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Subscribemy clown loaches are breeding
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Registered: 26-Aug-2004
male usa
If you guys/gals remember it wasn't to long ago that all synodantous and most catfish as a rule could not be bred in captivity then someone ussally on acccident found the trigger so why is it so hard to belive that someone even if this is their first tank and or the first fish they ever kept may have somthing in, or did somthing that none of us have tried to their tank.
Everything on that we can't spawn clown loaches in captivity because of {blank} is still only theory. Until we do know how to on purpose will we know why no one has done it yet.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Gary Gary Gary..........unfortunately I DO happen to know some 21 year olds who have a vocabulary such as the one presented by our new poster. I am in the legal profession and you'd be amazed at what is out there! At first I was tempted to say "yeah, right" but I figured I'd just be nice and offer my two cents. After all, someone else may be reading this and really need to know the info about the clown loaches, right?! Have a nice night!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
Apolay Wayyioy
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besides, in the day of online messengers, evry1shortens words or sentences to make typing quicker.

I don't, and to be quite honest I actually look down upon people who type like they are just learning the English language (although I don't mind occasional, accidental errors or mistakes from people who really are just learning the English language).

The disregard that some people on this forum have for punctuation, grammar, and spelling not only makes their posts difficult to read, but it also makes the posters themselves look unintelligent.

It's really not that hard to find and press the "Shift" or "." keys, people...

I'm not your neighbor, you Bakersfield trash.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Mike R
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Somebody please lock this thing and let it begin it's march into oblivion.

Is the punctuaton okay, Mike

Edit- CoryAddict,
I was going to let your post go with the little jibe but I think you need to hear something.

I have an 11 year old stepson that has a horrible time with spelling, sentence structure and punctuation due to a learning disability. But, he could take apart a refrigerator, a microwave and a dishwasher and build a submarine.

So perhaps intelligence is less a function of the rules of grammar than you imagine.

He has also started writing a book. Can you imagine the courage and determination it takes to start a book when the written language is so difficult for him.

Last edited by Mike R at 06-Jan-2005 23:32
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
Apolay Wayyioy
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Registered: 01-Feb-2003
female usa us-california
"It's" should be "its" because it's possessive...

EDIT: I have ADD and dyslexia, and I have very few problems, mainly because I don't use it as an excuse and I keep trying. When I want to use a word I'm not quite sure how to spell, I simply open up MS Works and use the Spell Check. Very useful tool if you can spare a few seconds...

Last edited by cORY aDDICT at 06-Jan-2005 23:36

I'm not your neighbor, you Bakersfield trash.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
Mike R
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My bad, how stupid of me. "It" is a possesive oun and as such doesn't need an apostrophe.

I can't help but think it a pity that the study of grammar does not imbue the student with grace and tact.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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male usa us-indiana
This post is closed. It's obviously going no where fast.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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female canada
gary! i'm surprised that you would say such a thing. while there's no way to tell exactly how old clown loaches rule really is, why would you assume that he's not the age he claims? besides, in the day of online messengers, evry1shortens words or sentences to make typing quicker. either that or perhaps he's not a very good typer. also, perhaps he's just trying to get to the point - which would explain the short non-descriptive sentences. there are plenty of people on this forum who post questions or replies, from which i am shocked to find their true age after the fact. i thought everyone had discussed the importance of being polite to new posters.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
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To date, I've only heard of one report of clown loach spawning in the average home aquaria, which is the aforementioned article. I do have my doubts on whether or not the poster actually did have his loaches spawn, but it's not completely out of the question, and his remarks should not have been met with such harsh criticism.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Report 
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I almost didn't join here seeing what was in this thread, keep in mind I've read mixed reports of Clowns breeding when you use powerheads to simulate fast moving water, they also eat a lot of live fish prior (typically schooling fish like neons or danios), according to some the female will double her girth, they lay approx 450 eggs and pale right out after dropping the eggs, they have to be removed right after since they will eat the eggs, and also turn the power heads off since the eggs hatch in slower moving parts of the river in nature. the fry can live on fry food for 2 weeks, then can be moved to newly hatched brine shrimp. As for the water params, they weren't quoted, but I'ld imagine they are a mild acidic (6.5-6.9) and from what I've read on it, they mature at 6-7", the reason they say "will not sexually mature in an aquarium" is mainly because most won't reach this length.

Anything is possible, sometimes it's just a fluke condition, but there have been sucessful breeding reports, just not intentional ones.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
Mike R
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I'm glad you decided to give us a chance Wizard. This was not our finest hour.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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i agree with Koi, that article sounds too far fetched to be real.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
koi keeper
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you are probably the first person in history to get these guys to breed in captivity.

Incorrect. The online clown loach breeding "article" I believe to be false, IMO. BUT they are being bred in captivity in the ruskin lab operated by the University of Florida. The thing is that they are doing induced breeding injecting the fish with hormones. This is not a case of spontaneous breeding initiated by the fish, but instead human interaction spurring the event.


