa
Have you ever noticed the Otos going into the cave? I know that with my Otos, the way I finally figured out a way to feed - and be assured that they would get their fair share was to feed other food to the community.... As I'd been observing my Otos, I noticed one of their favorite places to hang out was on top of one of my decorations.... So while the other fish are busy with their food, I place a couple of algae tablets on top of the Otos' favorite hang out.... Almost immediately, the Otos "flock over" ----- Now granted, once the other community residents can't find the food easily, they "notice" and proceed to eat some of the algae tablets - but by that time, my little Otos have nice round, full little bellys! Guess what I'm trying to say is, if your Otos are known to enter the cave - it might be worth a shot!

To thine own self be true...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:06Profile PM Edit Report 
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