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  L# Yo Yo Loaches and a Zebra Loach
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SubscribeYo Yo Loaches and a Zebra Loach
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Registered: 12-May-2004
I have had an uncontrollable snail problem for well over a year now. I don't like putting chemicals in my tanks so I have been keeping an eye out for yo yo loaches. They are not ound very often in my area. Of all places I found some at walmart. I asked for 3 of them and upon getting home I noticed I had 2 yo yos and a Golden Zebra Loach... I am curious if anyone thinks the zebra will socialize with the yo yos or if I am beter off trying to swap out for another yo yo.

so fa (couple hours) the zebra keeps to itself while the yo yos have been hanging out together.

Post InfoPosted 14-Nov-2006 06:38Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Well he would prefer company of his own kind but if you return him he's not gonna be in any better shape than he is now since they don't have other zebra loaches. He'll either go to live by himself, any loaches are better than no other loaches, or with more yoyos. You could try taking him to a different fish store that has zebras if you find one but otherwise the only thing I'd do is add another yoyo if you have space. Otherwise they are as happy as they are gonna get.
Post InfoPosted 14-Nov-2006 08:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female india
I would have to agree with Sham, on the one hand loaches prefer the company of the same kind of loaches, but in the absence of any companions, he will be happy schooling with the yoyos, though that will take some getting used to.

You can if you prefer, return him to the store to get another yoyo, but I doubt if he'd be happy alone over there.

Post InfoPosted 16-Nov-2006 08:15Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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