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SubscribeGreetings from the Newbie
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Nov-2008
Hey Guys, thought its finally time to get involved in some discussions rather than sucking the knowledge from everyone while lurking in the background. Ive been fishkeeping about 6 years and currenlty have a 75 gallon that Im attempting to reestablish after a major move. Most of my experience has been with angels, but Im now taking a shot a tiger barb tank. Currenlty only 3 green tigers, 2 otos, 1 bristlnose, 1 rainbow shark and 7 emerald cories. Had made an attempt to keep some clown loaches instead of the cories, but I just couldnt keep the ich away for some reason. I got a handful of plants.
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2008 04:59Profile PM Edit Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Nov-2008
Was a little premature w/ the Post Reply button, sorry. Here's the rest of the story...Substrate is Turface supplimeted with some fertizer tabs and doses of Fourish Exel. The tank is only a few months old and still changing. I'll post a picture shorlty.
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2008 05:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Nov-2008
Here's my work in progress.

Attached Image:
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2008 05:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa us-california
you got some great tank, even though its only getting established it shows alot of potential. you got great DW. you just need to get some varying plants (taller int he back and shorter in the front and once they gfill in your scape will be wonderful!

you stocking sounds good, the ich is probably in the water supply if its that frequent so maybe age your water before adding it into a tank or boil and cool it. also with a larger tank and slow addition of stock you also might want to invest in a small Quaranteen tank to make sure you dont add any infected fish into with your healthy stock. a cheap 10 gallon set up should suffice or even a small tub/bucket with a filter, air stones, and some cheap decorations for hiding.

you'll need alot more than three tiger barbs to fill that tank (remeber that some fo the color variations might not school together).

TIger barbs are a fav of mine so I cant wait to see this tank progress!

\\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\"
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2008 07:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Hello Bogeyman
Welcome to FP
The tank looks very promising, do you have a backing if not if it was painted black all the plants would stand out a lot better.

Ich it can be a big problem depending where you live and how you prepare your water. I am in Aust and as soon as the colder weather starts you can guarantee WS is around. I had this problem for many years, then the penny dropped big and hard Ich requires a host, simply deny that for one week (in other words store all your water for one week) I also take my water directly from my hot water taps (I do not have a HW storage system) and I have not seen WS for years. Simple but very effective. This does not stop it entering the tank via a fish or plant and this is where you have to be extremely observant when buying fish and plants.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info
Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2008 07:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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male usa
Not a bad looking tank you have there. I really like the drift wood you have on the right. It looks like your foreground plants are starting to take off.

How much light do you have on the tank?

Some anubias or java ferns would look rather nice on the driftwood. Both are very easy growers.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 04-Nov-2008 02:33Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Nov-2008
The Quaranteen Tank is definetly a must, but Ive recently moved into a small apartment and its just not an option at this point (as I cross my fingers).

The plan was for about 12-15 barbs and 5 clown loaches, but I just cant shake the ich. Ive gone through about $65 worth of loaches and w/in a week they start getting the spots. Ive basically given up on them. None of the other fish are showing any symptoms. I'm going to get a few more tigers next week.

I wouldnt mind boiling the water, but at this point it doesnt look like I'll get anymore loaches because of the the cories.

The background is textured paint that was sprayed on. It didnt turn out very good in the pic, but I think it looks good.

The lights are 4 65w PC's that are creeping up on 2 years old. Way overdue for a bulb change. That will be the next purchase.

I also need a new fine filter for my eheim and was considering just buying a large bag of the fine filter media and cutting it to size. I think its a Marinland brand. Has anyone had any experience doing this?

Thanks for the comments.
Post InfoPosted 04-Nov-2008 06:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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male usa
The lights are 4 65w PC's that are creeping up on 2 years old. Way overdue for a bulb change. That will be the next purchase.
It seems that PC's just keep getting more expensive. Best of luck finding some nice ones for a good price.

With the amount of light you have over the tank you should be able to grow just about any plant you want.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 07-Nov-2008 01:24Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Nov-2008
Hey Wings, your right about the price of PCs. It seems the internet is the best choice these days. Right now I can get 4x65 Watts for around $35 w/ shipping included. At my local pet store I believe they want close to $50 for just one bulb.
Post InfoPosted 07-Nov-2008 04:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
What is this?
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Registered: 18-Jan-2005
male usa
You can get all four bulbs for $35? That is a steal of a deal. What brand of bulbs are they?

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 07-Nov-2008 13:24Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 02-Nov-2008
Not sure what brand they are. Check out AquaticFactoryllc on Ebay. He carries a large amouint of bulbs in his inventory at a great price. I cant think of any issues with buying off brand bulbs. My gut feeling is they will probably work just as good as the name brands. Whats your opinion?
Post InfoPosted 08-Nov-2008 04:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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