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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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clown loaches in 75 gallons?
simple question can i keep clown loaches in a 75 gallon tank? by this i mean for the long run. thanks...
oz1961618-Dec-2004 05:58
OK Then! 15g
Pages: 1, 2
I need an algae eater for a 15g. Either a small Plec or Ottos I imagine. Just want to know a bit more about both, exotic Plecs as well will do. Just s...
Perky2517-Dec-2004 18:30
Cory Problems
well, i'm worried about my cory's, i was just taking a close look at them, normally they are all hiding in their caves but a couple of them were out j...
LadyInBlue04117-Dec-2004 15:46
Cories- Nocturnal Or Not?
Lately, I've been wondering when cories are the most active. I was always under the impression that they were nocturnal, but a couple of the people I'...
sirbooks417-Dec-2004 02:46
pictus cat ?
Pages: 1, 2
if i get a pictus cat for my 55 gallon it have(2Electric,1 unknown brown african cichlid,black convict,Uknown pleco,1rainbow shark,...
tetrafan313132417-Dec-2004 02:10
My lovely pandas
These little guys amaze me more each day. I got lucky because mine are not shy at all they never hide and are always swimming around. Even wehn i come...
brtaylor2000716-Dec-2004 23:59
Another Baby Panda! Yay!
Last night I found another baby Panda! About four hours or so after I completed the water change and the gravel vacs on both aquaria, I was getting...
Calilasseia1216-Dec-2004 22:42
150L....Zebras and ottos...
Iam soon going to buy two Zebra plecos and was wondering if it's ok to have them in my 150L=40US gallons with 2 ottos..or.. what about 4 leopard corys...
Rob16191616-Dec-2004 22:40
I was wondering how you can tell a female cory from a male cory... if anyone have pics plz post them i really want to breed my albino's...
BabyBlueEyes516-Dec-2004 21:51
Pond or fish tank
I now have 11 clown loaches and they are fairly small. But next year, I plan to buy a bigger house with a small front yard. I am thinking of a pond fo...
ClownyGirl216-Dec-2004 15:55
Panda Corydoras
What are the best things for Panda Corys? Like food, gravel. What types of decoration do thye like? Do they like lots of plants? Thanks! P.S. I am ge...
labrakitty215-Dec-2004 04:06
fish ID needed
right well heres my spontaneous buy for the year. unfortunetly i don't know what they are, they were sold as yoyo loaches and i figured they werent b...
Megil TelZeke315-Dec-2004 02:39
YoYo Loach question.....
I just bought a pair of YoYo loaches and they have been swimming all around the tank ranging from the top to the bottom and very active. Is this norm...
mcfat881314-Dec-2004 22:06
breeding cories?
Are cories easy to breed? I've tried for months now in a 90cm tank with a ph of 6.5 and hardess at 5 and the temperature is 27 degrees c....
ghostfish514-Dec-2004 18:52
is sand substrate ok for panda cories
i plan on eventually setting up a 44g. pentagon as a community tank. n right now i have 4 panda cories in a 20g that will be moved to the 44g. is a sa...
TIGER9614-Dec-2004 18:30
horseface loach!!
I am sooo excited. I went to browse for fish for my 55 gallon at a fish store about 45 minutes from my home and they had a bunch of horseface loaches...
jenbabe256614-Dec-2004 11:37
Cory Question
My cories have gone into hiding. I mean I don't see them at all. They are hiding in a log. They are in a 60 with 4 fancytail goldfish and two very ac...
larry c413-Dec-2004 19:56
gold nugget pleco
Anyone have these plecos? Also anyway to tell what kind it is exactly. It was somewhat an impulse buy but they only had 1 left and someone else aski...
sham413-Dec-2004 08:57
Loach advice please
Hi all, I am swamped with Krib Fry. I have about 35 - 40 6 week old fry in a 180 gallon tank. Parents are still protecting them. I have 11 4 month ol...
spyder313-Dec-2004 03:43
Rainbow shark
Are rainbow sharks known to be nocturnal?...
fishguy212-Dec-2004 20:49
Critic my 120 please
Hello all. Well I just added my last 2 fish yesterday and I think I'm done with the stock.Tank is a US 120gal running with 1 fluval 404, 1 250 hot mag...
stallion811912-Dec-2004 12:17
Queen Arabesque Plec
My LFS (That Fish Place. Arent I lucky?!) has Queen Arabesque plecs. In my new 55 gallon, I'm putting in, so far, a leporinus and ctenopoma acusitoire...
smantzer112-Dec-2004 07:48
L128 Blue Phantom
Anybody currently have a Blue Phantom? Curious about their habits and water parameters. I have read up on them, but I wanted to know from somebody o...
C6R812-Dec-2004 06:58
Cory choices?
