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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Should I get Jullii cories or Panda?
My lfs is carrying the Jullii corys right now, I was looking for Pandas because they are smaller. Just wondering if anyone here owns Julii's and what...
fishygirl68411-Aug-2004 19:43
Bottom feeders for my 55G
I'm just starting to stock my newly cycled 55G tank. Here are the water parameters and stock the list: Temp 78*F PH 7.6 GH 6 KH 4 Amonia 0 Nitrit 0 N...
ReikoX811-Aug-2004 17:11
lots and lots of cory eggs
Is it normal for a bronze cory to lay eggs every couple of days? Since I moved them over to their new tank about 2 weeks ago, they've been breeding no...
Puggle1111-Aug-2004 09:47
Badis badis
Looking into Badis Badis, but having a bit of trouble finding info. Temperment. Tank size. Difficulty of breeding. Feeding. If any of you guys know...
katieb1811-Aug-2004 06:25
Clown Loach behavior (is this normal?)
A friend of mine got 2 clown loaches for his 55 gallon tank. (note-It's not my tank, and not what I would have put in there! And he knows that.) A...
crickit99010-Aug-2004 23:07
*Nice* Skunk botias (anyone seen these??)
Just noticed how on their profile here, it gives the impression they are generally a very nice community fish. Has anyone here experience them being a...
girlunderrainbow310-Aug-2004 21:29
Snowball Pleco
Just purchased a snowball pleco. Anyone have any experience with them. He was a little pricy at $30.00, but my tank has been very stable with rummys,...
tetratech110-Aug-2004 18:36
will ottos eat other than algae?
I want to get 2 ottos for my tank, but I'm worried that I will have enough algae to feed them. Will they eat algae wafers, or other foods? Or if I onl...
sirbooks1110-Aug-2004 17:30
Ghost Knife Fish
Pages: 1, 2
I'm thinking of getting a Black Ghost Knife Fish for my new 55 gallon. What other tankmates could i keep it with? What are good plants for it? [span...
fishnewbie2210-Aug-2004 06:15
otto picture
Can anyone post a picture of an otto?...
Gills810-Aug-2004 00:00
Would ottos eat in a little cave?
I just bought 12 Ottos for my 125 gal. It's planted on one side (although not heavily yet because I'm just started with live plants) with 4 large dri...
girlunderrainbow109-Aug-2004 23:57
Kribs and Ottos?
I have a pair of Kribs in a 20 gal planted tank. Have some brown algae probs at present..added 4 small CAEs..but they just aren't doing that great of...
girlunderrainbow209-Aug-2004 21:56
Can corys & otos co-exist?
I have two tanks, would like some bottom feeders for both of them. I have quite a bit of brown algae in the 10 gallon, I"ve been doing some research...
fishygirl68909-Aug-2004 18:38
Otocinclus Eating Bloodworm Part 3
Otocinclus Eating Bloodworm - Confirmed! I've just been watching the aquarium after another Daphnia and Bloodworm banquet (which of course the Panda...
Calilasseia609-Aug-2004 18:34
Got my first corys - 5 Pandas; 2 Bronze; 3 Leopard
Yes, I've joined the ranks of Cory lovers everywhere! After reading some your threads, thought that these little characters would definitely provide...
dreamweaver8891609-Aug-2004 16:26
killifish and panda cories
i saw that one of my panda cories has a bloody bite mark/bruise, right under his tail. in the tank there is only pandas, dwarf neon rainbow...
MidiLand109-Aug-2004 16:08
How do I feed a sailfin pleco
Hi there... I have recently been given a sailfin pleco but i have no idea how to feed it or wether he eats at all I have bought some algea table and h...
necio1409-Aug-2004 15:18
Black Ghost Knifefish
I was wondering if anyone has had any expeirence with this fish and what kind of fish go well with it. I've checked the compatible list but I was wond...
slimdicky1609-Aug-2004 14:22
how do I identify corys?
I tried the planetcatfish website, but they dont have anything like a corry sectin so I can look and compare what they look like. I cant take a pictu...
victimizati0n309-Aug-2004 06:29
What is the smallest Pleco ?
Pages: 1, 2
I would like to know the smallest Pleco and its size, because I'm drawing up a shortlist for a future tank, hopefully getting some time near christma...
LEE_WILMOT_7062209-Aug-2004 06:18
clown loach
O.k., I have a problem. I would like to someday get some of those cool little clown loaches, but I don't know how big they get. In my lfs, they say th...
sirbooks409-Aug-2004 01:29
Skinny Clown Loach
Hey all About 6 months ago one of my clown loaches became extremely skinny and eventually died. Now, it appears that another one is suffering the...
bkaryn609-Aug-2004 00:59
What do oto eggs look like?
