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SubscribeWhite Spot?
Week End
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-May-2004
male australia
My Blue Tang seems to have white spot. But not visible at all the times. What I mean is...just say I look at my fish tank about 10 times a day. Out of the 10 only about 3 times I can see clear white spots on him, then 2 times with a fading white discolouration on the same positiion of the spots (I think...) and then the rest I see him normal.

Is he really infected? Necessary for me place him in Q-tank for medication?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
It could be sand, or changes in the coloration. Or it could be ick. Keep a close eye on it. Make sure it's eating and well feed. Try to keep it as stress free as possible.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
Big Fish
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male australia
I am quite sure that is it not "stuff" sticking on him which looks like ick, when I compare to pictures in books which got fish with ick..I had no choice but to agree my fish showed the symptom

But it's just weird that it only shows up some times.... he's still eating well and active, and I have been doing more water changes hoping to boost the water quality
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
How long has your tank been running? And what are your water peramiters.


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Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
How big is the tank?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-May-2004
male australia
150x45x55 (cm), just below a 100 gal I think

been running for 8 months (that's excluding cycling) or so...but the fish was in there for 6 to 7 months already...(I know should add him later than that...but mm...he was on special, couldn't resist...)

sg 1.022
temp. 24 degrees C
NH4 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 40ppm (not sure on this honestly, I have done few water chages but haven't tested it)

A marine aquarium shop owner had talked to me about it, he saids that it is a seasonal thing from his own experience. In Aust. here is turning winter, and if we do water changes without considering the difference in water temp., the chill from the new water is enough the shock the fish and gets ick. Especailly for tangs which all of them have very fine scales which made the ick extra easy to get on them. And exceptionally easy on guys like blue tang, powder blue and achilles while others like yellow's, lipstick are better to cope with that.

What do you guys think?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
we do water changes without considering the difference in water temp., the chill from the new water is enough the shock the fish and gets ick.

You don't match the water temps when your doing water changes? Yikes. You really should have the water within a degree or two of each other when you make a change.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
Have you made any changes to your tank that woudl have caused stress. Such as addign a new fish, or soem major change of the rock work, etc.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-May-2004
male australia
I did match the temp. but of course not 100% accurate everytime, quite sure its within 2 degrees

I did do some rock moving because I was trying to find a fire goby which I haven't seen for like 2 weeks
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
The moving of teh rock work might have been enough stress to kick off a small outbreak of ick. Just try to keep things stress free for a while and it should fight it off on it's own.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-May-2004
male australia
As you said, the spots disappeared completely. I don't see any spots for over 2 days now...hope that it is really cured.

just ask another qz on medicating here. What is the reason why UV has to go off during medication?

And for copper treatment, most brands specify the skimmer to be off and leave a certain copper concentration for like 14days (means no water change?) By doing this won't the water quality itself goes down significantly? Hence worsen the situation?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
Not sure about turning off UV treatment, but I know you need to remove activated charchol.

You can do water changes when using copper, you just need to keep the levels in a tight window. You should also not use copper in your main tank. It will get in to your live rock, sand, silicone, etc. It will also kill most inverts.


Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Week End
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-May-2004
male australia
I see...ok..thanks for all the replies
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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