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  L# 75g Tank Setup
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Subscribe75g Tank Setup
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Registered: 28-Nov-2007
female usa
I'm getting a 75g tank within the next few months. But I want to make sure the stock I plan on getting are all compatable.
I will move my 2in clown loach and 3 diamond tetras into it for sure. Then 2 more clown loaches; 2 more diamonds; at least 8 featherfin rainbows; and a pair or 2 of Cherry Barbs. (Getting each at least 4 weeks apart so they can stay for the proper amount of time in my new QT) I would like to get some Blue rams but some sources say I shouldn't others say it'd be alright.

The pH will be kept at 7.0 with the temp. staying at around 77. I plan on getting lots of beginner plants and some driftwood and slate to make lots of hidey holes.

Owner of 20g with 7 diamond tetras, 1 mosquito eater,& 1 lyretail molly.
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 05:26Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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three clown loaches will outgrow that tank!

\\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\"
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 05:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by GobyFan2007
Hmm, i think a ram would be ok. You dont have any other agressive cichlid in there, and rams are very peaceable, so.......You should! Add more diamond tetras, atleast 3. 2 more clown loaches would make them happier, but it will get crowded fast. I would not keep long or delicate finned fish with tigerbarbs, as they have a notorious reputation of nipping, hence no more long finns.......

You could even fit a whole nother school of tetras. And up the amt of tetras you have. Good going for the understocked thing!

Good job, sounds like you know all of what you are doing!!! Good luck!!!

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Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 05:58Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female usa us-massachusetts
EditedEdited by catdancer
Congrats on getting a bigger tank first!

Here are my two cents on your set up: Rams are delicate and can be e to all sorts of ailments. Personally, I always had good luck with them but it depends on the source of breeding. You mention that you will set the temp at 77 F, this will be a bit too cold for them, they do much better at higher temperatures (over 80 F).
If you want to keep some dwarf cichlids, may I suggest some others (kribs, A. cacatoides or the Bolivian Ram, all commonly available) which are not as delicate as the Blue Ram and they are pretty and very interesting as well!
If I count correctly, you will have 3 clowns altogether and have to agree with brandeeno - these fish get big! Cute as they are, they will be too much for your tank ultimately dominating the display and the other fish. However, there are plenty of small loaches available, for example, check Garry's (Countryfish) log, he has loaches which are cute and small. TFH is currently running a little series on loaches in the hobby - why not check the articles online. They should be available on the magazine's website. it is also a great source for fish keeping and not expensive if you subscribe (I am not working for them, my own opinion).
Personally, I would increase the school of diamond tetras to at least 6, they are schooling fish and will make a stunning display.

You mention that you plan on keeping plants - excellent. May I ask what your thoughts are regarding lighting? Light is very crucial for successful plant keeping if you want to see happy growth. Lack of sufficient light can turn an initially nicely planted set up into a very disappointing experience. I am talking personal experience. Most 'kit-like' set ups offered in stores for a lower price usually come with lousy lighting. FP is an excellent forum to discuss light fixtures, where to get them for a good price as well as aquascaping, etc.

Just my suggestions and enjoy planning of your new tank. Keep us posted!

Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 05:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Nov-2007
female usa
I wasn't planing on getting a clown loach, but he just looked so lonely there at the petshop by himself. I just had to get him. Afterwards I looked up what his needs were and decided he needed some buddies but I would need to get a larger tank. I know they will eventually outgrow the tank but right now he's ownly 2in long and the petstore I got him from ,and plan on getting more from, said they'd take them back when they when they outgrew my tank, which will be a couple years down the line.
Cherry barbs are my mom's favorite fish, if they're going to be little fin nippers then they probably shouldn't be in my tank considering I like long finned fish. So instead I'll just get even more diamonds or rainbows(threadfins).
Bolivian rams are very pretty, maybe I should get them instead of Blues. How many should I get though, 1 male and 2/3 females? I'll look them up.
I probably should raise the temp. a little bit, I'd just be a little worried about it being too hot for the tetras and rainbows. Maybe I'm just over thinking it.

