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Subscribe29 Gals...
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
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EditedEdited by BlackNeonFerret
Me again!
I thiink i've already got New Tank Syndrome, and i am considering getting a 29 gal for the living room.

1)What are the footprints?
2)How much (ish) would everything cost
3)How have you all stocked your 29s??? i'll probably go by that, and make up my own stocking nearer the time
(pearl gourami)


(Fish keeping is addictive )

Possibly Asian Themed...
Post InfoPosted 04-Feb-2006 12:17Profile PM Edit Report 
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30"l x 12"w x 18"d

My suggestion, go wiht a 30g. They're 36" x 12" x 16", and offer much more sufrace area for territories, stocking, and aquascaping.

Price depends on the quality of the setup, and where you
live, among many other things. You could get a decent setup for 2-300 bucks.

Post InfoPosted 04-Feb-2006 12:43Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by BlackNeonFerret
Okay. I wanted something around that size. $200-$300, that's about £150 - £250 Next Birthday, Next Fishtank...

Okay, my first two questions awnsered, no what has everyone stocked their 29s/30s with??? (GirlieGirl???)

Thanks Fallout

No wonder i couldn't edit at first, i was clicking on Fallout's by mistake
I live in Hampshire, England
Post InfoPosted 04-Feb-2006 18:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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I got a 29g as a gift 3 years ago, that was my first tank. It's tall, so I've always found it difficult to both stock aquascape. I would personally recommend a 20g long or 30g depending upon what you can afford.

I'm finally happy with my 29g since I re-did it into a Tang community earlier this month. Stock includes L. stappersi, N. gracilis, L. regani, A. calvus.

Attached Image:

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 03:00Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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I also have a 30g. It has black gravel, driftwood, is planted with anubias, and the background is the matte side of aluminum foil.

I have a school of neons, RTBS, BN, kuhli loaches, and a pair of cherry barbs. It's a very nice looking tank IMO.

The pic below was taken a few months ago. Since then the floating plants have been removed, as well as the aponogeton, but it gives an idea of what the tank looks like until I get an updated shot I like.

Attached Image:

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 03:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
I would also suggest getting the 30g if possible. A longer tank is more surface area and that is better for fish. Especially bottom fish (you could have more) IMO.

I do have a 29g I just set up. I bought just the tank (not a kit) and paid $40 for the tank alone. Then I bought all the other stuff. In all I think I spent about $210 for tank, heater, filter, light fixture, glass top, and gravel. Mine is halfway planted and I mostly used cuttings from plants in my other tank.

For fish...I have:
8 neons
4 glowlights (the LFS only had 4)
6 panda cories
1 otto (only had 1)

I plan on having 8 neons, 8 glowlights, (maybe 8 black neons), 10 panda cories, 3 ottos, and maybe some type of gourami. That is pushing it and may be overstocked. I haven't decided on the black neons or a gourami though.
I already had the they were for sure going in my 29g. I just decided to add other fish that were similar to them.

If I had another 29g I would have:
8 harlequin rasboras
8 lemon tetras
10 panda cories
3 ottos
1 opaline gourami

Lots of color from the lemons and harlies, but different color also.

I am actually hoping to set up a 38g soon (I got the tank free). I have already planned on having lemon tetras and harlies in it. Hopefully I can set it up soon!

edit: I would post a picture of my tank now...but it isn't aquascaped yet and looks pretty disorganized.

Oh, I see now you mentioned a pearl gourami. I think if you only had one type of schooling fish, you could have a trio of pearl gouramis as your centerpiece.
Maybe do like 12 Harlequin Rasboras, 3 Pearl Gourmis, and whatever bottom feeder you like. That would be a nice setup.

Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 03:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female uk
EditedEdited by BlackNeonFerret
Thanks for advice guys. I think i can fit a 30 gal in the room ()So I am happy.
I wont be able to set it up for a while (money, uurgh) But when i have enough, a 30 is on it's way!
So, what do you guys think about stocking. I like girlie's idea TRIO of pearl gourami But i know sometimes gourami don't get on. Do not want them ripped to shreads.

