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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Small Bristle nose keeping safe
I just bought 3 small BNs 25-30mm I can not get any bigger without breaking the bank These were $8.75 each and if they were 40-50mm they would cost m...
keithgh1015-Oct-2007 10:00
Bronze Cory school
I'm going to be getting a school of Bronze Cories and was wondering if I could mix regulars and Albinos and still get good schooling/shoaling behavior...
truestar1513-Oct-2007 14:41
I don't know if this is a bad question, but are cories ok to in a tank with SAND?...
boil209-Oct-2007 21:57
Imperial pleco AKA Zebra Pleco.
hi everyone. I was just looking through different plecostomus pictures, and I found this Imperial Pleco. It looked really cool, and I was wonderin...
Zix Stix406-Oct-2007 23:10
What should i feed BN fry????
My trio of BNs have bred for the second time , and this time i saved around 50-60 fry. They are in a floating tank thing, in my 55g. I put in some a...
desiredusername702-Oct-2007 22:47
Hungry pleco?
Hi I'm new to plecos and am giving him baby marrow. How much should I give? because he can't seem to get enough!!! J...
PappaBear402-Oct-2007 22:34
BN breeding....
Will an albino male BN breed with a normal (dark coloured) female BN?. Thanks in advance....
jasonpisani1102-Oct-2007 22:29
Electric Catfish
Pages: 1, 2
again... i just bought another one... Anyway he is only 4 inches, but im planning on creating a 525 custom next year and much is too...
bettachris2330-Sep-2007 07:15
Big & hungry
The largest CL this morning devoured one partly frozen Blood worm 15mm cube within a few seconds. I dropped it into the tank by accident and before...
keithgh430-Sep-2007 04:46
Panda Spawning Log (now with pics)
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Yay! I now am the proud parent of 10 little panda eggs!!! This spawning came by accident when I was filling up the tank last night I accidentally put...
RNJ_Punk11128-Sep-2007 21:47
Which kind of Bottom Feeder?!?!
Hello everyone. I am probably getting a heavily planted 20 gal. tank with about 10 neon tetras and 5 ghost shrimp. I was jsut wondering which kind...
Zix Stix1028-Sep-2007 09:13
A few of my Clown Loaches just before morning feeding time
This is about the only time I can get a photo of most of them out at the one time. Have a look in [link=My Profile]
keithgh1323-Sep-2007 06:13
Bristlenose Plecs and algae
I am going to be getting a BN eventually and was wondering what kinds of algae that they eat. I have heard they eat brown algae (which I have heard i...
truestar1822-Sep-2007 23:39
Hey guys! I have recently got 3 otos in my 280L tank but will buy more. How many should i get?..7 more to be 10! And what is the lifespan of them?...
Rob16191119-Sep-2007 05:35
Paleatus,Albinos,and the Pandas of doom!!!
How about a little word called-cories? I now have 2 paleatus,2 albinos and 3 pandas in the 75 for now.The pandas[salt and pepper,not little Tag,who...
shadowtheblacklab418-Sep-2007 22:26
Zebra loach terror
Hey all, this is my first post, I looked this website up specifically because of my rampaging zebra loach! I have a 20 gallon tank ( I think it's 20 g...
Belkin317-Sep-2007 21:28
Albino Algae Eaters
Today I brought home 3 of the albino algae eaters. I dont have much luck with plecos so I thought I would give these lil guys a try. The dude at the s...
zookeper516-Sep-2007 03:23
I love polypterus but have never tried to raise one. I was wondering if I could keep a three inch one in a 20 gal with 2 german rams unitl it gets a...
JYJason515-Sep-2007 04:37
Corydoras behavior?
Can anyone tell me what the normal behavior of a corie would look like i just got some and am curious so i could look for signs of di...
Maddeningdream808-Sep-2007 21:13
How many do you have?what size tank?What species?...
shadowtheblacklab1008-Sep-2007 02:47
Weather/dojo Loach
Anyone ever keep these little fellas? I was thinking of getting one, or two, or five. But they probably will think a 10g is to snug, they are 6 i...
eat_ham222407-Sep-2007 00:38
Im going for a all catfish 29g :D
So i thought about it.... and thought some more... and decided to get only catfish for my 29g. Why? Because i said so So heres what im thinking...
eat_ham222305-Sep-2007 02:10
Glass Catfish
they are not the clear glass catfish but i believe i read before that they are sometimes called "poor mans glass catfish" They were alittle expensive...
bettachris005-Sep-2007 01:03
Black Ghost Knife
Recently I have become fascinated with the black ghost knife. I work at a lfs and have unsuccessfully attempted to keep one of my own twice. I get t...