I'm going to get rid of my two pictus cats as i'm not going to be able to get the larger tank i wanted soon enough. I've had my eye on some cory's for...
chrism1712-Dec-2004 01:02
Frogmouth Catfish, (Chaca chaca) Possessing a face only an aquarist could love, the frogmouth catfish is one of the most interesting (or, some would...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles412-Dec-2004 00:47
amphilius platychir (african loach catfish)
There is a thread for these guys on aquabid...possibly the ugliest fish I have ever seen, but still cute in a bulldog puppy kind of way I was just...
jenbabe256111-Dec-2004 19:40
Lifespan of an Otto
Hi, I just purchased (2)Ottos. I was curious as to their lifespan. Any replies most appreciated. Thanks ! 30g 2 Albino corys 1 CAE 2 Pearl Gorami 2 C...
Laura911-Dec-2004 17:19
fat oto
Racso and I were looking in my 55g community tank just now and noticed that one of my otos has a HUGE belly. I thought I remembered reading another th...
gartenzwerfe411-Dec-2004 12:22
Albino cory eggs
I found a bunch of eggs on the side of my tank and on one of my crypts. Then I saw my albino cory laying them on the glass. Since she was alone when d...
bettafin310-Dec-2004 04:13
How did my plecs die?
I had gone on a 12 day holiday and had arranged for my family and friends to come feed by fish every alternate day. The longest they remained unf...
ClownyGirl1809-Dec-2004 16:03
Snowball pleco purchase a mistake?
I just bought a snowball pleco for my 100g planted tank, with the assurance from a clerk I trust at my lfs that he won't eat my plants. And I just rea...
wonder woman809-Dec-2004 05:30
Breeding Loricariids
I would like to breed loricariids as my next fish to breed. Could you suggest any which are moderately easy to breed? Also could you give me info on...
ghostfish308-Dec-2004 22:33
Blue Botias
While I was in one of LFS I noticed they had gotten in some blue botias. I seriously considered buying 2 or 3, but the lady just seemed a little to ea...
Cichlid Keeper708-Dec-2004 05:51
what is this synodontis ?
I have a 10cm synodontis catfish, but don't know what its called? It's in the same shape as the cuckoo catfish (synodontis multipunctatus) but is a...
ghostfish708-Dec-2004 05:15
What is the price range for cories ??...
mcfat881207-Dec-2004 19:07
Wondering about cute little eel ?
Hey all, I recently saw the cutest thing, a little freshwater eel! I cant remember what type it was, but it had a very pointy snout, was reddish in co...
So_Very_Sneaky707-Dec-2004 19:03
cory question
im sorry if this sounds stupid but are cories counted as scaleless fish? i just put in a medication for ick and put half the dose just in case...
brtaylor2000607-Dec-2004 07:20
Clown pleco?
I was just wondering if anyone knew how long clown plecos lived on average. We have one and I was wondering how long he would live to be. Thanks Jen...
jenbabe256307-Dec-2004 06:37
Another Corydoras Shoal
My 29 gallon tank is still pretty much a work in progress. I haven't even finished stocking it yet. My plan was to have: 2 German rams (Male/Female pa...
sirbooks807-Dec-2004 06:33
L163 Big Spot Pleco
hello! i just bought one of these cute little suckers for $32 (CAN)... and was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them? i was tol...
niggit806-Dec-2004 19:56
20g yoyos loaches
could i keep 5 yoyo loaches with 2 bolivian rams in a 20g long Last edited by greenmonkey51 at 05-Dec-2004 19:08...
greenmonkey51906-Dec-2004 16:13
Complete pleco discussion
Pages: 1, 2
I started this thread, as there is many differences as well as many different plecos. These differences range from habitat requirements, body decor...
ACIDRAIN2405-Dec-2004 21:30
Pages: 1, 2
Hi. I have a 29 gal tank with 2 blue dwarf gouramis, 6 rasboras and a dwarf pleco. what kind of loach would go well in there? I could use help with sn...
divertran2305-Dec-2004 09:15
BN & wood
I know the topic of feeding BNs has come up lately, but I haven't seen if they eat wood or not? Do they need it for digestion? Do they eat it...
johnsmith905-Dec-2004 07:23
Catfish of the Week-2
Mango Plecostomus, L047 (Baryancistrus sp.), One of the less conspicuous appearing members of the baryancistrus genus, the mango pleco is nonetheless...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles605-Dec-2004 05:13
royal plecos/sailfins
Pages: 1, 2
How fast do royal plecos or sailfins grow? The royals just went on sale for $8 and I'm considering one for my 55g. Wondering how fast it would get b...
sham2005-Dec-2004 04:18
Candy stiper PL*COSTOMUS
my candy striper has fed during the day, is this bad?some ppl say that if a sucker feed during the day they arent getting enough food....
Cichlid Kid904-Dec-2004 17:31
Corie Eggs
I came into work this morning and noticed there were a bunch of eggs on the glass. We've been sitting here the last hour watching the albino aenus fe...
Doedogg203-Dec-2004 11:17
what are my YoYo's doing?
My yoyo's look like their fighting, but their really not. The one completly lost his black markings and is the gold color that yoyo's are. The other...
victimizati0n602-Dec-2004 23:30
How much bottom per inch of loach?
I have a 75gal. it's bottom measures 48"X18". I currently have 7 Clown Loaches ranging from 3in. to 6in. plus a 2in pleco plus two others bound for th...
Mike R302-Dec-2004 07:35
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