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SubscribeLarge Fish Only Tank (210Gal) maybe Shark.... Advice?
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male uk
Hi all, I've been planning a tank for a while and would like some advice, I'm prretty much decided on my stock. Here's the details anyway.

Its 5' x 3.5' x 2' tank, and am planning on putting some Live Rock in (not too much but enough for a few caves etc) and about 2" of Live Sand.

I would like in there:
A Zebra Moray Eel
Porcupine Puffer
A couple of Tangs (thinking clown and powder blue)
Volitan Lion
Empereror Angel
And I'm really wanting to add a Bamboo Shark too.

1st question, will the Shark be ok with the Tank mates I've selected (im willing to chop and change for the Sharks sake), I think the Tank is Large enough from the books I have read so far.

Also is it best to get it from an Egg and hatch it myself or as a young Juvenile? (I seem to remember Worley having a shark egg???)

OK , what order should I add the fish in, ie. Which will be teritorial and which wont be bothered by new tank mates, I guess the Tangs and Angel will be the most teritorial???

I'm wanting to add about 2 fish at a time? But can do more or less if necessary. I will be purchasing the majority fish at about 5" in size (except for the moray which will be about a foot long)

So if I'm getting the Shark egg, should it be the only thing in the tank before hatching? Or could I have anything else in there?

And also any suggestions on keeping the tank clean? Obviously no snails hermits etc, would black long spined urchins be ok, or will they be eaten too?

Thanks for the help.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Report 
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I think dropping the tangs and angel would be a good idea. I would suggest hatching the shark first. Once it's big enough, adding the lion would be OK, I'm not sure how big a shark is at hatching. The zebra moray will leave most tank mates alone, but should be added after the shark is big enough to handle it's self. The puffer will get to be a big fish, like a basketball.

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male uk
Do you not think that Tangs would be ok, even if added last to the aquarium? I know the puffer will get big, but should be ok in the size tank.

I believe they hatch at about 5 - 6", If i were to get a small Lion (4", I don’t think the Eel or Lion would bother the shark once hatched.

Is it wise for the shark egg to be the first thing in the Aquarium, as the water quality wont be optimum, ideally I'd like to put the Lion and Moray in first, leave it until water is fully cycled then add the shark egg, then add other fish after its hatched.

I understand it takes about 4 months too hatch, will the egg be left alone o could it be harassed picked at?

Thanks rob
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tangs can get aggressive, and I'm not real sure about the ones you have listed. I don't think the lion will eat teh shark once hatched if it's that size. But the eel might see it as an easy lunch, I would watch out for this.

Your bigest problem will be a clean up crew. The puffer will eat any snails and most hermits, and the eel will eat any shrimp. The only one I see not gettign eaten is a coral banded shrimp, and it will have to be a large one. My zebra has not bothered my CBS. If you keep the eel well fead at the time of hatching, the shark may be OK.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male uk
ok then, maybe i'll ditch the tangs, how about a Harlequin Tusk or something like that and maybe a grouper aswell? just want something that swims constantly. Think thats a better idea!

i think i will get the smallest eel possible to reduce the risk of him attacking anything, the zebras are known to be very docile however.

Yes, the clean up crew is my worry too, i think the shark may make short work of any shrimps, and snails etc are out of the question. anyone had experience with a real fish only tank (ie. no cleaners whatsoever) what was the algae like?

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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ive had a fish only tank for nearly a year, it had no snails or crabs, only fish and LR, my tank was a mess i had alot of algea on my glass and LR,my sand was covered in detiorated foods and other crap it looked nasty.

Then i got some snails and a hermit and they cleaned it all up.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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The smallest eel will be a snowflake. I have a zebra and it's really very docile. The clown swims right up to it when feedign and tries to tak ethe food from it's mouth. And it's about 2 feet right now.

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I'm not so sure that the shark is such a good idea due to your tanks dimensions. You have plenty of water to house the shark, just not enough length. I once looked into getting a shark in my 210 gallon before I decided to go with fresh water and only do saltwater in my 55. I was told that my 210 wasn't long enough to keep the bamboo shark because they need a tank that is at least 2 times the length of an adult which would be about an 8' tank. Most websites have the bamboo listed as only getting about 2.5' but 4' is more accurate. Just thought I'd share past experience before you made a key decision.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male uk
To be honest I'm thinking of scrapping the Shark idea, I think I'll leave it till I have a larger tank for a shark and a couple of Rays or something (one day!!) then I can dedicate the tank dynamics to them.

Not sure what to have instead, maybe try a couple of the larger Angel fish and the a Tang or two, will try to add them last to the aquarium to minimise aggression. Any suggestions of suitable fish?? I'd love a Clown Tang and I think a Regal Tang, as well as an Emperor Angel.

I also think I will go for a Zebra Moray, and put him and the Lion in first.

Hmm, now I've gotta think how to aquascape it!!

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think that it's probably a good idea to pass on the shark even though it's hard to do becuase they are so cool. As far as other tankmates go, have you considered a Clown Trigger? They are aggressive but should be ok with the tankmates you listed, especially if you add it last. Or what about my personal favorite the Cow Fish?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Clown Triggers are often not compatiable with any fish. You should stay away from triggers in general if you want other fish. They have a tendancy to kill everything.

I'd also stay away from a Cowfish unless you want it to be your only fish. I'd be hesitat to keep anything with it due to its toxin.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Mikey, Cowfish will only emit the toxin if they are heavily attacked or dying. If you see that the cowfish is sick and on its way to death than you simply remove it. Also, triggers will not kill everything in the tank. I have a Huma trigger in a 55 with a Marine Betta and a Coral Beauty and some small Damsels and he leaves everyone alone. Clown Triggers can be quite aggressive but given the tankmates that he listed and the tank size their wouldn't be much of a problem. Most sites will list that a clown trigger will get 2 feet in length. I've never seen one in a home aquarium over 15 inches. If you decide that a Clown is too big/ too aggressive for you than you can also look into the Humas and the Bursas and the Nigers, all of which would be good choices. Overall Triggers are awesome fish with about the best personality you can find in a saltwater fish.
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Keeping a Cowfish with aggressive fish simply makes it more likely that the fish will become stressed, and release its toxin. Its a fish better suited for a tank for itself. More stress free which means its less likely to expell its toxic goodness.

Also, Triggers and Lionfish make pretty bad tankmates. So for that reason alone the trigger should be left out if he plans on having a Lionfish.

Last edited by lil_mikey69 at 06-Jan-2005 13:08
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yep, a trigger will take down a lion real fast.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male uk
Yeah, thanks for the replies, i would really like a Trigger, had my eye on a Picasso or Niger. The Niger is considered one of the less aggressive Triggers (if there is such a thing) but after some research i ruled them out of my fish list as they can be very nippy and a bit Jekyll and Hyde!!

I think for now, i will get the Zebra Moray Eel, Volitan Lion, Harlequin Tusk and go from there. I would like to try a Regal Tang as they are less aggresive than most Surgeonfishes, and would also love an Emperor, if i see any aggresiveness i can remove the culprit.

Thanks Rob
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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