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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Will skunk loaches hurt kuhlies
Okay, I am restocking my 33 gal tank. I have bought 4 Jewel cichlids (juveniles) and I already have 5 kuhlies in the tank. I am a loach fan, and I saw...
ClownyGirl701-Jul-2005 21:27
i have be told to put cucumber on the bottom of the tank for my pleco (common) i have a lepard catfish and a oscar in the same tank will they eat the...
ILoVeOsCaRs1201-Jul-2005 19:03
the fish we bought as unknown from the lfs as they had lost the card with is id is still puzzling us. our first thoughts were that he was an L75 as th...
hembo666301-Jul-2005 18:49
BN with white/brown blotches
Hey there.. just wondering why alot of Bns i see have like white/brown blotches on them.. is it something to do with diet, water quality, etc.?? r0b3...
r0b3y401-Jul-2005 14:16
Albino cories
Hey albino cories are so hyper, i think they are fun to watch. Is this normal behavior? Last edited by sirbooks at 30-Jun...
esandbergger601-Jul-2005 12:18
hardy bottom feeder
Pages: 1, 2
i need suggestions for a bottom feeder (or small enough school) to go in a 15g with 4 very nippy serpae tetra. cant really consider inverts because th...
hembo6663101-Jul-2005 09:48
2 BN's
My lfs just got in 2 nice BN's. There both at least 4in with some nice bristles already. Could I get both for my 75g....
greenmonkey51730-Jun-2005 23:58
pleco ID
ok, saw a L75 we liked on a website, lfs said they had some. when we got their we saw this plec.lfs had lost the sign and didnt know what he was. they...
_wendy_730-Jun-2005 18:43
Bottom Feeder Required
Hello, I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 guppies and 8 neons. I was thinking that I probably want to put one small bottom feeder in with them. Can any...
billyspans1030-Jun-2005 09:16
ahhh mt clown loach is dumb :(
i just bought 2x loach from store today 1 is smart who go napping under a wood and an other one is so dumb he go nap on the thing where I use to relea...
IMCL851130-Jun-2005 08:37
Corydoras sites anyone?
Well, i have been thinking more and more about using that spare 10 gallon i talked about in my last post about cories. I know its not big, but it will...
clownloachfan1930-Jun-2005 01:00
are clown loaches killers?
i have to sets of clown loach(in different tanks, b/c of sizes.) anyway the larger set, seems to be fine, but the smaller set of youngseters(around 1...
bettachris1229-Jun-2005 23:55
Loach feeding question
I recently started in the hobby and my first purchase was a Botia kubotai (I think) and five Platys. I'm only two days in but I'm worried the Platys,...
coyote10661929-Jun-2005 12:41
at last iam getting some corydoras:)
Pages: 1, 2
I just been to my lfs and at last they have got some corydoras.. I will buy them tomorrow The real name of them i don't know but they look like t...
Rob16192229-Jun-2005 07:49
Neomacheilus triangularis and a "ballon" Clown loach
Well, i was up at that Fish place to get some light bulbs and saw a few things i liked. First thing i saw was a "balloon" Clown loach. It is short bod...
clownloachfan628-Jun-2005 19:17
Pages: 1, 2
Hey ppl's I went to the aquarium in st.kilda, Victoria today and when i walked in i was amazed to see a huge tank with some sort of catfish in it, wh...
opiate2728-Jun-2005 08:44
Albinos with Pandas? Would they be happy?
I have had only 3 Panda cories for some time now because unfortunately Pandas are very hard to come by where I live (and I am not a fan of fish via m...
neurotica1983428-Jun-2005 00:04
How u get Clown loach to eat?
my ones seems stupid even during feeding time they still stay away from top. so all the bloodwarm I throw down is eaten by most of the neon/cardinal....
IMCL85927-Jun-2005 22:08
Pleco in Filter
Last night our Gold Nugget Pleco that we've only had for about a week decided to go up into the filter. Unfortunately, we didn't find him until this m...
jenbabe2561227-Jun-2005 16:06
Need help with Pleco ID!
A few months ago on, I saw Ffn ( sell what they called a "Chocolate Chip" Pleco. I immediately fell in the love with the c...
Cheshire Cat626-Jun-2005 21:04
How do you get a bubmle bee catfish to eat?
Ok i bought a bumble bee catfish last week I did some research on it before I bought it, its nocturnal and it eats live fishes(small ones) and any fis...
rocker23826-Jun-2005 04:53
Mini / Dwarf Cories Info required please
I recently read something about these. Are they available in Aust? How to keep them and any special requirements. Keith...
keithgh1126-Jun-2005 04:50
Dojo Species?
I was just wondering if there were different types of dojos, like there are different species of plecos. I have five dojos and none of them look alik...
jenbabe256124-Jun-2005 18:25
anyone got an L75 plec??
have seen one thats a possability. think they look wicked. anyone got/had one?? what do you reckon??...
_wendy_1224-Jun-2005 07:16
Ornate Plecos
I was wondering what do fancy plecos need to thrive in an aquarium. What do they eat ect.. I have always seen them and admired them, so i was just w...
aquatexan923-Jun-2005 22:58
Yo-yo acting like a clown loach!
