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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Will Livebearers, Plecos, And Gouramis Eat Java Moss?
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SubscribeWill Livebearers, Plecos, And Gouramis Eat Java Moss?
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
title says it all. if they do, what other moss should i put in? Also, will a hornwort work? What are other floating plants that will work.

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Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2007 06:47Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
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male usa
EditedEdited by budzilla
Not that I know of, those fish just like eat microscopic things off of it but not the moss its self

Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2007 06:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Joe Potato
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Not many things will eat Java Moss, or Java Fern for that matter. They're apparently pretty inedible.

Joe Potato
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2007 07:28Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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