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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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CAE and Pacu
Anyone have any thoughts on how CAE would get along with Pacu. My parents came home with one today for the Pacu tank. I wasn't sure how they will ge...
puffer_archer417-Oct-2004 05:01
Number of Loaches in Tank
Is six really the magic number for loaches? Can they be kept in groups of three to four, or really do the need six? I've read that they are ok in smal...
solublefish1116-Oct-2004 18:26
Calilasseia's otto guide?
Hey, anybody know where it went to? I don't think the search works anymore, and I don't think the old posts/stickys are on the site anymore. I'd reall...
mattyboombatty916-Oct-2004 12:03
corys not very active?
I have 6 spotted trilineatus corys and i hardly ever see them! They actually seem MORE active after i turn off the lights, are they just shy? or what...
devon7516-Oct-2004 07:21
Loaches nibbling my plants
Just wondering how could i stop my loaches from nibbling the plants, and leaves "leaves or leafs?" floating on top and ruins my aethetic appeal for th...
friedrice1215-Oct-2004 10:47
purple moth catfish...
I have tried to find some information of this purple moth catfish..but found nothing..anybody know anything about this fish? Robby...
Rob1619615-Oct-2004 08:18
Zipper Loach info
I will be adding 3 zipper loaches to my 30 gallon tonight to combat a recently discovered snail infestation (I have been wanting to get some loaches a...
carissa_aggie415-Oct-2004 00:52
pictus catfish info.
has anybody had any luck with a pictus. will they eat left over food that my other fish wont eat that sinks to the bottom. I am setting up a 20g tan...
johnnylaw1984714-Oct-2004 05:44
Normal Cory Behaviour??
Alright, I know I panic alot about how my fish act. But, this seems really strange to me. I have only had my panda cories a week now. Water paramet...
CyndieL73613-Oct-2004 18:34
Corys being underfed??
I just put 6 new panda corys in my tank. They have been in there for a little under a week now. Their roomies are 3 platies, and 1 dwarf gourami. I...
CyndieL731012-Oct-2004 16:28
Feeding common pleco
Hey guys, i just bought a 20cm-ish pleco and was wondering how i could feed this BEAST. Any advice?...
friedrice512-Oct-2004 11:09
Chinese algae Eaters aggression
[font color="#000080"]I have a Gold CAE, it's about 1 year old (maybe more) and is about 10cm. Maybe it's nothing but lately his been chasing my Gol...
PJ412-Oct-2004 00:34
Crazy Pictus
Hello everybody I've recently bought a Pictus catfish and sometimes it spins around in a circle really fast :%) I this normal behaviour? just wond...
GuppyGal411-Oct-2004 12:50
Aggresive Pictus cat
Ive just got two pictus catfish from lfs. they both seem to leave the other fish in the tank alone but one picks on the other all the time.. when we f...
Wompa1109-Oct-2004 15:22
breeding otos
well, got two new otos, and after about 2 days from introduction, they seem to be exceptionally fond of each other. not only they tend to hang out tog...
fry609-Oct-2004 15:19
Cross Bred Panda Cory?
I just bought 6 panda cories from a LPS that didn't instill a lot of confidence in me. But they were the only ones who had panda's, so I got them any...
CyndieL73509-Oct-2004 14:27
bottom feeder to eat snails
I need a bottom feeder/s that will get rid of a snail population that a friend of mine has. In his tank he has Guppys and Swordtails. Tanks size is ar...
TigerAngel1609-Oct-2004 14:24
Hong Kong Pleco
I went to my LFS today and I noticed they have a new type of plecos. The card labeled them as Hong Kong Plecos. I've never seen this type before, so I...
Manix1309-Oct-2004 03:07
Hooray! Ottos!
Well, I just went down to the lfs today, and guess what I came home with? Three happy little ottos! I added them to my 29 gallon to help take care of...
sirbooks1509-Oct-2004 01:11
everywhere i look ppl are taling about ottos!! what the heck are ottoS????? LOL plz help me i want to know how they look like too it would be nice if...
BabyBlueEyes708-Oct-2004 18:25
which is easier?
i etheir want to brislte nose plecos or to twig catfish which one is easier to breed and to care for?...
bratyboy2908-Oct-2004 17:44
suitable clown loach tank
hey there. I'm a huge fan of the Clown Loach and would love to know what size tanks are suitable for more mature aged CL's. I have just recently upgra...
simpkia1008-Oct-2004 17:21
Good algae eater for a ten gallon?
I have a ten gallon that is very well planted that also has a bad case of algae. I'd much prefer to have a fish to eat the algae than clean it manuall...
CeltGirl1008-Oct-2004 06:16
where to buy in Australia
Does any one no where i can get a common plec in sydney...
Alex307-Oct-2004 13:04
zebra pleco
Hello...i just got an email from a friend and he said that he found a zebra pleco for sale He said its expensive..he will send me an email of how m...
