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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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clown loach not eating anything but worms...
hey all...i have 5 clown loaches and 4 silver dollar in a 55g tank..the problem that i have is..they only eat worms...which is quite bad cuz they wont...
ckk125831-Jul-2005 04:25
Clown loaches
How fast do they grow and how long does it usually take them to reach over 8 inches?...
ericm830-Jul-2005 23:41
Killer Kories
Maybe I'm going to shatter some illusions here. Yesterday, one of my Corydoras septentrionalis died. It croaked from a combination of stress and the...
sirbooks930-Jul-2005 06:33
Someone is feeling frisky...
Ok as some know I inherited (leslie inherited, whatever ) 2 adult BN when I won the 75 gallon tank on ebay. Well, the tank has been set up since Sat...
houston630-Jul-2005 05:29
Kuhlie problems
I recently owned 2 kuhlies for 4 days, then they died. I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and nitrates <25ppm, the temp is 79-80 degrees, and the tank...
pookiekiller12330-Jul-2005 03:08
upside down syno owners
for those of you who have the USD syno- S.nigriventris, how many do you have? I wanted to ask this because i can't think of anyone who has a shoal of...
synodontis629-Jul-2005 23:47
Forktailed loach
What a nice looking loach [link=]
Rob1619428-Jul-2005 22:37
Zebra plec L046
Hi, is there anyone from Australia that has a Zebra plec or knows where to get them from? They are banned from being imported here, but there is a s...
jakieblak928-Jul-2005 20:07
Kuhli Loach, whats the biggest you've seen?
i was reading thru the profile of the Kuhli Loach on this site and noticed it said Potential Size: 12cm!! i've never seen one even close to that siz...
sumthin_fishy728-Jul-2005 16:36
Want to smuggle Bristlenose to India
I want a Bristlenose real bad, and we dont get them here. A friend is going to the US. I need to kno, what are his chances of bringing back a Bristlen...
ClownyGirl328-Jul-2005 07:26
HELP guys on Banjo catfish and Kuhli Loaches
I have 2 Kuhlis about 3 inches and same for the Banjo which i've just recently purchased. I've read somewhere that Loaches can become meals eventually...
Betta23328-Jul-2005 07:11
black ghost knifefish
Hi could anyone tell me is it ok to feed earthworms to bgk's,if so what size & should they be whole or chopped up.At the mo mines only eating free...
robl228-Jul-2005 04:48
Lost my BN pleco last night
My BN died sometime last night. I had only had her for maybe 1 to 1.5 months. I believe she was a mature (3" +) trade-in at my lfs and thought she'd...
NFaustman528-Jul-2005 02:34
I've got the 75 gallon tank now...with BN :D
OK I went and picked up the 75 gallon tank today...the drive up there wasn't all that bad, and the weather was good to me coming home, only a few drop...
houston728-Jul-2005 02:10
i have a catfish called a 4 line pimelodus or pimelodus clarias, he looks like a cat fish but he has blue lines on his sides. i cant find any info on...
KARTOON9328-Jul-2005 01:36
Peckoltia Villavo
Pages: 1, 2
i just bought a pleco that i was curous on finding more info about the Peckoltoa Villavo but i have no idea what the common name of it is. From readin...
judz3327-Jul-2005 22:34
Longest time without seeing your Pleco
Pages: 1, 2
What is the longest time you have gone without seeing your pleco? I haven't seen two of mine for about 3 weeks and I don't know if they died or not....
tetratech3427-Jul-2005 15:49
Fire Eel Not Eating
Im not sure if this is the right place for this, but i just got a 4" fire eel and stuck it in my 60 gal tank with some south american cichlids. its be...
nagash45326-Jul-2005 15:36
same bottom feeder need.
i have a tank that is about to go on the overstocked side, however after going over the stocking, the tank is short on bottom feeder like cory. i fig...
bettachris426-Jul-2005 13:54
Panda growth rate?
Hello, Well, a while ago I posted that I found a baby Panda in my 46gl tank. I can now confirm thta I have two!! They're getting bigger and their col...
eminer1254326-Jul-2005 01:32
A bristlenose knows
Hey there fishprofilians I sold my adult bristlenoses last weekend and bought some peppermint bristlenoses. The funny thing is, the new bristlen...
Troy_Mclure425-Jul-2005 02:20
Silly Khuli Question
OK I noticed this about a week ago and keep meaning to ask, but haven't because I feel stupid, so I give in, I'm asking About a week or so ago, I...
houston625-Jul-2005 01:02
CAE affected by warmth?
I've got a spotted algae eater, (comparable to CAE, just different markings), that has been quite slow lately. For the past two weeks the tank temp. h...
tinfoil424-Jul-2005 16:35
Name the cory
This guy is still acclimating to the tank so this is a bag pic which i'm awful at taking. Found him in an assorted tank. He seems to have changed alre...
Lindy924-Jul-2005 13:12
Catfish stuck!
Hey fpians, My catfish is stuck in a net, my bro got stung by it already, right now he's resting in a bucket of water, still tangled. Any tips/tr...
mossy824-Jul-2005 05:59
Pleco vs CAE
i just got rid of my CAE to the Lfs and bought a small pleco well large compared to the rest of my fish hes about 6 inches full grown my CAE was aggre...
judz1124-Jul-2005 03:47
Good Loaches For A 29 Gallon?