Empty chairs at empty tables, the room silent, forlorn.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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[font color="#800080"] It is not unusual to get harped at on this site, I myself have been through it before, and when I first joined I shortly afterwards changed my ID because I was being constantly flamed.
It is normal for some people to hesitate asking questions (as I do occassionally), because similar questions asked by others have been responded to with anger, aggression, rudeness, or plain cruelty.
It reinforces the old rule I was taught as a child: "If youve nothing nice to say, say nothing at all", and more people should consider this before spouting off. I realize I myself have possibly done it before as well, and try to avoid dining on my own foot as it tastes fairly unpalatable.
New members should be welcomed and not jumped on. I could see how this person may be scared away, as I nearly was on my first name.
I say, Clown Loaches, If you are breeding your clowns, Congratulations! I would say the same advice on breeding angelfish may be due here, watch the eggs, if they stay a golden color and see through, they are viable, Prepare some baby brine shrimp for them about 2-3 days after they hatch. Im sure they will enjoy this food. Keep the tank warm, dont startle the fish too much, dont do water changes until the fry are free swimming. Good luck, and let us know if you have babies!

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
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Anyhow the story sounded perfectly believeable to me. He has a 120 gallon tank nothing but clowns and some eggs. Why cant we believe him?? SOmeone has to breed the fish sometime and mabe its clown loaches rule.

just my 2cents

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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clown loachs rule, hoping you haven't left Fish Profiles yet.

Yes, people did get rude in this thread and that was unacceptable.
I hope you decide to stay at Fish Profiles.

People shouldn't have to hesitate to ask qustions. Thats not how we want members to feel.

If anyone is'nt feeling comfortable with a post do as jason said and press the "Report Post to Moderators" button and let them deal with it

Last edited by PJ at 26-Dec-2004 02:55
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
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male usa us-indiana
i'm hesitant to ask some questions that i know i'll get yelled at for.

please don't be hesitant to ask any questions you may have. if you get yelled at, click the little "Report Post to Moderator" button and it will be taken care of.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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female canada
it's nice to see that at least a couple people recognized that they were being rude. Clown loaches rule - i realize that everyone probably rubbed you the wrong way due to this post, but definately give it another try - even if you don't ask any questions, but simply use the forum for information and interest. i have to agree, i've been subjected to some rude comments myself, but noone here knows how much experience i have with fish, so i kinda take the comments with a grain of salt, so to speak. and for that reason, i'm hesitant to ask some questions that i know i'll get yelled at for. realistically, as long as you maintain healthy water quality, and your fish look healthy and happy - other peoples opinions don't really matter that much. enjoy the hobby and good luck with the clowns!!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
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male usa us-indiana
There are several people who should be shamed of themselves because of this thread. No one has the right to immediately jump down someone's throat because they post a topic about breeding clown loaches. Sure, it's a very long shot that these loaches are breeding, but there could definitely be a logical explanation and it doesn't seem that too many people were trying to find out what that explanation could be. Could clownloaches rule have been lying...sure. But no one knows if this was or wasn't a lie so it should have been treated like any other thread. This forum has never, and will never, require a member, new or veteran, to provide picture proof that what he/she is saying is true. Not everyone can afford the luxury of a digital camera.

This is an internet forum about helping people with their fish. Being on the internet, we all have the advantage of anonymity. It is really easy to sign onto a forum such as this and make claims that are improbable. However, on this forum, each member is to be treated with respect and kindness. If you don't believe the claim of the poster, then don't reply to his/her thread calling him/her a liar. You're more than welcome to point out that what he/she is saying is probably not likely and offer some other options as to what could be going on. Maybe there's a live plant in the tank that carried some tiny snails that the poster hadn't seen previously. Maybe these fish are laying eggs. In many species of fish, the female can lay eggs wether or not she, or the male, is fully mature. I'm sure if we put a little thought into this we could come up with even more possible solutions.

Clown loaches rule, if by some chance you could find a camera (friend, family member maybe) then it would help to be 100% certain that what you are seeing are eggs. If not that's fine. Like I said, it is not unthinkable that your loaches are laying eggs, but for them to be viable and have been fertilized is quite unlikely but again not impossible. Good luck with your fish and I hope you change your mind about staying.

Last edited by jason_r_s at 24-Dec-2004 10:04
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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male usa
I recently switched to FishProfiles because, after browsing for awhile, I perceived that the people here are generally good to each other and very knowledgable. A previous site that I was a part of had a lot of erroneous information. It is good that people challenge a long shot claim like this one about Loaches breeding in a home tank. Newer hobbyists would have incorrect assumptions if they heard a claim like this and saw that none of the veterans were challenging it. I would like to believe what the original poster said, but he hasn't done much to defend his claim (original claim, reasons why he can't get a photo of it, hurt feelings). How about an update on the breeding?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:07Profile PM Edit Report 
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