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  L# Fishy Sensitive Hearing?
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SubscribeFishy Sensitive Hearing?
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
I heard fish ahev sensitive hearing... would it be alright to put my betta tank next to the pc? I ushually have pretty loud music on.. and i play shooting games.

I just Don't wanna make him angry.. any thoughts?
Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2007 22:22Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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Why not wear headphones at the PC? Most computers have a headphone jack on them somewhere...

Since sound travels even better in water than air, and fish are sensitive to vibrations in the water, it is definitely worth it.

Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 00:54Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
i dont like ear phones... its hard to rock out and dance with them
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 01:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
I don't think fish get angry.... fish do get stressed though. Loud sounds will result in death so no you can't put the betta by the pc if your turning the speakers up. He'll have a heart attack.
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 04:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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not if he likes rock and roll
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 05:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Noise is not very good for fish or your self I know many people like it LOUD so loud that it virbrates every thing close and some times a good distance away.
How do I know this I suffer from industrial deafness Safety for ears was not even thought of when I started work . It was always on the top of my teaching list when I was teaching trade subjects. I also did a Masters paper on sound at Uni
Sound can actualy kill.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 10:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Lord of the Beasts
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Most fish have a lateral line that runs the entire length of the body, at every few millimetres there is a sensory pit, rather like a primitive eardrum that picks up tiny changes in water movement designed to help them navigate in the dark, and to warn them of the attacking lunge of a predator, and avoid oncoming objects. Consequently to them having a base boom vibration from a loud music source is akin to having some idiot tap on the glass every few seconds. To them any vibration travelling through the tank is the equivalent to someone setting off a grenade near your ear, it makes them jump like hell, and live in a nervous state. Some may die if shock directly and others may eventually succumb to stress.

Keep fishtanks well away from speakers, especially those with powerful woofers on them.While fish do not hear the same frequencies as we do, often unable to distinguish vocals and guitar,and just being constantly annoyed by the base thump. They are more sensitive to direct vibration and ultrasound frequencies, and a big speaker on loud will do them some damage. Don't expect them to live with it. Some fish are so sensitive they cant even handle the rattles and vibration from rickety old filters, so no way in hell can they tolerate very loud, bassy music.

I too love my rock, and loud too, but not near the fish, it isnt fair to expect them to have to live with it.

Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 17:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Doesn't matter what music your playing he's not going to like it. Fish don't hear music like you do. They feel vibrations and they don't like such strong vibrations. Vibrations tell them what's in the water and what might be food(very small movement) or a predator(lots of large movement). Constant amounts of vibration are going to confuse the fish and make him scared something is coming to eat him or something is wrong in his tank. He'll panic, become stressed and either die of an illness or immediately die of basically a heart attack. He's not going to get mad at you and he's not going to like or dislike your music. He's going to be scared to death because he doesn't understand what's going on. About like if someone put you in a bowl and then shook it all over the place for an hour or 2.
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2007 19:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Jul-2007
male usa
I was joking about teh rock and roll guys.. dont get all woried about it .-.-
Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2007 06:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
EditedEdited by divertran
Sound, in itself is just vibrations. Our ears pick up these vibrations and turn them into electrical impulses and send them to the brain to be analyzed as sound. These vibrations can be carried through the air, but do fade away at a distance. They do travel very, very well through water. As a boy growing up on the shores of Lake Superior, it would be very common to hear or even "feel" the 'sound' coming from a ship miles away. Think of the glass wall of the tank as an eardrum, that catches the vibration and transfers it to the water. You can remove yourself from the area to get away from the noise, the fish are kinda trapped in there.
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2007 10:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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