I would quite like to do an Asian themed tank, and i DEFINATLY want at least 1 Pearl Gourami.
I am not sure if corries live in Asia, and i already have some in my 15. What about Loaches??? Maybe some Kuhlis or something. And for a main schooling fish, i would rather have one large than a few groups of 6 or 8. So, any comments or suggestions, or a stocking scheme, (thanks girlie!) And maybe something for algea. Do ottos live in Asia????

Thankyou very much in advance.

Edit: From earlier, i've just thought, things tend to be cheaper in America than in England, so it may have to be a 20 long, but i will get the biggest i can afford, so it will HOPEFULLY be a 30. Could someone suggest stocking schemes for both please. And i still want the gourami
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 12:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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I had a 20 long with an Asian theme:

-sparkling gouramis
-Betta coccina
-honey gourami
-harlequin rasboras
-belted barbs
-cherry barbs
-kuhli loaches

I never did get an algae eater, cories and plecs aren't Asian but you don't have to do a 100% correct biotope either

Here are a few links to biotope aquarium information

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 16:29Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have a 29 gallon tank that is doing quite well. Hadf to get rid of my plants tho, due to bad lighting they sorta died off...bummer. Anyways, it houses a lone molly (the last from my molly days) a single blue dwarf gourami (half or the original pair), seven harlequin rasboras (the same that I started the tank with over a year ago), a dwarf pleco (Petey, he's a L186b striped rubbernosed pleco (my fav)) and a pair of yo-yo loaches (plan on obtaining a few more once I can locate them). I had several swords planted in there but due to the poor light they did not fare well.
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 22:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tiger barbs

I'm glad you're going with the larger tank if you can, the added space makes a difference
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 07:27Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 06-Feb-2006 18:22
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female uk
Okay, need to re-write this. Larger tank if i can DEFINITLY.

I'd like to come up with a stocking for BOTH tanks, so i don't have to suddenly drop things i really wanted.

6 Panda Corys
10 Gold Tetras
3 Ottos
1 Dwarf Gourami
(i really like this idea)
30 IDEA. i am torn two ways here. Origionally i wanted to do a super-peaceful community with my beloved gourami, but then i thought about one of the fish i was considering for my 15 before i decided it was too active - tiger barbs, so i would either like to do:

1-Peaceful idea
1 Pearl Gourami
20 Gold Tetras
8 Panda Corys
(anything else??? All of these fish were in a tank at my LFS, and looked GREAT together)

2-Semi-Aggressive idea
6 Tiger Barbs
6 Serpea Tetras
6 Panda Corys
1 Paradise Fish (supposed to be hardy???)
Comments people. I hope you can see by the lists what kind of fishys i like.
Help so far very much appreciated


Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 20:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In my 25 long I have:
6 Tiger barbs
5 mixed danios (2 zebra, 3 leopard)
4 otos
1 kribensis cichlid
There's room for more, but everyone's happy right now.

You would definitely have room for more than this in a 30g. If you're not crazy adout danios, the brilliant rasbora is a gorgeous top level schooler that can keep up with the aggressive fish. The krib is more of a mid-bottom level fish although mine's the first one to the top at feeding time. My SAE thinks he's a barb and they let him school, he's low-man on the totem pole though! He never stays at the bottom level, he's often at the top waiting for chow.

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 01:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by BlackNeonFerret
I am still not sure weather to do peaceful or semi-aggressive, as i love the gold tetras and gourami and pandas, but i also love tiger barbs and serpea tetras.

To give people a better idea of the kind of stuff i like,
YES: Tetras, Corys, Barbs, Gourami, Bettas, SMALL cichlids, Platies, Hatchets, Pencilfish, Dainos, Rasboras, Small Plecs, pictus cats, small loaches, ottos.
NO: Large Cichlids, most livebearers, largem and predatory fish, WCMMs (although they are active they are not that colourful), really big fish, really aggressive fish, not too keen on Cardinal Tetras or Zebra Dainos, but i like any other dainos, aquarium morphs (as in the 1,000,000 colour variations of the rosy barb... )

I'd much rather do a community than a species tank, and i wouldn't mind a less common fish in there...

