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  L# Am I overstocked?
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SubscribeAm I overstocked?
Tank You Daddy.
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Registered: 08-Dec-2007
male canada
Kinda new here, but have a stocking question. Everything is going well in our tank, but I am wondering if I am crowding it a bit.
Here's a list of fish that we have in our 55 gallon tank with a eheim 2213 cannister filter
Neon Tetra's x 11
Leopard/Zebra Danio's x 4
Bosemani Rainbowfish x 5
Pictus Cats x 2
Blue Gourami x 1
Dwarf Gourami x 1
Delphax Corydora x 1
Pleco x 1

So far the only problem is that the pictus cats ate 3 tetras and 2 danios in the early days.... none in a while though.
So what does everyone think? We are contemplating finding a new home for the tetras and the danios

55G -5x Bosemani, 3x Emerald Cory,3x Red Rainbow, 3x Turquoise Rainbow. 20G-Empty. 10G -4x Danio 3x Cory Fry 1 Gold Mystery Snail. 10G- 1x CAE, 2x Tetra 1x ADF
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 04:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Feb-2007
male usa
what kind of plec a common? if its one of the smaller kinds you should be fine. providing you stocked slowly

The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we dont know what to do.
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 04:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Tank You Daddy.
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Registered: 08-Dec-2007
male canada
The Pleco-near as I can tell is a common, he is very small, maybe 1.5"
We have stocked the tank over the past month and a half, species by species.

55G -5x Bosemani, 3x Emerald Cory,3x Red Rainbow, 3x Turquoise Rainbow. 20G-Empty. 10G -4x Danio 3x Cory Fry 1 Gold Mystery Snail. 10G- 1x CAE, 2x Tetra 1x ADF
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 04:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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male usa us-delaware
EditedEdited by Shinigami
Except for the pleco which would outgrow the tank all on its own, I wouldn't say your overstocked, but you definitely have a comfortable standing that you can sit around at and be happy with.

You can't give those pictus the benefit of the doubt, so you really should look into moving some fish out just to save them from being eaten.

Corydoras are schooling fish, so more would be good.

Watch out with that blue gourami. IME they can be mean buggers around other gourami, so that dwarf may be pushed around a little.

IMO if you want to add something you could go with another mid- or mid-bottom-dweller. I would shy away from anything else that's primarily a surface-feeder, though, you have enough happening there, especially once the rainbows grow up. But you don't really need to be taking out fish due to overstocking.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 04:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 184
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Registered: 28-Feb-2007
male usa
other than the plec then youshould be fine. id love to see a pic sometime it sounds like a beautiful tank!

The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we dont know what to do.
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 07:11Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Keeping the Pictus with those Neons and Zebras is asking for trouble -- like all other Pimelodid catfish, the little devils have stretchable stomach walls, and can (and do) eat fish up to 2/3 their own length. (I once had a "Shark Catfish" -- a close cousin of the Pictus -- eat a Plecostomus 2/3 his length, although it took him a while to digest the front end enough to finish swallowing all the tail.) I'm not sure even your Dwarf Gourami is safe with them around.
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 08:13Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Those pictus will be a problem as they get older and bigger. As they get big so do their mouths and any thing that can fit into it it will including most fish up to 3/4ins -1ins.
They could polish of all those neons in one night when they bigger if they have not done so already.

It is not a matter of over stocking with them it is a wrong choice, also I would prefer to see them in a far bigger tank, they love space and plenty of DW and caves to hide in.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 11-Dec-2007 08:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tank You Daddy.
Posts: 103
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Registered: 08-Dec-2007
male canada
Ok, panic averted.... the pleco passed away suddenly. Bullying?
He has been replaced by another cory to keep the first one company.
A friend is giving us a 30 gallon setup, so it will become our "Tetra Tank" housing the small edibles that the pictus seems so fond of.
So, not overstocked anymore.
thanks all

55G -5x Bosemani, 3x Emerald Cory,3x Red Rainbow, 3x Turquoise Rainbow. 20G-Empty. 10G -4x Danio 3x Cory Fry 1 Gold Mystery Snail. 10G- 1x CAE, 2x Tetra 1x ADF
Post InfoPosted 13-Dec-2007 03:08Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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