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  L# Saltwater Change????
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SubscribeSaltwater Change????
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Registered: 23-Jun-2005
female usa
I know this may be a stupid question but I have never nor do I now have a saltwater tank I am a freshwater kind of girl; however, my friend and I are watching a saltwater tank for the next month and the owner wants us to do a saltwater change tomorrow and we have no idea how to do this... we are unable to reach the owner and ask... can someone help us with an explaination, we are rather intelligent and have good insticts when it comes to fish but are a little lost right now.. thanks!!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 02-Apr-2005
male usa
How big is the tank?
You will need a large bucket, (i use a 15 gal. rubbermaid) and than you will need a powerhead or airstone and a heater to match the temp of the tank. Take a specific gravity reading with a hydrometer of the tank. Then mix the salt in the bucket according to the salt mix. let it sit for 24 hr. or so and take a reading on it, it should match the tank, if not you need to add salt or water to reach the same reading as the tank. When its right on the money, remove the water from the tank, and add the new.
Good luck i hope this sums it up a bit.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
First, make sure you top off the tank with fresh water. Once topped off you will remove water from the tank, perhaps 5%. Then replace that water with SW mix that you made ahaid of time. It should be well mixed and at the same temp. The gravity should also be the same. Many mixes are 1/2 cup of salt to 1 gal of water, but read instructions to make sure.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
I think that was a pretty good sum up.

Did he say how much of a water change he wanted you to do?

Depending on how heavily stocked the tank is, I'd probably say do a 15%.

I keep new saltwater mixed all the time, that way it's always heated, dechlorinated, correct SG, etc.

I make mine basically the same way. I've got two rubbermaid tubs within the 20-30 gallon range that I like mixing in. If possible, use RO/DI water if you've got that available to you. Make sure you know how many gallons you put in, so you know how much salt to add. Depending on what kind of sea salt you have, you'll have to somehow measure out the right amount to add. Put a powerhead and heater (set to the same temp as main display) into the tub, and mix away!

You prolly should let the new water mix and aerate and heat for 24 hours, a little less probably wont kill anything but I dont know what this tank is stocked with, so for now I'd say wait. When you're ready to do the water exchange, siphon out a little less than the amount of new water you made into empty buckets or the sink (if you have a Python) or outside or wherever. Then siphon or pump the new water back in, careful not to disturb anything in the tank.

I think that's basically it, I hope I didn't forget anything, other than be careful to monitor the salinity and temperature (and pH) of the new water compared to the display tanks water before you go adding. They need to match up. If you aren't sure on how to do this, please post again.

HTH a bit...Good luck! It'd be helpful too if you told us a little more about this tank.


-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 18-Feb-2003
male usa
I agree that 15% is a good amount. But seeing that this is the first one they are doing, I felt 5% was a much safer amount. If there is an error, it will not effect the tank as much. IMO doing 3 5% water changes is safer then 1 15% change.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:41Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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