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Who sprinkled salt on my Tang?
Hi - It looks like my Powder blue tang has developed a case of saltwater ich. I have read a few articles on this and some say that it is better to le...
Gatoruk803-Oct-2004 19:07
help with seahorses
OK, I'm thinking of getting ambitious and converting my current 5 gallon hex tank to a seahorse tank. I'm looking at the dwarf seahorse, Hippocamp...
apologeticus902-Oct-2004 01:28
an octopus
anyone know anything about how keep octopus'in aquariums? Last edited by BeastKeeper at 25-Sep-2004 01:46...
BeastKeeper1101-Oct-2004 21:44
Clowns compatibility
I have a fish only with live rock system of 57g, I already have a pair of Maroon Clowns and the female is about 8 cm big. Recently my friend has to go...
Week End1101-Oct-2004 11:30
What ARE these things?
I just noticed that I have.. what look to be... catipillars.. in my salt tank! They're not bristle worms, which I unfortunatly also have... but seem...
xngtmare301-Oct-2004 11:25
Am I doing the proper thing?
As you know i've had a recent ich outbreak. Well things got generally worse and I lost a few. The fish that are left I fished them out last night an...
jkalfsbeck728-Sep-2004 14:15
nurse shark
recently i saw that you could put a nurse shark in a 150usg is this true because i thought they got 10.5 feet?...
BeastKeeper528-Sep-2004 14:09
clownfish and stocking 46g
Darn that movie. My mom insists on having a clownfish. How many should I put in a 46g bowfront? I was thinking of stocking with 50lbs live rock, 1n...
sham126-Sep-2004 00:42
my tank is cycling now what to get?
ok iv got a 25 Uklgallon tank cycling just now and im wondering if i could get this in it? 1. 2x common clowns 2. 1 anenome(maybe) 3. clean up crew 4....
nano reefer124-Sep-2004 18:26
clown fish not lookin to good
well my male clownfish isnt looking to good today he was mainly hanging around the smaller power head today while his female was near the larger one t...
never say die210-Sep-2004 07:28
pH problems
I just started a marine tank a week ago. When I mixed the salt, the pH went up to 8.2, just it should've. However, it started dropping almost immedi...
xxmrbui3blesxx510-Sep-2004 04:07
Are the Hydrometers with the needle really useless?
I was recently at my local sw fish store buying some supplies for the nano tank i am setting up and when i asked him for his reccomendation for a hydr...
steve711909-Sep-2004 18:09
need help as soft coral died now what????
Hi guys, Overnight a new soft coral died(only put in yesterday) and my tank reaks like nothing else on earth, I have removed the coral and used the g...
trace-russ209-Sep-2004 09:23
Some questions...
I just set up my skimmer, and it seems that the foam doesn't even reach the top. Is this okay? I hope this doesn't happen when I start adding more bio...
Shinigami208-Sep-2004 08:36
new tank
Ive just set up a 17 gallon cube 16" all round and ive just started to cycle it i am going to add a couple of peices of LR from my 25 gallon to help i...
never say die308-Sep-2004 08:34
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish--Please Help.
I just saw a great looking Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish today at the fish store. The worker at the store said it was the best looking Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish he...
Gregs Got Fish 129707-Sep-2004 07:56
I want to start a marine tank
Hey everyone. I want to start a marine tank. What I really want is Clown fish, and firefish. What is the absolute minimum tank you can put these g...
victimizati0n1106-Sep-2004 22:49
feeding starfish
I bought a red general star from place for fish,btw!) and it said to feed it often. My question is: How do you feed a starfish...
kruelntenchuns606-Sep-2004 14:52
reidner wrasse?
i was at one of my LFS' today and saw one of these can you tell me any info on one of these?...
never say die205-Sep-2004 08:19
what i believe to be....
when all the fish and living rock in my marine tank were given to me by a lady i used to work with i was told that i also had a lobster. While i have...
tropical_shark304-Sep-2004 18:17
Aggressive Shrimp?
Today was a sad day for one of the new additions to my tank. My new Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp lasted less than 5 hours in my tank. It wasn't prett...
PeaceB2U1103-Sep-2004 22:47
Some Quick Wrasse Questions ...
Some Quick Marine Questions - Wrasses [1] While reading some magazines, I encountered brief mention of a Wrasse called a "Sea Fighter". Does anyone...
Calilasseia603-Sep-2004 17:07
white things
Pages: 1, 2
I have asked this before, but I forget. What are the little white things that look like a cross between barnacles and tube worms? They attack them...
bencoastie2403-Sep-2004 17:00
Scotty strikes again!
Well, my bangaii cardinal has killed two more of my fish (If you'll remember several weeks ago I lost my firefish). There's a reason his name is Scot...
tribblehappy103-Sep-2004 05:34
Looking for New Fish--Please, help.
I'm looking to get a new fish for my 75 gallon FOWLR tank with 70 lbs of Live Rock. The current tank occupants are a Cinnamon Clownfish and a Coral Be...
