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Big Fish
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male usa
okay i want to keep some dragonface pipefish and 2 clown fish and a mandarin would they all be okay in a 29 gallon reef aquarium i think this may be to many but i will stock slowly and carefully.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
I would say no to the manderan. They eat a lot of pods and a tank that size will not have enough to keep it alive.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
You can\'t rollerskate in a buffalo herd
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They eat a lot of pods and a tank that size will not have enough to keep it alive.

You could say the same about the dragonface pipefish.. Everything that I've read about that particular fish says that it can be a very delicate tank inhabitant.. Definately not an easy fish to maintain with it's eating habits..

I also wouldn't want to try putting them into a tank with clownfish.. The clownfish aren't the quickest fish in the ocean, but they'll outcompete your pipefish for food easily..

If that's the fish you'd really like to try and keep, you should consider dedicating the tank solely to them.. They're going to be difficult to begin with, so you don't want to make it harder than it needs to be..

Good Luck with it..
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
I agree with Oleta. If you even want to try a pipefish, it really needs to be kept in a species tank. They need low flow, and there cant be any competition for food, becuase they are very slow to get it.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 355
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
male usa
thanks well i guess im setting up a 55 now and i only want clowns and such but noi pipefish thanks
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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