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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Cichlid Central
  L# Discus
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Registered: 02-Aug-2005
male usa
EditedEdited by snake09j
i am getting a forty five gallon tank, i don't know the dimensions but it is long,
i want to try to do three or four types of fish if possible , discis, angels and a black ghost knife, and rams.

how should i due this
how much should i expect to spend,
what size should i get discus at,
can i mix colors
what kind of filter
what kind of substrate
what kind of plants
Post InfoPosted 07-May-2006 16:03Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Guy
Mega Fish
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Ok well I would only go with 2 discus max. or 3-4 angels. Discus around here are about $60 for a not too nice looking one, so you might spend at least that for a nice from where you are. Its ok to mix colors when dealing with discus, but I wouldn't try to breed them if they are different species. Id go with sand, and any plants that you like really. Oh when buying the discus get them at 2" or so. Becaus ethe tank is 45 gallon that cuts out the black ghost knife b/c they are aggressive and they get up 30". If you want the most fish possible in that tank I would go with the angels, then you could get some rams and some cories.
Post InfoPosted 07-May-2006 22:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Dangerous Dave
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Discus generally will not do well in groups of less than 5.
With a 45 gallon tank you could really only keep 5 full grown discus if you had no other fish. You could get 5 smaller discus and look to upgrade the tank later on, otherwise I would stick with the other fish that you mentioned.
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 01:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Bob Wesolowski
Mega Fish
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Dave! Thank you!

Discus are a shoaling fish. The rule for stocking discus is:
o Stock 1 and it will do poorly and die,
o Stock 2 and the dominant fish will kill the other fish, then do poorly and die,
o Stock 3 and the dominant fish will kill the weakest fish, then the more dominant fish will kill the less dominant fish, then do poorly and die,
o Stock 4 fish and somebody will die then see "Stock 3..."
o Stock 5 fish and the cichlid aggression is diffused and the crown of dominant fish will shift around and around.

Now, angels will outcompete discus for food. If you are going to spend big bucks on discus why jeopardize the investment with angels. Oh, angels like water under 80F. Discus like it toasty - 84F.

Ghost knife emits a weak electric current. It will make your big bucks discus very nervous. Nervous = skittish = sick = dead discus.

Rams, either blue or Bolivian, are a great choice as discus companions! Other great choices are ancistrus (bristlenose), cardinal tetras, corydoras sterbai and rummy nose tetras.

Unless you are going to use your tank as a bare bottom tank to grow out your discus, get fish that are three inches from nose to the base of their tail or larger. Juvenile fish have juvenile immune systems, just about anything makes them sick and they need to be fed three to five times per day. Larger fish have adult immune systems, but they still need great water conditions.

With a 45 gallon tank you can get 5 three inch fish but you will need to keep the tank very clean. Minimum water changes would be 50% twice each week to keep the fish happy and growing.

Colors? Your choice, go here to see the range of discus colors: Stendker

If you feel up to discus then check for breeders in your area through the local fish club.

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research."
researched from Steven Wright
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 02:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guy
Mega Fish
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Registered: 28-Jan-2004
male canada
I would be shadey on having 5 full grown Discus in a 45. But as said above can be down if the water parameters are kept in check and clean. Angels also have medical effect on discus aswell, I am not sure of the name of it but i know that its not ideal to keep angels with discus. I have also read in terms of stcoking with discus use the idea of 20 gallons per discus.
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 04:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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