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  L# 20 Gallon Long Restocking
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Subscribe20 Gallon Long Restocking
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
I recycled my 20 gallon long and, so far, have three platies (all male), 11 black neons, 8 assorted cories and one misplaced red fin (will return to LFS) that got in the bag with the black neons by mistake. I don't think I can add anything else, but am considering maybe a honey gourami. The tank looks rather drabb. I have a dark blue background and dark blue, mixed with black, gravel thinking the neons would show up better - need more plants. What can give it a bit more color without being overstocked? What could I change in the tank? Would a black background be better?
Thank you for your advice.
Post InfoPosted 23-Nov-2007 19:58Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
That sounds really full in there! The only think i can say is that there really isnt too much room for anything really, and you dont have too many plants right? THe only option left is a Dwarf Gourami. Those are neat, as they have a blue body with red stripes. It will put you over the top though, and you have to watch for another ammonia cycle. Anyway, i suggest that you change the BG to black construction paper, and with a few plants, it will look totally rad! For a zen tank, you could get rid of the platies and the red tetra, and put in maybe a Pearl Gourami, or an Opaline Gourami. Then i would suggest you replace the gravel with all black, or black with red if you are going to go zen. For a colorful tank, i would suggest all black or natural color gravel. The black will really bring out the colors of the tank and the fish. NAtural gravel will simulate its natural habitat, and with plants, will look reallt nice! If you use the natural gravel, i would suggest an all blue Background. Anyway, i suggest that you choose a theme for your tank, and go on from there. Your tank is going to be overstocked if you don get rid of your platys. I suggest that you move them into another tank if you have one. That will be efficent!

Have fun!

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Post InfoPosted 23-Nov-2007 20:49Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
Posts: 449
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
Yes, the platies are going into a ten gallon that I already have up and running. The red fin will go back to the fish store today - if they are open, and I will see if they will give me one more black neon. I am going to try the black back ground and see how it looks. The neons and cories are nice fish, but the background and gravel does nothing for them. I will see if the LFS has one more platy for the ten gallon, too. The gravel in the ten really needs to be changed first, however. Thank you for the advice - think the black background will make the neons stand out - with the platies in the ten, I can then consider a gourami (a thick lipped would go well with the black background, I think).
Post InfoPosted 24-Nov-2007 19:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Jun-2003
female usa
I returned the red fin tetra and put in a black background. The black neons look so much better - but that blue gravel is awful - what was I thinking of? I sent the three platies to the ten and may move the three jevie albino coried to the ten also. With eleven black neons and six adult cories, I should have roon for a centerpeice fish - like the idea of an opaline gourami. I am using peace lilies (spathiphyllum wallisii) for plants - the roots are in the tank with the tops (leaves) sticking out the the back of the tank, will that work? I need to make sure the cat can't get the leaves.....I bought some bulbs from the discount store. I think I'll move the blue gravel to the ten, since that needs replacing anyway. I want it to look nice, but be suited to the fish I have/will have, also.
Post InfoPosted 26-Nov-2007 19:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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female usa go to a lot of trouble for your tanks don't you? I wish I had that much ambition!

Pretty much whatever you think looks good will work for your tank. I don't know how your plant will grow with leaves above water, but my pothos cutting (house plant) is doing great in my 18g. long. It grows new leaves underwater & they are growing like crazy. It also has leaves above water coming out the back of the tank. I suppose it gets oxygen that way.

And talk about colored gravel! You might take a look at my tank in the photo booth under, My two tanks after sparse planting. You will also see my pothos plant. And you might consider rocks or driftwood for your tank. I find their addition really perks up a tank. Whatever you do, have fun! Any chance of a photo when you get it done?
Post InfoPosted 26-Nov-2007 21:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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