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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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I got Corydoras Habrosus !!!
Today I got some of these little critters. I got 4 becuase thats all they had, but unfortunately 1 died due to stress, he was the smallest one. The r...
LEE_WILMOT_706923-Mar-2005 18:25
Are my corys breeding.
Well my brother said he saw, one cory guarding a plant root, and that my gouramiu was trying to get to something, could it be cory eggs ? I hope it i...
LEE_WILMOT_706223-Mar-2005 16:35
Bristlenose Feeding
Hiya,<br><br>I've had 2 bristlenose catfish in different tanks for about 3 years now and they have gotten to be about 8cm (4"?) in length&...
janenenc523-Mar-2005 13:44
Gold Plec?
Can anyone tell me if gold plecs are just an albino version of your common plec, or a defferent sub-species, and if so whats the scientific name??????...
SydneyPlecFan822-Mar-2005 12:02
Weather loach pictures.
here are some pics for the loach lovers! Hope you like them, more and better to come. Angel Eel [link=
angeleel322-Mar-2005 03:13
I Got Bit!
Well for a while i have always considered cories and today i went to the LFS and there were so many different varities, and i fell in love, the cory b...
Hooktor1321-Mar-2005 22:53
ID a cory? New pics added...any new ideas or definitive ID's?
Pages: 1, 2
Hey guys, I finally managed to get some decent pics of my unknown cory....any more ideas on what he might be? Sam[link=
SamanthaStorm2021-Mar-2005 20:07
Corydoras cochui
Can anyone tell me about these guys? I found some in a lfs but resisted buying until I could look them up. Planetcatfish doesnt have much data on them...
Lindy521-Mar-2005 19:55
need a catfish
Pages: 1, 2
Well I hate to have to admit this, but I made a mistake in choosing Panda corys for my 29 gal. hexagon tank. I have 2 Angels, a school of Harlies and...
Nick2620-Mar-2005 23:36
will an otto be o.k with: rainbow(8) ram(2) dwarf gourami(2) clown loaches(3) i seem to have a brown algae problem in my tank....
bettachris620-Mar-2005 19:54
My LFS has true Julii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know my lfs has true Julii because the other day I was there looking at corys and I was looking at eh tank of Juliis. Then I saw one and realised it...
labrakitty1720-Mar-2005 07:25
I've fallen for small plecs!
Pages: 1, 2
I have never kept a plec other than a common, this was way back in the 80's and early 90's when it was fairly normal to hold the opinion that fish onl...
trystianity2220-Mar-2005 05:53
Candy Stripe Confirmation
K ...I'm fairly sure it's a candy stripe, but noticed on PC that they can be confused with clowns...would like confirmation on it... [img]http://img.p...
Babelfish420-Mar-2005 05:47
is there a pelco that will only grow to a small size. it needs to have hard scales to avoid being eatten....
bettachris419-Mar-2005 09:19
What bottom dweller to go with my Jewel?
I need to get something to tidy up the bottom of my tank with my Jewel. The LFS said a cory would work but I wasnt coing to mix african/SA species....
kmpaton1318-Mar-2005 17:50
Nocturnal catfish for a 33g
I was a bit unsure about starting this thread as there is a similar one about a 29g. But i didn't really want to but in on thier thread. so my questi...
~Mista Psycho~918-Mar-2005 00:19
Good Catfish / Algae eaters for 81USG
Hi, can anyone recomend a 3-4inch bottom feeding fish catfish / or loach / algae eater for a 81USG tank. Many thanks Leon :%) ]...
leongreenway717-Mar-2005 17:13
candy stripe peckotia
Hi - can any1 here give me a heads up abt this fish? i've tried searchin planetcatfish for articles (CoTM), but i think there's some website error coz...
Fish_lover417-Mar-2005 17:03
Breeding Bronze Corys
Just wanting information and such to breed my bronze corys...
Perky317-Mar-2005 16:58
PANDAS ARE IN THE BIG TANK!!!!!!!!! WOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just put my 3 pandas in the 126 litre with my 3 schwartzis and they went mad!!!!!!!!!!!! :%):%):%)The schwartzis are about double the size but...
labrakitty1316-Mar-2005 07:15
Otto's. Breeding or Sick
I have 4 ottos and one has ballooned up. Is this normal?? I thought it might be full of eggs or something but out of the four this is the largest and...
jakeoman116-Mar-2005 01:14
striped loach help
hey guys....ii've been havin 3 striped loach (botia striata) in my tank fer abt 3weeks now...i've researched them on the net, so i know that they ofte...
Fish_lover215-Mar-2005 08:33
List of all small corys.
I would like to what corys stay small ( up to 5cm in length )...
LEE_WILMOT_706515-Mar-2005 06:17
Lonely panda - lonely no more?
I bought three pandas a month or so ago, only to have two of them die (one after two weeks and the second a week later) of unknown causes. The third o...
kitten1714-Mar-2005 23:43
Catfish for 29
I was wanting a peaceful cat that would add character and color to the bottom of my aquarium (no cory cats, I already have a wonderful school of these...
zachjc_14914-Mar-2005 21:46
What to do what to do ?
