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  L# how to feed a pleco
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Subscribehow to feed a pleco
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Registered: 03-Mar-2004
male canada
I have a 90G Mbuna tank with a common pleco. he's about 12inches long, Since the're ABSOLUTLY no algae in my tank I bough my plec some algea disk. On the bag it says to feed him one pellet every day, and remove left overs.

Well there is never any left over, and let me tell you that one disk/day is a LOT of poo (ammonia went to the roof), so I installed as a precotion, a LOT of filters , he doesn't move all day, just stays there and eat. Even 1disk per 2 days seems to bee too much. Someone told me to put driftwood in the tank, and that should be enough, he should feed off that(algea off it).

So I gave him one huge stuck (8inches wide * 24inches long *4 high) and even after 2 weeks, he doesn't "suck" on it any more than anything else in the tank. (there is no algea on it at all.) Lights are on ~16 hours a day. it's a planted tank.

Right now I feed him one disk per week for the past 2 weeks, he seems WAY more active, but I'm afraid that I'm starving him. What do you guys recommend?

right now ammonia is at 0
nitrites 0
ph 7.7
temp 78F

fluval 404
3 x aquaclear 300
1 power head with sponge filter

Last edited by braytag at 05-Jan-2005 11:14

Last edited by braytag at 05-Jan-2005 11:15
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 29-Apr-2004
a pleco that is 12" long should be getting about 3 algae discs a day.

I feed mine 4 a day (he is 13" ) but im sure the clown loach grabs one before he can eat them all.


We had this pleco for 15 years, and I started "target" feeding it (acually giving it food for itself) about 2 months ago.

We never really tried to feed the pleco, he just ate leftovers.

Last edited by victimizati0n at 05-Jan-2005 14:58
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Blanch a cucumber or zuchini or some lettuce or get to the store and get some of the prepared Ocean Nutrition algae pads and tie any of this to a rock, and sink it. Take it out after 12 hours so as not to let it rot.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
Just feed him some Pellets before you switch off the tank lights. That way, he will eat the Pellets, without being bothered.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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