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SubscribeWill I need another tank?
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
I can feel MTS coming on. I have a 3ft, 27.74 gallon tank (that is the exact amount of water in it). It is filtrated with a 360 Ltr cannister and has an 18" airstone. I have all natural aquatic plants and several hidey hole ornaments installed.

Currently there are 7 White Cloud Mountain Minnows and 3 common sucker catfish in there.
I plan to add over time 3 Rineloricaria fallax, 2 bn, 2 striped Kuhli loaches, 4 bronze corries, 5 glass catfish,
5 neon tetras, 5 guppies.

I have an 18" tank which will house 12 glass shrimp and maybe eggs or babies from the big tank.

Should I start cycling another tank?
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 00:36Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
I think you need to research the fish you have and the fish you want. Decide if you can mix those fish, and what size those fish grow too. Then think if you can provide them with the correct home.

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 00:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Certainly research is always a good option. I notice you have guppies in that tank why not go for a live bearers tank only. Well done with the striped Kuhli loaches my LFS has them but not very often I have two varieties of the striped ones. Last year they only got in one supply

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 02:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
Way too many fish. Possibly too many fish for 2 tanks depending what size tank you get. You really need to do more research into those species.

What are the sucker cats? If they are chinese algae eaters which are the most common fish with a sucker mouth and one of the most common algae eaters sold then each 1 will reach a foot long and be agressive as adults. Each one would require a 55g minimum and very few tankmates could live with them. I'd be finding someone to take them now before they get too big and start killing their tankmates.

White clouds, cories, neons, glass cats, and kuhlis are all schooling/shoaling fish which prefer a group of 6 minimum. You can't fit multiple schools of fish easily in a 3' tank unless they are very small peaceful fish or use different areas of the tank and don't use much space. The neons or the white clouds could work but I wouldn't do both since the white clouds are so active. Then you could put a group of kuhlis in the bottom with possibly 1 bn or 1 rineloricaria fallax. For 2 or more of those bottom dwellers you would need a much bigger tank. 1 bn might outgrow a 3' tank depending on species. Glass cats also do not count as a small schooling fish. They can each reach 3". That's a fish for a 4' tank. 40g minimum but I'd go for a 55g for a proper school of 6-8 fish.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 02:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
Wahoo, thanks everyone; it just so happens I have an old stand which needs a new tank. I have ordered one today and it should hold 8.8 US gallons./:'
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 06:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
An 8g tank isn't really going to hold any of the fish you mentioned. A 10g might fit a school of neons and a centerpiece fish like a small gourami but that's about it. The bn, white clouds, and glass cats definitely aren't good choices for that tank. I've never kept rineloricaria fallax but considering they get to be 7" probably not a good fish for that size tank either. The kuhlis might fit if you don't really put much else in there besides maybe a betta and the same with some cories but you'd need cories much smaller than bronze. The guppies would work only if you don't get females. Guppies will overstock even a 55g within a month or 2 if you have males and females.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 17:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Time for a nice sparkly new 30-40 gal perhaps?
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2007 17:44Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 22-Jun-2007
female australia au-queensland
I am getting another tank but I will not be getting any glass cats. My natural water ph here is not even close to what those guys need as my water is around 7 & up.

As for the sucker cats, I've had them in an outdoor pond for 6mths and they haven't grown much at all. They are in the aquarium now and are 2" long. They appear to be doing courtship dances together late at night.

The fallax' will grow to just over 6" but two thirds of them are skinny tails.

I think the BN's will be Ancistrus sp.(3) and should only grow to around 5".
Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2007 07:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
Isn't fishkeeping exciting?? I am new to the hobby (barely over a month into my new 20g) and already I am making plans for a nice big 55g tank! So, I feel your MTS for sure! Happy fishkeeping and good luck with the new tanks!
Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2007 15:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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