Ok here's the situation...I had a 7 inch common pleco in my 90 gallon that just died. I'm now having a major algae problem...any suggestions on a new...
Gr0uChYKiD1014-Mar-2005 16:00
Panda Problem?
Hey ya'll So i just got home from vacation yesterday, and sadly i lost 3 of my panda's I'm not sure what they died of, and my roomate failed t...
SamanthaStorm514-Mar-2005 12:18
dojo loaches v snails
Hi all just a couple quick questions. 1. Do dojos eat snails? 2. will they get along well with a pair of dwarf gouramis and a rubbernose pleco? they'r...
divertran414-Mar-2005 07:50
butterfly pleco
Orginally, I was going to get a BN to go with my barbs in my 20 gal, but I came across a butterfly pleco. Would it be fine to get one of those instea...
aviator614-Mar-2005 03:32
Clowns eating plants
Ive just recently added 4 giant hygro and a vallis and ive noticed that my clowns are tearing them to bits, does anyone know of any resource on the ne...
bryanpickering313-Mar-2005 20:05
Pitbull Plecos
I am very interested in pit bull plecos but I have had a hard time finding any usable info on them. I checked their profile both here and at planet c...
Pippin213-Mar-2005 16:57
Pandas stuck in plants
The other night I bought three pandas. The next morning I noticed one was missing. After an exhaustive search, I found him dead, wedged deep within th...
renoharps413-Mar-2005 16:56
Upside Down Catfish
O.K. with your guy's help I ruled out Pictus Catfish, what about Upside down catfish? Would they be compatible with livebearers...
Mustang00713-Mar-2005 05:19
Bottom Feeder for 12g
What would be a good bottom feeder for a 12g? I was planning on using Pygmy Cories but my local LFS isn't planning on getting anymore of them in anyti...
renoharps512-Mar-2005 03:25
Is this an Ancistrus Dolichopterus.
Is this an Ancistrus Dolichopterus. [link=]
jasonpisani612-Mar-2005 02:03
Raphael catfish handling?
ok so i bought this adorable as hell raphael catfish fry for onli 2bucks each i remember there was somehting in the catfish world abt how to handle...
Fish_lover1411-Mar-2005 21:16
do YoYo's grow slower than clowns?
Hey guys. I got 2 YoYo loaches a loooong time ago... and i got clown loaches a few months later. The clown loaches grew notiblicy, but the yoyo's ha...
victimizati0n211-Mar-2005 19:13
How do i feed my clown loch bloodworms
Pages: 1, 2
Hey guys, i have a problem... I have no clue how to feed my clown loach blood worms. The worms are too small for him to eat when they hit the gravel...
victimizati0n2311-Mar-2005 14:11
The Stand Off....
OK I can't help but wanting to brag...First I get a good camera (I stand by that:88)) Then I get this awesome tank 125 gallons for those who don't...
houston911-Mar-2005 07:20
How many otos need to be kept together for them to feel comfortable? 4? They're not a schooling fish, right? Thanks....
aviator910-Mar-2005 23:49
Farlowella Food
I recently got a farlowella to finish off my tank. I originally got him because he looked so awesome, and he would also eat some algae off the tank w...
ledzepcjs210-Mar-2005 18:33
Peppermint Bristle nose! Ancistrus Dolichopterus!
I might be getting one, can anyone give me info on them? Thanks so much!...
labrakitty710-Mar-2005 11:30
Mastacembelus armatus
I ran into these guys at my LFS; the price was very reasonable and I can keep them with my fish and in my tank. But what's the best way to keep...
tinfoil1010-Mar-2005 10:45
Which Cory Breeds the Easiest?
Hi all, I am going to be turning my 25g tall tank into a love nest for my Angel pair soon, and I am wanting to try to breed a Cory Species in there as...
So_Very_Sneaky1310-Mar-2005 10:20
Pleco Books
Can anyone refer me to some good books on plecos, or even all Loricariids? We don't have any at work, and I would really love to gain some more ba se k...
sirbooks710-Mar-2005 04:38
bottom feeder selection
i need some help in choosing a bottom feeder for my 29usg angel tank. i was thinging cory's but read a post the other night about an angel eating a c...
chris10171209-Mar-2005 18:36
Any cory's for a 5 gallon
Are there any corys apart from pgymy corys that could go in a five gallon, perhaps pandas ? Just wondering ?...
LEE_WILMOT_706309-Mar-2005 17:58
Zebra Plecos (round 2)
Just to let everyone know, when I get my hands on some zebras I intend to try and breed them. So any advice anyone has would be awesome. Of course don...
highjinx609-Mar-2005 15:59
peppermint pleco
hey i was thinking of getting a peppermint pleco in a couple on months for my 40gal after i do some aqua scaping.. but cant seem to find much info abo...
r0b3y1009-Mar-2005 11:44
Zebra Bristlenose - Hypancistrus Zebra
These are like Bristlenose catfish aren't they??? Does anyone in Australia have these? If so what do they go for?...
RAST409-Mar-2005 03:20
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