Owner of 20g with 7 diamond tetras, 1 mosquito eater,& 1 lyretail molly.
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 20:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female usa us-massachusetts
EditedEdited by catdancer
Honestly, I have never heard of a real incident with cherry barbs being nippy. A good friend of mine keeps them with several long-finned and slow swimming fish without any problems. It is ususally the tiger barb that is accused of this and these fish are much better behaved if kept in a school. The nippers are mostly the loners. If your mom loves cherry barbs get them, they are pretty fish and check if it is better to keep some more of them!

Bolivians are not only pretty, they also look very cute! Those big eyes ... you could keep a pair or two pairs,one male with several females, they are pretty mellow fish and a 75G is sufficient space for two pairs. 78 F should be okay for them, it is the Blue Ram that requires higer temperatures. One thing though: those dwarf cichlids are carnivores, they need a diet that is supplemented with bloodworms or other 'meaty' ingredients for good health.

I think you are off to a good start - you are obviously smart and think before you get the fish. I hope you will throughly enjoy your new tank!
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 22:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
My cherry barbs have never been nippy. They are rowdy, active fish but never aggressive. You MUST get more females than males! The males are crazy! They are very beautiful, interesting fish and will readily spawn in water, anywhere... Don't worry about fry, all the eggs will get eaten right up. Definitely consider getting some if you like active fish. A good basic school is three females, two males but you could have more if you like, especially more females. They don't 'school' really but they like each others company. It is really cool to watch the males display with each other when fighting over a female.
Post InfoPosted 20-Dec-2007 22:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The only time I have seen a cherry barb get nippy is when it was trying to steal an algae disc off my BN. It just pecked it on the dorsal fin. The BN chased it away and went back to eating.
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2007 04:16Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female usa us-massachusetts
There you go! Looks like your mom will be able to enjoy the cherry barbs. I looked them up and they are described as shy fish which do best in groups of 5 and more, they stay small (2 inches only). Definitively not a nipper.
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2007 06:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Nov-2007
female usa
Ok Ok I'll be sure and get some then. 2 boys and 3 girls.
I researched bolivian rams, they would be a better choice for my tank.
I have another question, the variety of fish around here is slim. If I can't find what I'm lookin for, what are ya'lls opinions on buying fish off the internet. I generally buy what I like while at the store but if I'm lookin for a specific fish, they may not have them.
I'm sure we have a fish club or somethin in Raleigh but that's the closest and it's still a few hours worth of gas.

Owner of 20g with 7 diamond tetras, 1 mosquito eater,& 1 lyretail molly.
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2007 07:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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if you are looking for a specific fish locate a local fisyh club and ask if anyone has any of what you are looking for.

also post a wanted add in the classifieds wityh you location and how much you are willing to pay for what you are looking for hope all goes well!

(ps you might want a written agreement on that trade in with the clown loaches as stores change hands and it would be terible if you were stuck with three huge clown loaches and had to upgrade to accomodate them!)

\\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\"
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2007 08:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female usa us-massachusetts
EditedEdited by catdancer
Do you have just the typical chain store for LFS or a privately owned business? I find that the latter are usually willing to place orders for customers if looking for a specific fish (you will have to buy when they get them in and in good condition, though). I personally never purchased fish online but I know that quite a few people do it (aquabid is a site that is popular). I would search for a fish club - sometimes, especially if the vicinity is rural, there are a lot of members outside of the major city. Some of the clubs have classifieds where members advertise fish and dry goods. Aside from this there a several sites that sell fish - look around and ask here on FP if someone else ordered from a vendor you are interested in already.

Some of the aquatic plant nurseries also sell fish - you might be able to get plants and fish with the same order!
Post InfoPosted 22-Dec-2007 08:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Nov-2007
female usa
We have both petsmart and petco but I usually try to avoid those places. We have one locally owned store that I'm very loyal to and whose fish are from what I've seen very healthy. (where I get all my fishies) They usually have only the most common of fishes for the area. I've never seen them carry any rams or rainbows. I'll talk to them see if they can order for me. Plus I'm really hopin' to get a job there after the busy season.

Owner of 20g with 7 diamond tetras, 1 mosquito eater,& 1 lyretail molly.
Post InfoPosted 22-Dec-2007 08:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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