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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Bottom Feeder Frenzy
  L#  Striped Talking Catfish
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Subscribe Striped Talking Catfish
Fish Addict
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Registered: 01-Dec-2003
male australia
My LFS has a baby Striped Talking Catfish (Platydoras costatus) for sale and it looks very nice. Just wondering if they are ok with small fish and other catfish (ie, Bristlenose and plecos). I bit pricy ($95AUD) but very nice fish.

According to Planet-Catfish they only grow to 16cm and are ok with community fish. Here is a pic of what it looks like. The specimen for sale is about 6cm.

Mango [/font][/font]
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 01-Apr-2005
male uk
i have heard that the talking catfish may eat very small fish once it becomeslarge enough
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 01-Dec-2003
male australia
When small they look like red tail cats, I thought they grow huge, but after reading some wrong.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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