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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Cichlid Central
  L# this normal?
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 Post Reply  New Topic this normal?
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Registered: 02-Oct-2004
female usa
I think there is no 100% way to sex kribs. Females often have a purple markings on their belly, but I wouldn't count on it as a fool proof way to tell. Also, check the lenth of the anal fins. Male cichlids tend to have longer anal fins. Another way to tell is to observe the krib's behavior. Males tend to be more territorial, especially during breeding, although i have seen female cichlids who were as moody or more than some males! As the fish mature, it should probably become easier to tell. I hope this helps you!

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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 18:25Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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female canada
I missed this one! The females have rounded anal fins while the males are more pointed, as well males have longer fins on top and the tail is longer near the bottom and comes to a bit of a point. The females will colour up whenever they are ready to mate, whether a male is present or not, the belly turns a very deep purple and she gets moody as well. I think the males need a female present for their colours to light up. My female will chase the barbs around out of pique when she's in the mood and she's the only krib in the tank!

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-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 09-Sep-2003
male usa us-maryland
very tough to tell since they seem to still be young. as they get bigger you will be able to tell which is which. i think you may be in more trouble if one of them is a female rather than if they were all males.

i have 2 male kribs in my 55 usg that never bother any other fish or eachother but when i was breeding them they were completly nasty. in fact all my pairs neede a tank to them selves because they would tear up anything elese in the thank. good luck, you will find out soon enough.

Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 00:37Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Mar-2003
female usa
I'm just going to reiterate what I said above....HONESTLY, It WORKS

The easiest way I've found to sex them, even at 3 months old, is to look at the very top back of the dorsal fin. Females will have no color on the end, it will be clear and rounded off. Males WILL have color all the way to the tip of the top of the dorsal fin, even at a young age and before the fin lengthens and is obviously pointed.
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 19:28Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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