JYJason404-Sep-2007 19:29
New SAE and Otto behaviour
I just purchased a small 4cm SAE for the Betta tank (I transfered the larger one to the 5ft tank). Just after I removed the larger SAE the strange beh...
keithgh129-Aug-2007 07:55
just bought some adorable SAE's
hey just thought id share my joy. i just went and bought 2 SAE's from a fish shop about 15 miles away from my home. i was worried they would be shoc...
greenfootball1026-Aug-2007 16:49
Clown Loaches Talking
Pages: 1, 2
For a while now I have been hearing these Clicking noises coming from my 55 gallon tank. I keep checking the mechanical stuff filter power head and t...
FishKeeperJim2023-Aug-2007 18:49
Ancistrus temmincki vs Panaque maccus for alage eating
Which one is better for alage eating? I should have researched it first. I got the Panaque maccus. However if that is worse/insufficient for eating al...
General Hague221-Aug-2007 20:11
Common Bristlenose?
Hey all, I just wanted to check to see if this is a common bristlenose. I have 3 other ones, but the colour of this one is a little "greener" that the...
Pleco Lover121-Aug-2007 03:09
hey guys just a quick question can you mix corydoras species?i have 4 bronze corys and would like to put in three or four shwartzi corys...
Maddeningdream321-Aug-2007 00:30
Bare bottom tank for pandas?
Some good sized pandas (a bit longer than 1 inch) are on sale in my LFS. They are rarely available. I'm really tempted to get 8 - 10 of them. But a...
RickyM620-Aug-2007 23:31
Getting Substrate Tommorow, Need Help, For Cories >.>
is there a HUGE difference between sand and small gravel for cories? since sand isnt the best for plants and its harder to maintain.. i was hoping to...
eat_ham222918-Aug-2007 17:47
Otocinclus Feeding Question
I just got 4 otos in hopes of curbing the brown diatom outbreak in my 20g. They will have the algae to eat (the tank isn't like covered in algae or a...
ScottF918-Aug-2007 16:10
Mystery loach - help me identify it!
I currently have this single loach in my aquarium, and I've had him for so long I can't remember what his common name is.
myrra616-Aug-2007 08:14
cute cory! but whats it called! :O any1 no the common name? i want these they look cute :3 any1 know info on them?...
eat_ham222314-Aug-2007 19:11
Striped Raphael Catfish
Anyone owned these catfish before? How are they for the community tank? Are they a hardy species? Any info would be great, I saw them at the LFS and t...
coltsfan214-Aug-2007 05:19
Pleco hiding spots
I just recently was given a very large pleco from a friend....he had out grown their tank. I would say he's at least 9 inches long, and I am just loo...
Mia311-Aug-2007 05:35
New Pleco?
i have a 25 gallon aquarium with 11 zebra danios, 6 rosy barbs and a bristlenose pleco. i do a water change ounce a week. i was wondering if i could g...
Barb Boy107-Aug-2007 01:49
Sinking Algae Tablets
How long can you leave these in the tank without it messing with the quality of your water? The back of the package say 2 hours but what if they don't...
coltsfan706-Aug-2007 17:17
Brown algae... otto or SAE
We have a 26 gallon community tank and are having trouble with a brown algae. We had two plecos, around an inch long, to combat it for several weeks...
jboston19806-Aug-2007 05:31
My BNs spawned!
i looked under a big rock in my 55g mbuna tank, which i noticed my male BN has been hanging around lately. I turned over the rock and found eggs! at l...
desiredusername205-Aug-2007 02:17
Adding A Pleco
When I do add my pleco species should it be my next fish or should I add other species first and then add my pleco? I don't know if this matters or n...
coltsfan523-Jul-2007 21:02
Any shrimp friendly loaches that eat snails?
I used to own Yo-Yo loaches, but I gave them to the LFS for store credit since they ate my African Fan Shrimp and Asian Fan Shrimp (both the ones list...
General Hague421-Jul-2007 02:56
Thinking About Otos...
I have a 20g tank, Tiger Barbs, would love to add a few otos down the road. I read the article in the archives here, and it stressed the importance of...
ScottF220-Jul-2007 03:19
Otto supprise they are breeding in the Betta tank
Just after I changed a few things around in the Betta tank I saw another Otto, I origionally had five and I know I lost at least three found a body in...
keithgh219-Jul-2007 00:00
Cory and Weather Loach
Is it possible to keep cories with weather loaches???...
fess218-Jul-2007 22:09
Clown Loaches home made cave
This was rather difficult to take the photo and explain. Look at where the small CL is going and you can see a small opening between two large rocks....
keithgh018-Jul-2007 05:41
L104 clown pleco
I JUST GOT TWO CLOWN PLECOS! im so excited! i'v been looking forward to getting these bad boys (ones a male for sure) for about two weeks now. I know...
CucumberSlices715-Jul-2007 19:14
What Algea Eater ??
Hi Everyone Well, seeing as I dont have any luck with Plecos I am giving up on them. I do need something that will keep my algea in check. I have a...
zookeper415-Jul-2007 03:27
Small Catfish?
Ugh, this is why I don't like planet catfish >_> They never seem to be helpful to me. . . Anything in the catelog that says that they like warmer w...
Gilraen Took515-Jul-2007 03:22
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