Can anyone recommend some peaceful and small Loaches for a 29 gallon? How many should i get? Currently i have 2 Bol. Rams, 3 Zebra Danios and 4 Blac...
Brian1216524-Jul-2005 00:09
Clown Plecos - 2 for $5
I just went on my monthly "Save a fish from the local chain pet store" run and came back with two clown plecos for $5. They never know what they are...
tetratech723-Jul-2005 21:16
What can I get??????
Does anyone have the list of catfish that can be imported into Oz??????...
SydneyPlecFan223-Jul-2005 15:48
Corys for 10 or 12 gallon, which one ??
I can't make up my mind to get either C. Panda or C. Trilineatus, both stay 5cm so can go in that sized tank. I need you guys to help me make up my m...
LEE_WILMOT_706623-Jul-2005 07:36
BN and 127 plec together????
went down and looked in the tank this morning. both our BN and plec were together inside a smallish rock. One BN was on top of the plec. Could this be...
_wendy_422-Jul-2005 22:44
What bottom feeders for a community tank?
Hi, I am starting a community tank soon approx 35 uk gallons. I plan to start with 4/5 zebra danios, and then add 6 each or so of neon cardinal tetra...
shiftingsands1222-Jul-2005 16:06
commoc pleco
Pages: 1, 2
i went to the lfs to get a pleco for 2 different tanks. (this was over like 2 trips, and 2 different weeks.) [so must be from different shipments] n...
bettachris2221-Jul-2005 23:44
glass cats w/ guppies
I dont see why not. Glass cats are by nature insectivores, very peaceful, and couldnt possibly eat the guppies. I think they would be fine together....
von dutch521-Jul-2005 08:53
little clowns with big clowns?
Will small Clown loaches get on with larger tankmates? I have one large CL and am wary about buying new ones as they start off so small. Would they ge...
simpkia621-Jul-2005 02:00
Cories Spawning
I am now convinced that my cories are the culprits that are spawning and scattering about the 29 the loads of eggs that I am constantly seeing. This w...
zachjc_14521-Jul-2005 01:30
great deal :o :o :o
Well, my LFS knocked down the price of sterbais to seven dollars. Now, granted, I'm not a big fan of sterbais, but at 4.50 each, I couldn't resist (I...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles1221-Jul-2005 00:06
Trading in CAE's
I have 2 Chinese algea eaters that I am considering trading at my LFS for something else. What do you suggest? My stock list is shown on my profile....
dbenn1220-Jul-2005 22:36
panda corydoras eggs?
what to corydoras eggs look like? I have found 2 transparent pale yellowish spherical things in my java moss and all that is in there are guppies and...
jefferysgirl720-Jul-2005 22:20
Cory sodalis - expensive!
i went to my LFS and they were AU$21.95!!!...
von dutch1520-Jul-2005 18:02
Hi guys, I recently purchased 2 Black Kuhli Loaches, i was gonna get 4 but that was all my LFS had. Well i know a place where it sells Kuhli Loaches b...
Betta23920-Jul-2005 03:00
Corydoras Ehrhardti - Arcuatus, Pictures
Out of curiosity, does anybody here know much about these fellas? They arrived in the big store I was working at, and I must say that they're pretty n...
sirbooks1820-Jul-2005 00:00
new to cories
i only had corys 3 times. usually didn't make it to long. will they be ok with 2 plecos, and 3 clown loaches, or do better with 1 pitcus cat. th...
bettachris419-Jul-2005 23:54
c. Pygmaeus mislabelled as c. Hastatus?
I was so excited going to an LFS today because they told me they have c. Hastatus in stock. Well, when I saw them, they looked like c. Pygmaeus to me...
upikabu819-Jul-2005 05:43
Minimum Tank Size for Albino Corys ?
What the minimum tank size albino corys can go in ? Would a 15 gallon be okay ?...
LEE_WILMOT_706618-Jul-2005 12:17
Tiger Shovelnose in a 70 gallon tank
My pictus just passed away last night and my LFS has some really neat new catfish - Tiger Shovelnose. I think they might outgrow my tank, but are th...
billyspans518-Jul-2005 02:50
Green corydoras?
I was just in my lfs and I saw some cories in a tank and they were labbeled as green corydoras. Has anyone ever heard of these or does anyone have any...
ericm817-Jul-2005 23:47
There's a baby Panda in my tank!!
After the sad loss of one of my Pandas last week, I have some goode news. Yesterday while doing my daily algae harvest I saw a baby Panda in my tank....
eminer1254417-Jul-2005 23:45
Crazy Cories!
I know its normal for cories to be over active, but this one was just too close of a call... I was feeding my fish and so my cories came out of their...
ericm517-Jul-2005 23:44
OMG!!!!!!! *does a million back flips and a hundred otherthings she cant do!!!!!*
OMG i LOVE walmart right now!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* i got some more schwartzies, and aggazzie and a botia!!!!!! and the stup...
fishyhelper288717-Jul-2005 02:38
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