So for the 20 something like:
10 schooling fish
8 Corys/4 Loaches
1 Centrepiece
3 Ottos

And for the 30:
20 Schooling fish (or 2 groups 10)
10 Corys/ 5 Loaches
1 Larger Centrepiece
5 Ottos


Agressive sort of with lots of tiger barbs

I am doing the 20 or 30.

Thanks for comments, can someone give me a few schemes please????

Thankyou, BNF

And aren't SAEs those evil fish that suck the slime coating off other fish (no offense to your SAE who thinks he is a barb, my platy thinks he is a cory...)
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 18:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female uk
I had a look on the profiles (again) and decided on some possible stocking schemes:
10 Gold Tetras
10 Rosy Tetras
10 Panda Corys
1 Pearl/Moonbeam Gourami
6 Tiger Barbs
10 Harlequin Rasboras
1 Pictus Cat
1/2 Kribs
4 Ottos
20 long:
10 Gold Tetras
8 Panda Corys
3 Ottos
1 Dwarf Gourami
Something like that anyway, that provides colour and activity. Really, i don't know why but i love fish with really long whiskers (like pictus cats, moonbeam gourami, pearl gourami.....)
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 18:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A true SAE is a peaceful fish, a flying fox or a chinese alge eater is not, you have to be sure you get the right kind. I wanted foxes (why?) and got one fox and one SAE, then I gave back the fox and kept the SAE. The SAE is more likely to be badgered by a fox or CAE or a RS than the others.

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 21:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pandas can be kept with tiger barbs, make sure the pandas go in before the barbs and you'll have no aggression issues, esp. if you keep the barbs school above 5. The harlies are like miniature barbs, similar colouring and behaviors although they are a lot less nippy than T-Barbs, they occupy the same space in a tank too, so watch that.

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 21:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just thought I would jump in here since I have a 29 and tell you what's working in my tank. I have:

1 opaline gourami
6 cherry barbs
10 harlequin rasboras
6 platies and their fry (hopefully moving out soon)
1 hillstream loach
1 L-316 or L-318 (not 100% sure) Rio Jari 9dwarf) pleco

My fish are happy as larks and I love them all!

Here's a recent pic: (the platy fry are out of the net breeder now and it looks better than this.... )

Attached Image:

"Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder."
Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 21:48Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I know tiger barbs can be nippy, but i think this tends to be with long, flowing fins, right???

I would quite like a shoal of maybe 10 Tiger Barbs or something (with a few greens in there)

I would also like a SMALL pleco. As in BN size. Except not a BN, as they are kind of scary

I also would like to try a few SMALL cichlids.
I love Kribs, they are very pretty, and look like they could put up with the Tigers pretty well!

I would also like a pictus cat, as i love stuff with wiskers, and i already have some corys in my 15.

SO, something like


10 Tiger Barbs
1 Small Plec (rubbernose???)
2 Kribensis Cichlids
1 Pictus Cat
6 Panda Corys????

1 Moonlight Gouami (longer whiskers than the pearl)
20 Golden Tetras
10 Panda Corys
4 Ottos

6 Panda Corys
10 Golden Tetras
2 Ottos
1 Honey Gourami Male

I am not sure weather to go with Peaceful or Semi-Aggressive. This will be in a home with my 10 year old brother, me and my mum. And my cat who is scared of anything and evrything, with the exeption of fireworks.

Anyway, thanks for help so far.
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 19:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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I think pictus cats get a little big for a 29g. They are cute though.
Why do you think BN's are scary. I think my little guy is the cutest thing. His bristles aren't extremely long...just tiny little things, so he isn't scary.
I would be cautious putting the 2 kribs in there. If you get a pair (1M 1F), they may breed and may be aggressive towards your pandas. And you wouldn't want anything to happen to those cute little things, would you??
Get another opinion first, but I know it is like that with rams...they breed and get aggressive toward other bottom dwellers.
I don't know if there would be any aggression with 2 males or 2 females.

Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 20:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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