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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# General Freshwater
  L# For Those Of You Living In Northeastern States
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SubscribeFor Those Of You Living In Northeastern States
Posts: 45
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Registered: 04-Nov-2003
female canada
EditedEdited by whodini
apperently my american freshwater eel(anguilla rostrata) is native to the great lakes and south into the rivers
i've never found water parameter info sooooooooo
can anyone tell me:
*no2 &no3
and is the waters there absolutley fresh water or have a bit of salt but not brakish

the link doen't work as for some reason this site puts " ; " after the "&" so if you copy and paste into browser and take out that ";" you can see my photo of one my eels

90g- anguilla rostrata,6 silver dollars,2 pictus catfish 60 g- anguilla rostrata 29g-4 blk skirt&4 serpia tetras, 6 harliquin resbora, 3kuhli loach 20g- 2 mountian minnows, 2 zebra danio& dojo loach , a corn snake and 2 monster dogs
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2006 07:53Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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Registered: 09-May-2003
male usa
Well, Great Lakes parameters vary depending on which lake ... what area. Generally though, it is of medium hardness and definitely not brackish. Yet they do swim through to the ocean to spawn so they should be compatible with just about any type of water. Like most species, stable conditions and clean water are more important.
Post InfoPosted 24-Aug-2006 03:45Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
This is from one of many sites that give the general
chemistry of Lake Ontario:


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Post InfoPosted 24-Aug-2006 07:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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