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  L# butterfly/hillstream loach question
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Subscribebutterfly/hillstream loach question
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Registered: 04-May-2003
male usa
hello all, I bought a butterfly loach for $5.00 U.S., and it's a really cool fish to have, it's eating the algae off the window, doesn't move much, but I've never had a fish like this before, it's about an two inches long and has all the black spots on it, looks like a cross between a Pleco and a Flounder lol. If you ever get the chance to grab one of these then do so, it's a nice addition to any tank. This ones in my 37 gal. Eclipse. tank Later!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
Apolay Wayyioy
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Registered: 01-Feb-2003
female usa us-california
Where's the question?

You should probably know that they aren't very good at tolerating temperatures above 75 degrees. They are not a good addition to tropical tanks and are best kept only in coolwater setups.

I'm not your neighbor, you Bakersfield trash.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 13-Aug-2004
male australia
Ya i saw them once last year at the LFS and thought they were really cool/different! i went back to buy them the next day and they were all gone havent seen any since!

havent found alot of info on them on the web but there some good stuff here

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
Yep, hillies are a neat little fish! I've lost 2 to high temps, and 1 to stress (switching tanks), tho. They're really cool, but they're really sensitive to everything

They aren't exactly a "community tank" fish. They live in mountain streams in the wild, so they like a LOT of current. If you really want to give him a good home, it'd be a good idea to get a chiller, and set up a river tank for 'im. I had 300GPH of filters and powerheads in my 10g river tank...that's over 3 times as much as you would usually have in a tank, and it still wasn't enough

If you want him to be happy and live for more than a few months, get a big river tank, and a good'll cost ya a LOT of money ($500ish I'm guessing), tho

Have fun
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 09-Sep-2004
male usa
"Yep, hillies are a neat little fish! I've lost 2 to high temps, and 1 to stress (switching tanks), tho. They're really cool, but they're really sensitive to everything "

Same here. I was treating for ich (from 78-83 degrees over three days)----by that afternoon he was already dead.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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