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  L# Whisper filter maintenance
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SubscribeWhisper filter maintenance
Bleeding Blue
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Registered: 19-Dec-2006
male usa
I've got a whisper filter on my 10 gallon tank that came in a kit and all I can find for filtration media are the inserts with carbon inside. My question is, do I ever need to change the white filter media out for a new one? I realize the carbon will eventually be used up but I rarely need the carbon in there anyways.
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 06:56Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
I have one of these on my 10 gal. and i think that you really dont need to change it, but it might deter the efficiency overtime, providing that you dont rinse it with dirty water from the WC. You can always remove/add carbon anytime you like, so that wont be a problem.

Over time the white insert will become red and brown with mulm, detritus, and fish food. Then it might start to decompose and eventually just be a stain, as opposed to actual matter on the insert. The brace on the inside will provide a last resort backup for bio-filtration. That is, if you absolutely have to change the cartridge, it will still have some starter colonies. The sleeve itself is a great bio-filter in itself, as well as the runoff port thingy....You know, where the water comes out... Eventually you will get some nice brown growth on there...

Well, thats my experience, and i hope you will enjoy it! As for me, i am getting a cascade for its bio-falls system!


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 07:24Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female usa
IIRC, the carbon inserts do most of the mechanical filtration as well as chemical filtration. So even if you don't put the carbon in (maybe they've changed since I used them), you'll want to replace those regularly. But the white media hold the bacteria you need for the biological filtration, so you shouldn't change them or you'll remove the bacteria and cycle your tank again.

Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 07:26Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
You can rinse the whisper media and reuse without having to replace so long as you throw out any carbon. If you want to use chemical filtration you can buy bulk carbon or another type of media(I use purigen) and pour it into the cartridges. You can also buy mechanical filter media in bulk, cut it to the size of the black plastic holder, and tie it on with nylon string or rubberband it(replace frequently or they will break). Cheaper but it won't hold chemical media that way so if you want it you'd need to put it in a reusable bag and stuff it in the back of the filter.
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 17:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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