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  L# Question about feeding baby guppies.
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SubscribeQuestion about feeding baby guppies.
El Tiburon Tailandes
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Registered: 10-Jan-2007
male costarica
After years of nothing, zilch, nada, I have had a birth in one of my tanks. Ive tried with more difficult species and had no success so I decided to buy a few guppies and put them in a community tank. Voila, a pregnant guppy gave birth to them and they are about 2 days old right now.

Ive been feeding them liquid fry food I bought at the store, the question now is, when can I start them on a little crushed powdered flakes and when are brine shrimp alright for them?


A proud papa.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2008 01:43Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa us-california
i havent actually raised guppy fry but a single platy fry i have (was the only one i found and it survived the wreckage that i put it through) i would say just leave them be... feed a little extra. they will feed on whatever they find.. if you have them in a separate tank or a breeder box/net you can feed them liquid fry food for a few weeks or you could put some warm warter and some flakes into a bowl or cup or jar.. mix and eye dropper or spoon it in (eye dropper is much bettter a syringe with out the needle could also work...) keep that mixture cold to preserve it longer and that is also a great food... use this instead of liquid fry to save ... and you use it longer then you can try a crushed flake or two in about 2-3 weeks i would say but growth rate will tell you when they are ready to take the cruushed flakes... once they reace about 3cm then i would say they are ready...

\\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\"
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2008 03:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female usa
EditedEdited by superlion
They can eat crushed flakes right away if they're crushed finely enough (advantage of being livebearers - at least mine have taken crushed flakes the first day I saw them), baby brine shrimp are ok too. It'll take them a while longer before they can eat the adult brine shrimp.

Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2008 03:34Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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female australia au-queensland
Yep just plain old crushed flakes. What they can't eat directly will settle in the plants and they will hide in there and pick at it.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2008 03:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
It is that long since I had guppy fry it is hard to remember. But what I do know is to have plenty of floating plants. Just put a small amount of good flake food into a small empty food container shake it up well and instant fine flakes.
Put a very small amount at a time and they will eat it very quickly as it stays in the floating plant and any that slips through the bigger guppies eat.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2008 06:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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