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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Just call me the official lonely cory rescuer...
Well, I was all excited to go to my LFS's midnight madness sale yesterday ([announcer voice]9-midnight, lowest prices of the year![/announder voice]%!...
kitten825-Apr-2005 06:13
Cories surfacing.....
this maybe a stupid question, but when a cory goes up2 the suface and does a little flick, wot it it actually doing?...
smilingpiranha725-Apr-2005 00:43
Gold algea eaters...
I went to a lfs and saw these guys "gold alge eaters" for 4us$ each. I dont know very much about them..i think they are semi-aggressive. But will 2-4...
Rob1619824-Apr-2005 19:50
Which cories do u have, sydney ppl?
Pages: 1, 2, 3
i only have bronze , but im gonna get peppered soon. My LFS has a VERY low selection of cories]:|!!! Only bronze, pepper and pandas]:|...
fishienut1234024-Apr-2005 09:37
Tankmates for Peppered Corries?
Can anyone suggest other species of coydoras which will get along with my 6 peppered little guys? I seem to have aquired an addiction to these guys a...
barthog1524-Apr-2005 05:22
l numbered plec. 10a?? red lizard whiptail. advice
we have seen one and are looking at buying. we currently have 6 corys, 12 danios, a male dwarf gourami, 2 dwarf parrot cichlids and 2 BN in our 260 li...
_wendy_224-Apr-2005 00:32
How long do Bristlenose Pleccos live??
Was at one of my LFS's on the weekend and saw a couple of male BN's for sale which were marked XL. They were at least 7" long and about 2.5" wide. Co...
barthog1823-Apr-2005 06:40
Undecided Bottome feeder
hiy i already have 4 corydoras in a 2ft tank but would like something else to go in my tank that will get along with my cories.<br><br>Tan...
corymad03722-Apr-2005 13:08
Woohoo new plecos :)
I was able to get hold of some L#s for quite cheap. They are in quaritine now at my place and cant wait for them to come out to go into their new home...
Forever-mango1222-Apr-2005 05:46
mix and match pleco
was thinking about having a small school in my 22g just wondering if i could mix them eg 1 albino 1 lepard 1 comon etc or what ever i fancy cos i dont...
gaz23741821-Apr-2005 21:35
Kuhli Loaches
Pages: 1, 2
I was curious.. So many people were telling me that the Kuhli's spawns last year were sickly. I bought 12 last year and they all died. I babied the...
freeblaze2421-Apr-2005 06:40
Min tank size 4 acouple of Kuhli Loaches??
Whats the Min tank size 4 a couple of Kuhli Loaches??? If I got 2 females or 2 males would it matter, would they get along? Another question would the...
Hoa dude_dude621-Apr-2005 02:57
Shy Pandas
I have a trio a pandas. One seems fine but two of them swim off away from the front of the tank, whenever anyone comes near the tank. They've been...
LEE_WILMOT_706520-Apr-2005 23:18
L103 info
Just double checking before I buy. After looking at other species of small plecos I decided there is no point in paying $120+ for zebra plecos when t...
sham520-Apr-2005 20:53
info on L15 (striped plec)
Hi there folks! I'm about to buy a L15, I got a 240L aqua with plants and some small/peacefull fish like corys, tyger barbs and clown loachs. Is...
Smaug120-Apr-2005 14:50
Feeding Corys
Probably a silly quetsion....but I have the sinking tablet type food for my newly aquired peppered corys. Should you simply throw a few in or should...
barthog1920-Apr-2005 07:46
Our Twig / Whiptail catfish are spawning!
Anyone got any experience? The eggs have been laid on the filer out-take pipe and they're currently being guarded by the proud parents! They're in a c...
davey&becks220-Apr-2005 03:10
corrys layed aggs agen!!!!!
my bronze corry has layed sum more eggs, n i wana kno how 2 luk after them, they layed eggs last tym and most got eaten and the 1s that hatched didnt...
amar519-Apr-2005 23:03
Loaches and snails
I know that some loaches eat snails, will kuhli or yoyo loaches eat malaysian trumpet snails if I put them together? Thanks, Lauren...
tankgrrrl719-Apr-2005 22:31
Fowleri Corys?
my LFS just got in a shipment of these neat long nosed corys they have listed as Fowleri Corys. I checked Planet Catfish- and the corys they have pics...
So_Very_Sneaky1319-Apr-2005 17:56
never kept plec's....
I've never kept plec's before... but I was thinking of looking for a small pretty one for my 20 gallon... any suggestions? other inhabitants are 3 yo...
devon7519-Apr-2005 17:39
10 gal for kuhlies
I was wondering how to set up a 10 gal for kuhlies? I had them before and I love those little fish.I had 6 in a 29 with lots of other fish,but they...
Guppy_man119-Apr-2005 16:29
How long in Quarantine??
Hi Guys, Any advice on how long I should quarantine my peppered cories for before relocating to the main tank? I was thinking about a month....
barthog1119-Apr-2005 16:15
Clown Loaches and Sand Substrate
Hi Everyone: I have been thinking about purchasing a 125g long tank. I want this tank for my clown loaches and angelfish. I want to put in a sand...
rasboramary418-Apr-2005 22:01
L129 or L270???/
Hey all....I've recently posted a topic regarding my pleco, and the wonderful guys here have identified it as L129, but thing is, I was just surfin th...
Fish_lover218-Apr-2005 21:03
New Zebra Loaches!!!