Rob16191906-Oct-2004 23:01
Peppered Cories V Bronze Cories
I recently asked about Peppered Cories as I continually lost them so I switched to the Bronze Cories. I have not done any changes to the tank and t...
keithgh306-Oct-2004 21:02
Anyone else have aggressive Otos?
I've head of one other person that had one that insisted on sucking on peaceful Discus.. I noticed mine in my 125 gal WILL sometimes suck on other fis...
girlunderrainbow406-Oct-2004 15:48
how FEW cories?
my tank will be very highly populated by the time i finish it (i'm experimenting with different fish combinations), and i was asking myself why not to...
fry1606-Oct-2004 15:06
best algie eater for me?
I have a 60 gal tank that is about 3 months old. It has community fish. A couple Gourami, 10 cardinal tetras, 6 rasboras, 2 platys, 6 bronze corys, an...
Beefshank806-Oct-2004 12:02
How many ottos could I put in a 32 gallon?...
ericm605-Oct-2004 14:50
Blue corydoras
Pages: 1, 2
I went to the lfs to buy some cories and since they were kinda out of stock, they only had albino cories and blue cories. So i went with the blue cori...
ericm2104-Oct-2004 21:48
my Otos are lazy bums!?
my two otos love to take long breaks just resting in all sorts of awkward positions (half upside-down, on the tip of a leaf, etc.). they seem to cling...
fry204-Oct-2004 14:14
CAE query...
Hello folks, This question is purely academic rather than an actual consideration for a stocking plan... Since CAEs seem to be SUCH a pain towards o...
dextroze604-Oct-2004 11:29
What corys do you have in your area?
I was just wondering what species of corys people have in their area. It seems that I have lots of species, but very few of the ones I really w...
Natalie504-Oct-2004 03:23
Royal plecos
does anyone have on and how big does he get and will he eat all my plants in the tank? what is nessesary to keep them...
bratyboy2504-Oct-2004 02:43
Ottos or bulldog?
I just had my new bulldog pleco pass away because of it's refusal to eat anything. Now, since my tank is starting to grow a little algae, and my pleco...
sirbooks1303-Oct-2004 21:47
albino channel catfish
can anyone tell me what the eggs look like. If they look like actual little eggs or if they have something surrounding the eggs. thank you so much...
Roberta403-Oct-2004 18:52
I just added fish to my newest tank..
i got a 20 gallon long 2 weeks ago and have it all set up now. Everything has cycled good. Today I bought a clown loach and stuck 2 of my mollies in w...
WesleT1002-Oct-2004 17:34
Cory eggs?
How long does it take for cory eggs to hatch?...
mindbent702-Oct-2004 16:46
talk about a feeding frenzy!
I currently have 2 medium size clown loaches and two considerably smaller ones. The two big ones appear to be getting all the food and its making me a...
simpkia301-Oct-2004 03:20
Moving in...
Today, I moved my three adults and three remaining baby panda cories into a temporary 10 gallon tank whilst my 20 gallon is being totally remodelled....
Cup_of_Lifenoodles701-Oct-2004 02:08
I was wondering if anyone has any info regarding the spotted or striped dora?...
yoda988730-Sep-2004 12:50
spirulina and algae
Is spirulina in all fish foods or is it just in algae wafers etc? I've been told its great for clown loaches but I didn't think they ate algae flakes/...
simpkia430-Sep-2004 07:35
corys schooling
ok so I have 6 corys in my 29 gallon tank. they are spotted trilineatus, julii lookalikes. I just got them about a week ago, and the past 2 or 3 days...
devon7630-Sep-2004 03:16
what fish can i have with guppys?
A friend of me has a 100L tank i would like to know what kind of fish can he have with the guppys...they cant be to big..any suggestions please......
Rob1619929-Sep-2004 18:13
Clowns eating neons?
My clown loaches are getting fairly big now (about 4.5-5.5" and they're VERY confident. They come up to the surface to eat (almost from my fingers)...
skinny (ish)1129-Sep-2004 04:37
Panda Cory's
Well, I have 1 CT betta and 2 small panda cory's in a 3 gallon eclipse tank, heated at 79 and it has 2 pieces of bogwood with 2 anubias planted and gr...
TexasBetta729-Sep-2004 03:43
pleco problem
About ten days ago, I bought a bulldog pleco for my tank. It's in a 29 gallon with a betta, six lemon tetras, and six polystictus cories. Since I boug...
sirbooks728-Sep-2004 18:36
We have panda cory BABIES!!
When I turned on the lights in the 55 gallon this morning what did I see but one panda cory baby, then another!!! It looks like they came out from un...
tmlhaus628-Sep-2004 13:56
Rants, Raves, and "Awwwws" about these 2 types of plecos?
Hi, just wondering what raves and info and "mine did this awww" can be said about Gold Nugget Plecs and Bristlenoses. Due to everyones immense express...
So_Very_Sneaky428-Sep-2004 13:43
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