Gregs Got Fish 1291303-Sep-2004 03:37
What a disaster
Well let this be a lesson to guys who listen to their wives on where to shop for fish. She wanted to try this new place and she found a pink square a...
jkalfsbeck902-Sep-2004 18:18
Live rock
If a frash uncured live rock has been settled in a tank for about 6-7 weeks for which all the cloudiness and odur has disappeared...(let's assu...
Week End402-Sep-2004 02:58
Feeding clown fish
I just got a pair of Maroon Clowns, and they only eat forzen brine & mysis shrimp and not other dry food. Is is okay just to give them the shrimps? I...
Week End502-Sep-2004 02:38
brown n white crab!
just recently found a gorgeous brown and white crab on some of my lr. its about the 1/2 an inch in diameter and its distinctly brown with white bands...
bboyin4lyf031-Aug-2004 11:49
Unhappy shark =(
Just posted this to wetwebmedia for advice, if anyone else can help, pleeeeaasssee do! I've now had a brown banded bamboo shark for nearly 3 months...
worley330-Aug-2004 20:00
Today while doing a weekly water change I noticed something unusual, there seems to be a large (about 4 inches) centipede looking thing in my tank, it...
Special_Ed430-Aug-2004 05:57
Dot Dash Butterflyfish
I saw a small 2 1/2 - 4" Dot Dash Butterflyfish at my lfs last Sunday for $16, and when I went back today it was still there. I don't know much about...
Gregs Got Fish 129329-Aug-2004 20:31
Ordered Some New Fish(Pictures Added)
Well I order a couple fish from Premium Aquatics. I should be getting them on Thursday. First I ordered [link=Male filamentosus Flasher Wrasse]http:...
lil_mikey691529-Aug-2004 09:13
BBZZZZ voltage in the tank :-/
I was a little concerned when my shark stopped eating nearly a week ago (apperently it's not uncommon for them to stop eating for 3-4 weeks) and I've...
worley1128-Aug-2004 13:35
Adding sand
Im adding another la yer to my DSB of aragonite sand and im not sure weather i should was the sand first (Apart from take out large pieces of material)...
Theaustralian428-Aug-2004 12:48
Mini Refugium
Ok i am planning on adding a sort of "mini refugium" to my 55 gallon tank. Is this possible? My idea was to get a aquaclear 500 and add like 4 inches...
FantomFish128-Aug-2004 06:56
What fish are good for a 10 gallon?
I got another 10 gallon and I want to try saltwater fish for the first time. I already have the 10 pounds of crushed coral that are necessary, and I...
xxmrbui3blesxx927-Aug-2004 23:16
Nitrates and nitrites
Ok i am cycling my first sw tank. It is a 55g with 10 lbs of Live rock. I dont know exactly how to cycle the tank though. All i really know is i ne...
FantomFish327-Aug-2004 13:52
Pods Pods The More You Eat.....
Thought this new product may be of intrest to some of you. I just ordered two bottles myself. They are actually living pods in a bottle, supposed to...
lil_mikey69825-Aug-2004 02:17
Spider webs
Some of the LR have these things that looks like spider webs. Can someone tell me what they are? Thanks...
gaviin8825-Aug-2004 00:42
Red Algae
I've gotten a pretty good case of a blanket of red algae covering just about anything that isn't moving too quickly with long strands (from 1 - 4 inch...
MDSalty524-Aug-2004 15:55
New to marine
Hi all, I was thinking about a tank I might want to set up in the future. A marine tank like maybe 29 gallons. Of course im going to master fw first j...
Fishyandrew451424-Aug-2004 03:00
Sailfin Tang compatibility.
Alright I know some tangs are compatible and some are not. And a lot of time it depends on the temperament of the individual fish as much as the bree...
Azizza1522-Aug-2004 18:00
What kind of cycle can i expect?
its a 20H. 20lbs of live sand, 23lbs of live rock. I just put in 2 scarlet hermits. What kind of cycle can i expect with that setup? Should i add a fi...
lunker101922-Aug-2004 05:03
Summertime problems
Ola, I am from the UK & we have been having an unusually warm summer (No sunshine just heat). As such my tank temp has raised to 30D. C. Everything s...
Gatoruk221-Aug-2004 05:23
10g saltwater?
I've been wanting to try salt from the beginning but decided to start with FW and then had no room for another tank. Well my 10g is empty so I was th...
sham520-Aug-2004 15:23
Green Chromis is... Digging, maybe ready to spawn?
One of my 3 blue-green chromis has spent at least the last half hour (and is still at the time of writing) digging in the sand. These fish have alway...
worley620-Aug-2004 02:29
20g setup
Im thinking of converting my 20g to a marine tank. This would be my first salt tank, but i am very experienced with tank-keeping and i have a decent k...
lunker101620-Aug-2004 01:53
Best RO Unit.
I am looking at ordering an RO unit tonight. My choices are the Kent Marine system or the Coralife system. The Kent Marine unit is 10 bucks more. W...
Azizza720-Aug-2004 01:46
Potential size
how can i instruct my students on which fish to look at for a 20 gallon tank? we will have fresh and salt water tanks. thanks...
mrjackson620-Aug-2004 00:10
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