Trying to solve my mystery eggs. They are small white oval eggs in a perfect line down the airtubing. possible egg laying fish are down to yoyo loa...
sham208-Aug-2004 19:19
cories and tubifex
I just recently bought some tubifex worms as a treat for my cories, because I heard that they loved them. It is the kind that is in a cube, and you st...
sirbooks108-Aug-2004 17:14
cories and tubifex
I just recently bought some tubifex worms as a treat for my cories, because I heard that they loved them. It is the kind that is in a cube, and you st...
sirbooks008-Aug-2004 16:18
pictus catfish
tell me everything!!!!!!!!!!!!...
bratyboy21208-Aug-2004 10:35
Loach question
Does anyone know what a marble botia is? I saw it at an LFS in a tank with clown loaches. It looks a little like a zebra loach. Originally it cost...
jenbabe256108-Aug-2004 10:26
peppermint bristlenose
Hi, does anyone know where these BN can be purchased in the Sydney area? Also, do they need the same conditions (PH, temp, hardness) as normal BN? Th...
misty666660108-Aug-2004 10:02
Badis Badis?
O.K, I saw a bunch of these guys at my LFS and had to grab a few. I have all the info i need except possibly tank mates??? Right now they have the...
MR_CICHLID306-Aug-2004 19:59
Can Albino Cory.....
Can or do Albino cory bite other fish? I have 5 tetras and two albino cory in my ten gallon tank, one of my tetras had his tail bitten in half and has...
raindream906-Aug-2004 18:48
Rubbernose pleco
How big of a tank do they need?...
boil906-Aug-2004 06:22
Corie Id help
I picked up 7 new cories on tuesday and are now in quarrentine (thankfully since one has a little fungusy looking patch on its tail). Anyway 2 (the o...
Doedogg206-Aug-2004 05:32
sterbai cory's ??????
has anyone heard of sterbai cory's before? because they were selling them at my LFS and i had never heard of them and was not sure wether to buy them....
7puke14505-Aug-2004 23:32
Stumped by species, please help!
I saw a pretty cool catfish that my LFS put with their Tiger Barbs. It was listed as an Oil Catfish. Since I was needing a bottom dweller for my Tiger...
twault405-Aug-2004 18:06
Favorite Cory?
What is your favorite type of Corydoras? I love my emerald cories, and I'm planning on getting more....
sirbooks1705-Aug-2004 15:59
Bronze and Albino Cories
Same species (well, sometimes - a lot of albinos are paleatus and they can be other species) but not same look. Schooling is visual - they won't schoo...
FishProfiles.com1305-Aug-2004 06:50
just checking...
Cories will eat vegetables, right? As long as they've been sunk to the bottom? I wanted to give mine a treat, but I wasn't sure if they liked to eat t...
sirbooks305-Aug-2004 06:19
Some questions about my ottos.
I recently added 2 ottos in my 10 gal planted tank. Currently, i have 4 neons, 4 black neons, 3 peppered corys, and 2 ottos right now. But my ottos...
myfrint605-Aug-2004 06:16
i know this is wrong but my aunt has a 300 gallon fish tank in her wall and it holds about 6 med koi. now she not being a fish person and her grandch...
bettachris704-Aug-2004 18:40
he's gone...
my giant BN. I brought him back to the petstore today It was very sad, but my cories are a lot happier now that they're in a school of 6, thats how...
terranova904-Aug-2004 16:58
Pygmie Cories!!!! yay
hello i just wanted to know a little about pygmie cories! they are sooo cute! i also wanted to know where to get them...? thanks inm advance!1!1!...
PlatiesAREcool604-Aug-2004 08:03
Pleco Habits Changed
I sold some fish back to the LFS then added my pleco and simese algae eater into a tank that already housed the same bottom dwellers. Well, the pleco...
larry c504-Aug-2004 05:15
Vegetable Duration
How long can I keep pieces of zucchini in the tank before it becomes unappetizable to the fish? I have two clown plecs who haven't touched the piece o...
Mkcube1104-Aug-2004 04:45
can anyone tell me what syndotis would be the best for eating the food bits that fall on the rocks?...
AmerikanCichlids4lyf803-Aug-2004 11:43
Plecostomus home wanted
I saw this on a Garden site I think this could interest some one in that area Plecostomus Posted by hoodrat tx houston (My Page) on Sun, Jul 25, 04 a...
keithgh903-Aug-2004 07:29
can anyone tell me what syndotis would be the best for eating the food bits that fall on the rocks?...
AmerikanCichlids4lyf003-Aug-2004 06:18
Real Jullii?
I've been told that there is a slight difference between jullis and trilineus. How can I identify if its really a Jullii? A LFS looks like a Jullii...
sly703-Aug-2004 00:59
dojos in daylight?
Okay, so I got my dojo about a week ago. I was worried that he wasn't eating and finally stayed up and watched him until 4 a.m. and was excited to se...
jenbabe256403-Aug-2004 00:31
Algea Eater for 10gal?
This is the 3rd freaking algea eater that has died in my little tank! This guy made it a long time (over a month!) and this morning, low and behold,...
Shali602-Aug-2004 19:27
Sinking Veg
Hi Would be pleased to receive your advice on the best ways to sink cucumber for my plecs? (with out getting my arms wet - ) Any other vegitable...
davetherave602-Aug-2004 17:10
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