Hi everyone. I'm kinda worried about my yo yo loach. Today my boyfriend was looking at the tank and he suddenly shouted "oh no! the loach is dead!...
cookypuss011723-Jun-2005 18:54
I'm getting pandas :D
Yes, You read it right I'm getting Panda Corries I was going to pick up this stupid computer (no I'm still not happy with it) and again saw this...
houston1923-Jun-2005 03:09
Got 'em at last!
Yeah!!!! Heidi was finally able to part with some of her me tae babies. Doing the happy dance... I have four now and am patiently waiting...
pugperson423-Jun-2005 03:00
Hyper active Cories
Ive got some cories in a 55g with my 2 angel fish and pair of bolivian rams. They have all lived there together for a long time. I havent done anyth...
ufgradufish723-Jun-2005 02:10
Thinking about getting some false julii's...any tips or advice?
iam thinking baout getting some false julli cats this summer for my 20g long...any tips advice...experience...iam all ears......
Peter17523-Jun-2005 01:57
chinese algea eater
I bought 2 of them yesterday. But then i heard that they are not that good fish,they get aggressive then they get that true? The first day...
Rob16191123-Jun-2005 01:01
bottom feeder for 10gal tank?
Can someone suggest a bottom feeder for my 10 gal tank? I've got a couple of fantail guppies in there currently, and I'd like to add some neon tetras...
id10t422-Jun-2005 21:41
tandanus tandanus
Hi, anyone got any ideas where i should start for setting up an aquarium for tandanus catfish (size, lighting filtration, companions...)?...
pfaft122-Jun-2005 18:52
Kuhlii Loaches on the Endangered Species List?
My girlfriend is in love with the out of control scavengers but of course once she bought a couple and decided she wanted more they are no where to be...
hzrds922-Jun-2005 18:14
Hasbrous cory
Can i fit 5 of them in a 3 gal?...
von dutch622-Jun-2005 12:19
PVC pipes
OK I just purchased some "U Joints" and "T Joints" of pvc to help create some much needed hiding holes for my bottom feeders, especially while I'm in...
houston1122-Jun-2005 04:41
Cories in Planted Tank?
Forgive me if I might ask a question that has been asked before, but [font color="#000080"]Cories[/font] and [font color="#000080"]Planted[/font] did...
LITTLE_FISH422-Jun-2005 04:27
2 New additions WOW
Well I took a trip to Chicago this weekend and came back home with 2 beautys. The first is a 6" Synodontis Angelicus(yellow spots). It is darn near sh...
stallion81922-Jun-2005 01:03
Any info. on the horse faced loach
Brwosing through my lfs I came across some of these critters. I would like them in my tank but know nothing about them. Any information people could...
abid421-Jun-2005 19:26
How to transfer cories
last time I tried to net my cories they got caught in the net, I had to cut the net to free them. Is there an easier way to get them without them gett...
Fishyandrew45521-Jun-2005 16:53
do they still fight
onve i haveput all of the clown loaches that i am going to put in my tank and they fight for dominance the 1st time do they ever fight again after the...
LOACHESRCOOL1121-Jun-2005 15:55
Garra and Flying Fox?
The best option for a final fish to compleet my Laos biotope (when it's finally finished) is Garra Cambodgiensis (previously known as g. taeniata). Si...
tinfoil421-Jun-2005 12:21
Otocinclus compatibility
I've been considering otocinclus for my 20g tank for a while to keep my soft algae in check (it grows despite zero nitrates and phosphates) and just w...
bigchris721-Jun-2005 04:20
Insane Clown Loach
OK here is a question I could use some help with I have this nice chunk of driftwood formation in my 125. It apparently has a nice empty hiding ho...
houston720-Jun-2005 20:54
trading in dyson.........
right, i'm hopin u will all agree with me on my idea... i'm thinkin of tradin in dyson(sailfin pleco~25cm) for sum more cories to boost my cory numbe...
smilingpiranha1220-Jun-2005 15:08
Just a quick question... Do plecos generally like carrot to eat? I put a piece in my tank about 15 minutes ago for my plecos, and none of them have no...
Natalie1120-Jun-2005 06:23
How to tell the difference
My local LFS has finally stocked what they claim to be julii(spelling) cories but I am still doubtful. Exactly how do I determine true juliis from imi...
zachjc_14820-Jun-2005 05:00
Giant Mekong catfish released in Cambodia.
Four captive raised Giant Mekong catfish have been released into the wild in ceremony in Cambodia. The Giant catfish, Pangasius (formerly Pangasi...
jasonpisani419-Jun-2005 03:42
Would this be overstocked?
I have a 65g tank. The current inhabitants are: 12 red-tailed rasbora 1 RTBS 6 serpae tetra 5 bleeding hearts 6 zebra loaches I would like to get some...
Deb2fish518-Jun-2005 16:00
pepper cory lifespan
What's the lifespan of a pepper cory? my guys are getting kinda old now and i lost one of them a few weeks ago. they do spend a lot more time resting...
lifeofcrimeguy518-Jun-2005 15:27
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