Yesterday I when to the lfs and brought home 4 Zebra Loaches for my 20 gal tank with some barbs and a common pleco. So far they seem to be getting al...
Wingsdlc718-Apr-2005 18:28
Gorgeous Grey Spotted Pleco
I saw a gorgeous grey spotted pleco today in one of my lfs. I think it was a L264. I've seen this called a Sultan Pleco and also a Vampire Pleco. I...
tetratech918-Apr-2005 12:02
Black Ghost Knife?
Just wondering, could I keep a black ghost knife in my 75g tank? Occupants are: Glowlight Tetras, Neons, Pristellas, White Cloud Minnows Pair of Disc...
So_Very_Sneaky1018-Apr-2005 05:32
weather loach & wcmm / pond in syd
Would a weather loach eat a wcmm? & whats the min (pond/tank) size for a weather loach? My Aunt has an outdoor pond (approx 40g l=4',w= 4' H=10cm,...
Hoa dude_dude418-Apr-2005 04:22
I have a serious addiction......corries and bottom feeders
Hey most know I got a 125 gallon tank about 2 months ago I guess...and I decided that I would have to get a few corydoras to go in said tan...
houston718-Apr-2005 04:13
New LFS with cories, cories, and more cories.
Since Heidi raided my tank and took my three albino cories, I have been wanting something for the 10g tank with Valentino. Heidi spent part of the mo...
pugperson718-Apr-2005 04:11
I got PANDA'S !!
Well I went to my LFS to get some more habrosus, but they didn't have any. But I saw the pandas and they were so cool, I gave in and got 3. ( All I...
LEE_WILMOT_706618-Apr-2005 04:06
cory flicking in sand. habit or unwell??
we have 6 peppered corys in our tank, they have been in their just over a week. all are eating and swimming well, but one cory we noticed was flicking...
_wendy_618-Apr-2005 04:02
Cory Debate: Do they school with other cory species?
There has been lots of discussion about wheither corys are happy and will school with other species of corys. Lots of people agree that they are ok, a...
labrakitty1818-Apr-2005 00:56
Pleco and Cichlids?
OK, I did a really dumb thing. I went to the LFS a few months ago and got a fish solely on the word of the workers that this "Pleco Species" would no...
harleysiber518-Apr-2005 00:30
What will my sailfin pleco eat?
What will my sailfin pleco eat? 1. vegetables? - which? 2. bloodworm? 3. Live shrimo? are there any other things that they like. or any that plecos i...
~Mista Psycho~917-Apr-2005 18:46
BN and driftwood
Do BN need driftwood. I want to put one in my 125g malawi tank but I dont want driftwood in there. Also do BN eat brown algae Last e...
greenmonkey511017-Apr-2005 04:51
Bushy Nose Plec VS Bristle Nose 2 Questions: 1) has anyone ever purchased from these folks? 2) is a bush...
freeblaze517-Apr-2005 01:11
Salt and Pepper Corys (Corydoras habrosus)
Pages: 1, 2
I just bought 7 of these wonderful fish for my 55 gallon. Anyone care to share their experiences with these fish? So far they are extremely active a...
freeblaze2217-Apr-2005 01:03
tiger botia, or pakie
isn't the tiger botia brown? my lfs has three loaches which at first i thought they were pakie's they were labled under tiger loaches. also is 5 USD...
bettachris017-Apr-2005 00:29
is this P. vittata?
Hey u guys mind going to my album and see if that loricariid there is a candy stripe pleco or a clown panaque? I've been researchin them on t...
Fish_lover1416-Apr-2005 18:03
Tell me about Royal Plecos
What can the pleco experts tell me about a Royal Pleco? They sure are lovely and my pet store has them for $49.95 Canadian. Is this a good price? They...
So_Very_Sneaky316-Apr-2005 17:43
Syno Eupterus
Hi, Today at the LFS i saw teeny tiny baby Featherfins. I am just wondering if these can be kept with USD Cats, and will they eat fish like neon/glowl...
So_Very_Sneaky216-Apr-2005 15:54
good finds
today at a lfs i found two good bottom fishes. i found 3 horse faced loaches(my first ever seen alive) and three tiger loaches(again my first). i don...
bettachris116-Apr-2005 04:39
Corydoras behaviour?
I stood witness to the most peculiar thing at the store today. In the bichir tank, I saw delhezis, ornas, and the albinos lining up on one side of the...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles715-Apr-2005 13:17
comments of snowflake BN please.
Good algae eaters like the rest of BN? They get 6 inches right? Give me some other comments and experiences with them. thanks.........openwater....
openwater215-Apr-2005 12:54
do emerald corys normally hide a lot?
I've had 7 emerald corys in quarantine in a 30 gallon tank for 3 weeks. There are no other fish in the tank with them. The first couple of weeks they...
LMuha515-Apr-2005 12:32
Long-Finned Pleco
My wife just bought a long-finned pleco for her 30 gallon. I cant identify this thing anywhere. I searched planet catfish and our profiles. It isn'...
freeblaze515-Apr-2005 12:07
Soon getting my Zebra plecos...
And iam now starting to redecorate my tank, Since the zebra plecos need some sand or smooth gravel substrate and a great deal of rockwork and pvc pipe...
Rob1619615-Apr-2005 11:37
ID my pleco
Hi everyone, I purchased a plecostomas from walwart not too long ago under the name of, pleco. It looks like a commun pleco except with red blotches...
addictedtofish1515-Apr-2005 08:37
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