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  L# Next Addition. Stock Help-Rainbows,Gouramis??
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SubscribeNext Addition. Stock Help-Rainbows,Gouramis??
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Registered: 25-Apr-2007
male australia
Hi all,
summary: Something around the 5-12cm, active, mid-surface.

While I tread water waiting for my weird tetra problem to go away its given me lots of time to think about the next addition to the tank. At the onset I was aiming for bottom dwellers, schooling middle and some mid->surface middle sized types. So far, apart from the weird tetra thing, all is going well in the 5footer.

Bottom: 3Clowns,2kuhli,2yo-yo, 2BN, 1Eupterus.
3 SAE (getting old now)
Mid -school 10lemons,8 red phantoms,2 black phantoms.
2 Angels.(spawning but not amounting to much)

I was looking for something mid-surface and at adult no bigger than 10cm to finish the tank off.
Once the Kribs have paired off Ill probably move the leftovers but so far there seems to be enough space and no WWIII have started.

I looked at dwarf gouramis but I fear they will hide in the plants too much and I already have enough of that going on with the reds From what I can tell they are a little susceptible to disease too and with a loaded tank its best to err on the safe side.

I came across Rainbows Love the Threadfin, but maybe too small? and the Madagascar too big? Maybe Neons(praecox)?

Having to decide about cramming in a school of 5 such fish or finding some lone but active ranger/pair to prowl the upper reaches is also on my mind.

ooh I may add a few more blacks, the two that I have came in with the reds. Both blacks are a little unwell at the mo so we wait.

My 5footer
Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2008 05:03Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Jan-2007
male usa
Well with that stocking I wouldn't add anything else, as your a bit overstocked. And I believe that Angels require a good bit of room.

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Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2008 06:29Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Apr-2007
male australia
sorry maybe I need to underline. I tend to move fish around mine and others tanks to balance them out.
For eg the angels may not stay. I may decide to move the reds elsewhere as they are a tad shy for this tank also.

However I need to decide whats coming in b4 I decide whats moving on.

My 5footer
Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2008 06:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Member MTS Anonymous
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Registered: 09-Jan-2007
male usa
Ok well if thats your plan, then I would move the Angels, and all of the phantoms. then add in 4 or 5 Gouramis, or Rainbows. I currently have 4 Opaline Gouramis and 4 Bosemanis and they get along fine. So if moving is not a problem that would be how I would go. Hope it helps.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2008 00:44Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
Some of my dw gouramis did succombe to some sort of disease, although it is possible the eupterus were startling them late at night. I only have 2 dw gourami left and they do spend a lot of time foraging amongst the plants.

My 2 pearl gourami (both girls) are no problem and they are always out and about. Likewise my 2 angelfish (sexes unknown.)
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2008 01:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 10-Jan-2008
male usa
boesemani rainbow fish...not too much of a hider and active mid-level fish get about 6 inches which is about 15 cm but thats after a long time if you get them young

i like feesh
Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2008 18:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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